record for heaven and god and anyone else who wants to read it.

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Chapter rhok'zan cycle 8

Episode one finding all of amber danae Leathams body parts.

Stage one find the spirit klonoa or no name

Stage two find the heart amaroc or kagura

Stage three find the mind enkido or amber from rune fatory or in pokemon world.

Stage four find the true body enkido or the man from china.

Stage five get all parts of amber danae Leatham killed by sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque.

Episode two get her into heaven with the rest of her world and trees.

Stage one have Lucifer ask were amber danae Leatham goes

Stage two tell god about her ally alistor have god find her

Stage three get the world that is made by amber danae leathams heart and her world trees into heaven

Stage four try to get god to believe she wants to rule heaven by having rhok'zan a evil branch grafted onto the netherworld tree to shout out yes I finally get to conquer heaven.

Stage five each time amber danae Leatham tries to explain the truth verbally have someone in heaven say it is all lies. So god won't hear her out about the truth of the netherworld tree.

Episode three amber danae Leatham writes the truth about the netherworld tree.

Stage one the sap is black and bitter in hell like chocolate. Or becomes as sweet as molasses.

Stage two the sap of the netherworld tree when in the world of good and evil like what the earth and gaia are the sap turns amber or honey in color. Transmuting the sap into something the purifies demon when the eat it on the earth.

Stage three when in a world without sin that has been purified it turn a brighter amber and yellow. Meaning there is no more evil in the land and soil.

Stage four when the netherworld are in heaven the holiest of places the sap turns golden grows out of the branches and becomes little golden candies.

Stage five the misunderstanding of the netherworld tree explained. They thought the netherworld tree spread corruption. But it cleans corruption and make the land holy a lot like hallowing the soil below.

The war stuff is the spectral manifestation of the netherworld purification processes. No wars can be started in heaven with the netherworld tree unless it is brought from hell then a war last for until its sap turns amber in color and is completely gone once it turns golden.

The trees from the earth or gaia turn from amber to golden in a few hours.

Episode four rhok'zan and her influence over the tree truth told by amber danae Leatham

Stage one a warning to god. The tree drained the power of arch angel Michael from the netherworld tree which is a tree he was once in charge of growing.

Stage two second warning the tree known as rhok'zan can drain holy energy and can control demon minds.

Stage three god through rhok'zan and charley back down to hell.

Stage four finds all of rhok'zan's roots inside of the netherworld tree and every piece of her and through her back to hell.

Stage five rhok'zan starves and the cycle of rhok'zan ends.

Last stage charley is found by Lucifer and is planted in hell and dragged the spirits of dead or second dead demons out of the ground to be purified the way she learned to do in the netherworlds even if she is no longer connected to it.

The evil in the netherworld trees is no more and the wars are done.

Most of the trees had a nightmare of killing god and hating themselves though. After angel bullied them in heaven because they didn't understand how the netherworld works.

The netherworlds are the internal conflict inside of amber danae Leatham every time she is called a demon a root grows below as she hides the efforts of her trying to purify herself to make sure she would never do any evil. By getting it out of her system.

Earth tales are everything in her heart she wishes she could do for the earth gaia and humanity.

Celestia is her bond with heaven turned into blessings. How ever the seraph was her creating a dove with six wings from her love because she wanted a dove with six wings and she wanted it because she was in heaven once and thought a dove with six wing the way a seraphim had six wings would be cute but wanted only two eyes for it and had asked god what the seraphim was called. And god called him a seraphim. And then the child asked what does seraphim mean. Six-wings with many eyes god said.

What part is the six winged part?

Seraph god said.

Amber said so im means many eyes?

God nodded then she said if I made something with six wings but that only has two eyes like a human would it just be a seraph?

God nodded and asked did you make something like that and the child showed god the seraph dove. When the world tree was made it was also the home of the seraph dove lamington.

At some point it started taking on a more human form though.

And that is a history lessen of before the netherworld were the roots down in the earth if they are back in heaven then it will be like what it was when Michael helped with the tree. even if he of his own freedom choose not to. Or if he choose to again I don't mind ether way. Just not someone who would have been an executioner or exorcist they would spark a war with the tree calling it evil and I would probably end up depressed and trying to kill angels which I don't want to do.

And won't do until I break internally.

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