Chapter three humans of the netherworlds 2
The female clerics were at one point the only elves in the netherworlds. But over time all the children of the netherworlds became Halflings or halve elves. All other classes used to have human shaped ears but over the eons the elf or aesir blood became more prominent in those of the nether worlds.
And the archers are descendents of the asgardians those who once fought the aesir those who are of the forests. With the asgardians being the gods of war. The archers being the last of those born of odin. But they are working on bringing the tree yggdrasil back to life.
The male clerics were once humans that worshiped the god that was the father of Lucifer. At one time they had worked closely with this god. But at one point things had changed.
The warriors both male and female were both children of the human side of klonoa without any of the animal aspects and the male and female aspects of klonoa.
The male and female martial artist are born of the monkie aspect of klonoa. And are compatible with sun wukong and the six-eared macaque the later forms of the martial artist class are children of sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque. With lolo who used to be one of the first two priestesses of klonoa. The monkie priestess and the snake priestess.
Lolo and vayla though at one point vayla wanted lolo to not feel lonely anymore and had become an ape. As they became descendents of those who could mate with humans they started to show their tails less and less even though most of the martial artist still have their tails.
Thief this was just a random human that had snuck into the castle at one point in time. and ended up staying at the request of amber danae Leatham because she wanted to become an escape artist to escape anytime she would get kidnapped. So laharl let her keep them as a teacher. Or servant. She then escaped the netherworlds and hell a total of 300,294. And from other humans at least 300,291 times.
Striders were found in a cave on the moon. Amber danae Leatham had visited there with etna through a dimensional gate to see if the moon was made of cheese. It turned out it wasn't. amber had bitten a rock and her baby tooth fell out only one of them though. When going to get her tooth back amber had saw some people in the cave. These people were descendents of Orion. The man made from a gun and a human hunter's hair who had been able to catch a klonoa.
The ninja and ronin were brought over from japan because a child really like the shows from japan. So one of the demons had brought them to the netherworld hiring them to look after the child. They have had many descendants ever since. A deal had been made with an omnioji once to have the children of the netherworld wed those of japan after this had happened because japan wanted the people of their world to be strong enough to protect themselves from the netherworlds in case they ever invaded. And since the netherworld wanted ronin and ninjas they agreed and they would also happily have some people train those they had as descendents to the netherworlds.
I have no idea were the rune knight came from. I just know we met one in the netherworlds and some of my kids feel in love with the idea of being able to use a sword and magic. So I just let those who wanted to become rune knights to do so. I think they are the only class I didn't have a hand in making.
Edf solders are androids made by the edf and kurtis.
Celestial host made from a feather of a klonoan the feather of an arch angel and the feather of one bird of any type and the classes hairs of archer, healer, and rune knight all at level 100 to see if coming from a stronger being made a stronger being from training. And it does carry over in the netherworlds.
Majin the hair of baldr, then the hairs of the classes, male warrior, male martial artist, ninja, thief, and strider all at level 200. They were baldr's idea back when the world tree still was growing and he was the only norse god dead. If he would just help me heal the tree by becoming a healer and then celestial host and an angel lord then becoming the majin he always wanted to be he would have the power to heal the world tree especial if he became some of the classes I have that are eternal like the eternal fist then we can revive the norse tree yggdrisal put an eternal hair in the trunk use a transmogrification spell. To heal the stupid tree. but no he and all the other keep choosing yuna who had cut the tree down in the first place. And they keep killing me when all I want to do is keep my stupid oath to save yggdrisal when the time came I'm sorry the tree was beyond my healing ability on my own and I tried to train healer that could heal dead trees then tried to make them strong enough to save the life of a single stupid world tree. and that the forces of evil took that to mean I was abusing them. And that others thought I was playing with the lives of other people. And that even more people thought I was trying to build a land of torture and that others thought I was just evil incarnate even though I was trying to save a stupid trees universe. So that I could have a world that I would never have to remake. And now all those timelines are gone. And no one not ever baldr will work with me to save one stupid tree. and family.
And now I just hate everyone who tries to keep me from healing people. And who just want destruction. When will you let me do my jobs Lilith Morningstar.
First you keep me from giving your own children the food god told me to give them 7,000,000 to the strong and 7,000,000,000 to the weak is how much food god told me to make for humanity in the stupid garden of edan.
And then I was told to make them homes and farms.
And then I was told to choose ether to save the world or destroy the world I choose to save it but it got destroyed anyway.
That does it. god I don't care if you like yuna or rhok'zan your being an idiot again. Go fuck yourself if your helping evil thinking it is good just because it is eating everything good in the universe. Go get destroyed you idiots.
Yuna is a spoiled brat and you all said you didn't want me and her in the same universe anymore so why is she still on my back. Trying to eat my heart and the world you all were trying to leave me in. you bastards.
Leave me amber danae Leatham the fuck alone unless you really want the truth and for me to not die. Because yuna as rhok'zan is still trying to kill me and my world despite not being aloud to see me anymore. This divine restraining order didn't work so all you fucker can go destroy yourself as ordered by the true kingdom key you bastards. Especially you rhok'zan you bitch.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...