up. Heaven.
Rhok'zan cycle 10
Episode one rhok'zan's death
Killed the ginko tree three times china died three times she lied to you, and now she gets executed.
Stage One rhok'zan's roots are cut out of everyones bodies using magic as the hosts humans and gods are healed.
Stage two the roots are cut out of gaia and the earth. And gaia is executed for killing the tree of life.
Stage three the trunks are burned with holy fire and the true sahadi fire.
Stage four amber was right we were wrong I Wukong should never have sided with the tree that had killed Buddha.
Stage five the rebirth of Buddha on the mortal plain due to his death in nirvana.
Episode two burns the roots of rhok'zan with the true sahamadi fire and destroys the evil tree for eternity. And killing Mara who had made the evil tree.
Stage one finding mara.
Stage two isolating mara
Stage three is finding a way to kill mara
Stage four killing mara's eternal evil and eternal spirit and every part of mara before she can destroy the world through the child Amber Danae leathams power anymore.
Stage five executing Hara. Mara's source goddess.
Stage six Executing the gods of Greece for making the calamities and disasters and sacrificing hope to one of their stupid calamities known as dispear.
Stage seven the execution of the calamities themselves except for Hope who was made to give humans a fighting chance against the evils the gods had let loose through pandoras box.
Episode three The World without the Netherworld.
Sealing the seed and gem of the netherworlds away with the power of hope, life, harvest moon, serenity, clarity, tranquility, peace, and the ginko tree.
Stage one removing the red seed.
Stage two removing the black seed.
Stage three placing the red seed somewhere safe and purifying it.
Stage four placing the black seed in eternal fire.
Stage five uses all elements and powers to either destroy the black seed or seal the black seed until we find a way to destroy it. and making it so it can't grow or reproduce.
Stage six the purifying light of the moon is used in sealing and burning it away as a hallowed moonlight destroying the evil in the wicked tree that fails to do anything and is also a written enemy so its story ends permanently by making everyone forget it if it is a story.
If it is a physical entity then everything in life and death will destroy the evil tree rhok'zan and will be incapable of mistaking a holy tree for the wicked one.
Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...