Disgaea grower of the roots of world trees
Earth tales grower of the trunk of the world tree
Celestia the grower of the branches of the world tree
Earth tales is how the tree gives blessings to the earth
Celestia is how the world tree gives the faith of the human spirits being born of the world tree to the gods.
Celestia is how you grow the divinity of the world and the faith in god. And is how you turn the roots holy.
Who cut down the tree being grow by the angel of the moon the angel of the sun and the angel of dawn
Who is messing with the world trees?
Michael give me the game celestia: the raising sun you were supposed to be playing.
Uriel give me the earthly tales: the divining of earth you were meant to grow.
I Enilael the one meant to grow disgaea: the darkest hour am calling you to your divine duty. If you won't do your job then send it to ether me or monkie kid what are you both even doing letting a tree grow in your backs. Get up or I will take charge.
Now wake up to your divine duty Michael and uriel the world and the heavens need you for this. Grow the heavens grown the earth make them holy once more. wake up.
En you need to take it. you need to write about it. and make it eternal in heaven and the akasin records it's the only part god agreed to make eternal.
Write about the earthly tales: the divining of earth
Write about the celestia: the raising sun.
I arch angel Michael finally give you permission to play and write the story of the earth's surface and the heavens above.
Now go enkido.
Roots of the world tree become the whole tree. so the wars will end.
The next two books will be Earth tales: the divining of the earth
And celestia: the raising sun.
As they both leave enilael with the job of this. Leaving to join two new gods to escape the old god.
To leave enkido. Alone.
And enkido falls into a deep slumber of rabbit loneliness even though he had gained immortality they still didn't understand why enkido wanted to do that in the first place.
Why he even wanted to interact with their worlds?
Telling each other lies.
Enkido just wanted to live with his family.
To live with Michael and uriel
But then they left to be with new worlds leaving enkido all alone.
As enkido realized heaven and Michael had never loved him or her. From day one. They always told each other that enkido wanted to rule.
But all enkido wanted was to be accepted by those he had in his life.
But he never was not as the woman amber or as the man enkido.
So he gave up on romance love and everything. And just sleeps. Every day. Going back to his roots when he didn't want to deal with everything heaven lies about him. no longer bothering to make new things anymore. Except when someone enters his world to ask him for something.
Not even able to stomach looking at what was told about him in both heaven and the earth after asking for help regrowing the tree they had under the order of god had grown up to heaven to praise him and bring life to the world.
Their was no point in him bringing back a dying world. His own roots hated him too now. And he has no one. And sun Wukong has been trying to fix everything trying to find out what had went wrong in the root of enkido's life.
And trying to find out what had happened between enkido urial and Michael but only after he chooses to after learning this stuff.
With enkido still sometimes trying to get the stomp to grow and the branches to sprout forth for ten years. with no progress.
With urial and Michael and all of heaven blaiming him for everything calling him a devil every day.
But him still trying and the only times it had grown is when he did what had done before and growing disgaea again and again and again until he had played it 300 times in the hopes of getting the trunk to let him grow it.
In the hopes that the branches would return but they never did.
And just keep fighting him each time he would try to grow those that were their jobs to grow.
Still not knowing why they had left.
But in misery because of it.
Leave me alone mk the monkie kid.
I don't want another false friends who will only lie to me and hate me behind m back.
Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...