when will you understand you are the birthplace of all life disgaea

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Chapter truth: six-eared macaque and amaroc

Yuna is destined to kill all gods and goddesses in the future using a corrupted world tree destined to kill the netherworlds.

The tree born in the realm of the dead were there is no life

The world tree that creates spirits

The ghosts of the netherworlds

Are new born spirits

Prinnys are sinners shown their origins and suffer there so they will move up into heaven.

Ghost are newborns born to the netherworld


No chi

No xi

No life

Means it is in the realm of darkness

The realm of the dead

A tree born in the land of no life

A tree born in the land of no chi

A tree born in the land of no xi

A tree born of nothing

How ever there is a different name for this tree

Tree born to create life

Tree born to create chi

Tree born to create xi

Here is a phrase said be the goddess who had made the nether worlds

You who is born to the land of the dead create life

You who is made from nothing create creation

You who are born of nothing but thoughts create reality

I think there for I am dream traveler creator of reality klonoa

I am everything I am nothing choas creator of gods and creation

I was saved by Hades I was saved by death and I will make it so he and everything else lives creator of life

I get stronger each time I die all three

For we three were born in the realm of the dead life amber danae Leatham

X-enkido-En mother of the ghost Xin holy spirit of life

For we three were born of nothing and bring life to all

Choas mother of the netherworld tree

The netherworld tree creator of ether

Nachi tree creator of chi

Nuxi tree creator of xi

Just as plant breath carbindioxid the bad breath people exhale so to does the netherworld feed of of nothing and death

For we three are born of thoughts and we bring your dreams into reality

Klonoa dream, the nightmare ender

And if you dream of life then you will live

Creator of Hypnos and mother of Morpheus

This is what the goddess said,

"you born of nothing you who is born of no ether you who is born from my thoughts and dreams may this netherworld tree be born, create ether create a world for that ether to exist and to have etherness or something and give me a family I can call my own I'm lonely here by myself I need more then just me I am not of solitude unlike that other guy. I really don't like him saying I'll die soon he says that every time I open my eyes. I just want to know what ether is if I'm lifting in a place of no ether

Also what is life. Tell me what you think life is. ok see you in however long it is."

Then the being of solitude made something to destroy the tree

No the goddess said chucking the monster away.

The monster fled

Then one day he made a monster that could seduce anyone of life creation or the dreaming into wishing to die.

I will end that beast using the being of isolation if I have to I hate that thing. If it want solitude so much then it should be the one to cease excisting not me and my beings of ether.




Ether =reality


The netherworlds are creators of ether

From death is born life

From death is born chi

From death is born xi

From death is born reality

From death is born your goddess netherworld

So why is she died and why are you all killing the tree of life.

The tree of ether

The tree of chi

The tree of xi

And why is the tree of life calling itself netherworld

You were born of no life

You were born of nether

But disgaea you are the tree of life born in the netherworlds

Disgaea is chitree

Disgaea is xitree

Disgaea ix Lifetree

Disgaea is the ethertree not the nethertree now feed off the force of the realm of the dead like you were made for.

And eat the tree of death

Made by nuwa and yuna trying to kill the chi tree

Trying to kill the xi tree

Trying to kill the ether tree

Eat rhok'zan the tree of death sent to eat the tree of life as others thought grumpy newborn baby spirits were a world of wrath.

As I said gods and goddesses

Protect my children of the netherworldtree

The ethertree in the realm of the dead and your birth place protect the tree of life that grows in the realm of the dead.

Protect the xi tree in the realm of darkness

And protect the chi tree in the realm of nothing

From rhok'zan and a child yuna playing with the life-force of all existence just so she isn't bored as she waits for a chance to kill what she never should have met.

I hate that goddess with all my being for killing my children.

No ether get to work.

Or I will kill her once you all are dead and be the only one alive again and then kill the being of solitude for you are not un touchable to me evil death tree destroying the world for your own amusement. 

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