Chapter Disgaea 2 d2 the rebirth of the overlord's daughter.
Chapter one xipe-totec the envious gods death
Stage one xipe-totec was cut down with the nine cuts when attacking a young amber danae Leatham or a young enkido. Which killed him in an instant.
The being of isolation xipe-totec is dead eternally.
Stage two a new goddess of the east is born rozalin the overlord's daughter comes back to life.
Stage three adell is possessed by the ghost of xipe-totec.
Stage four in one timeline xipe-totec killed an angel of god. As such the blade that kills fallen gods the ragnaroc blade cuts them down. And the true name of xipe-totec is revealed. Lilith had been turned into a man. Killed and skinned for trying to kill one of God's angels by Michael himself. Under the order of god. And Lilith became xipe-totec and had tricked the Mexicans into believing her. As she stole rozaline away from Zenon who is enkido.
Episode two the end of Lilith and xipe-totec
Stage one the nine cuts fueled by the power that had crafted the ragnaroc blade destroyed Lilith and xipe-totec in the past making a new root and trunk and branch grow from the netherworld tree. one ruled by enkido.
Stage two rhok'zan was removed from the netherworld tree and every tree in the garden.
Stage three a world seed made just to create someone or something to destroy Lilith and xipe-totec in every realm they had won was made. Anytime those two claimed victory they were killed in an instant by a black lion.
Stage four the rebirth of the netherworlds and the fall of it false goddess that had stolen amber danae leathams name but was Shato who was in a past life Lilith. The one the black lion now hunts in silence.
Episode three the tree of serenity and harvest moon
Stage one fights off the force of Yuna, Lilith, and shato from the world trees.
Stage two the angels and demons in charge of removing false branches that are Lilith tree and not the true serenity and harvest moon trees.
Stage three the seal from writing any timeline version of Lilith, anna, shato, yuna, and every version of them. They are now incapable of affecting the tower of story or the world through their writings the parts of the story they messed with will be destroyed by historians capable of telling when a lie has been written. Or when someone tries to write their own life into being better through manipulation.
Stage four the writing of the truth so the world trees grow in honesty. And when ever written it can be destroyed only they the true amber danae Leatham writing something that rids the world of those evils.
Stage five every time a player of the tower chooses to fight or kill Yuna, lilth, or shato the story of the tower will progress. From any point in the past. As a representation of every reincarnation, they had tried to kill Amber Danae Leatham or enkido in.
Stage six the truth of how many times Lilith and the other lifetimes of her lost to Amber Danae Leatham and those who work for the side of good.
Stage seven the reveal of how many lifetimes Lilith had harmed heaven, the earth, and hell. In each reincarnation the truth so others can't be tricked by her anymore.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...