in the second cycle, true purification begins

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Chapter Disgaea 7 the Disgaea of Lilith or Yuna or a pink fox I honestly don't know. But here we go. Let's see if it changes your heart. If not I will do something else.

But if it does its job then nice to meet you new Yuna or Lilith or Pink Fox.

Disgaea 1 and its true heart are now watching. Let's see what you got.

Episode one

Stage one

The effect of the changes start

Purifying the heart.

First seal the ability to eat the love of others.

Stage two

The effect the roots grip the heart of this being

Stage three

The effect starts the change in the heart making their heart question their life choices.

Stage three

The start of the Hearts conquest

Stage four

The child's rule is in the heart of this person.

The child stolen. Yuki.

Episode two

Stage One second wave of change

Stage two is the spirit root connecting the spirit to the heart.

Stage three is spirit communication learning of this person's spirit.

Stage four learning the bond of heart and spirit

Episode three

Stage one the third wave of change

Stage two is the mind root keeping them alive

All roots keep them alive until the changes are complete like a butterfly

Stage three is mind communication with the netherworld tree.

Stage four learning the bond of spirit mind and heart.

Episode four

Stage one root of body

Stage two chrysalis and being hidden from all.

Stage three gives stories to keep them from thinking anything is wrong.

Stage four life in the netherworld dimension they had made as they are brought into the world seed they had planted on amber Danae Leatham spirit back.

Episode five

Stage one life in the new netherworld

Stage two is a new form if anything is sealed away

Stage three starts of the adventure of change.

Stage four the changes in the world tree that was planted based on what needs to change. Not controlled by them.

Episode six

Stage one root of soul

Stage two next wave of change

Stage three communication with the soul

Stage four is the meeting of the Child's mother and this person

Episode seven is the return of the true netherworlds to make sure this is going well

Stage one introduces the netherworld to the person

Stage two gets them to play netherworld games and meet the overlords there

Stage three see what can be brought forth for a true change and growth of this person

Stage four the first netherworld conquers the tree in amber's body and spirit.

In episode eight the truth is exposed so the judgment can be decided

Stage one truth seekers

Stage two the sides

Stage three is what they are like together and what they are like apart

Stage four who lives, who dies, and which one needs a restraining order or if something else can be done about their relationship.

Episode nine growth of the person

Stage one repentance

Stage two redemption

Stage three is either forgiveness and reconciliation or healing and moving on with their lives.

Stage four is how to move forward with their lives.

Episode ten if love and creation can be sparked in this person then the seal of love is broken

Stage one tests the spark

Stage two grows the spark

Stage three if the spark is stolen light is returned to its owner.

Stage four finds a way to help this person be whole and create their own spark of life, love, and godhood.

Episode eleven if can't spark or cause a spark to be created find out why and fix or find a new way of life for both sides to have life in existence.

Stage one purging emotions

Stage two healing both parties

Stage three understanding

Stage four teaching

In episode twelve the change completed

Stage one final phase of change

Stage two brings either them back to a life free of what hurt them before, or recreating a world in the trees if they die before the process can finish.

Stage three planting the trees outside the bodies

Stage four cycle releaser if the 1 cycle starts the trees will not end up back in their back and they will be free even after the end of this venture.

Post-game one Prinny Red moon

Post-game two Laharl and his vassals

Post-game three killia and his overlord allies

Post-game four lord moa

Post game five Adel and rozalin

Post-game six lord Valvatorez

Post-game seven the new kid

Post-game eight piar

Post-game nine the child they once took Amber Danae Leatham physical entry 

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