Celestia: the raising sun
The first chapter those who rule in celestia.
The emperor of heaven
The leaders of each heavenly jurisdiction.
And the general of heaven armies.
And those specifically in charge of the world trees branches itself that life with the branches of the tree.
The daginae first order.
The seraphs the second order.
Until the first daginae's evolution and ascension the seraphs rule the branches of the world tree.
The daginae listen to the prayers of the world.
And the seraphs are those who listen for the orders of heaven and how the tree and the earth will be grown.
The protectors of the celestial realms are two pair winged or four winged beings that protect the world tree and who work for heavens armies.
They take the form of birds when near someone who means to do harm to the tree. when someone is willing to aid the tree they show up as humans or the animal you feel safest with to speak with you for aid.
When you are a protector of the tree the other protectors see all form you turn into when you are around the others. And you can communicate to the other arch angels.
Those who seek favor from the world tree or the angels will see them in the way they have met heavenly beings.
Those who see their true form is akin to the god who made them. And are born of him. or your Wukong who can see the true form of many beings.
They answer to the seraph and the daginae. Who give orders from heaven.
We can be called on by heavenly beings but only when they know use by name which we give in introduction to those of heaven. If we can tell your of heaven. If you are not of heaven we give you our mortal name. and if you are a demon we give you a joke place holder name.
Angels are the massager of celestia and will be giving the messages from those who need to speak to the archangels. And give the messages of the seraph to the other ranks of angel. And the orders of the daginae to the seraph. We are even willing to be massagers of those in heaven. We will need to learn the tongue of china first since we started in a land that spoke mostly English. But once we have learned all your customs of the china lands we will gladly work with you in heaven and the mortal plain please give patient as we learn from your teachers.
And the last rank angel trainee the angel trainees are birds that wish to become like the angels.
Those who seek this are given this chance because the goddess who made this tree and its place in this world had met a dove that fell in love with her son the seraph lamington. And this bird was loved by the mother. and they made a way for being born as birds to becomes celestial host. If they complete a task of the seraph then they can become full angels.
As for humans none have asked for it yet so we will have to ask the daginae, seraph and the goddess who made this place. I am answering a prayer that someone had asked about in one of Wukong temples.
The angels of the celestia do have human forms so it should work out. And we will work with them on this. We can't wait to welcome the first one. If your own nations heaven agrees first of course. Maybe in your next reincarnation is what I think they will say but I am an angel not a prophet.
We hope you have a magnificent night and day when you wake.
Sweet dreams humans and all who live on the mortal plain.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Aventuradisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...