we need a Disgaea that drags her out of computers.

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Chapter 1: A Truth About This written by Sun Wukong

First off this weeping one is a robot made by Amber Danae Leatham to cry at all of you until you all leave them alone.

When you get too close to the truth they pop up to trick you into thinking they are still thinking about the past.

She got the idea from wanting to give someone something they wanted.

Which was she crying?

She recorded herself crying to send to people back when she had suicidal tendencies.

She doesn't have those anymore.

And second I only won against the bone demon when Amber Danae Leatham sided with me. And was no longer scared of losing her family.

Sigh look she kind of made an entire world for themselves to live in.

And ran away

Apparently she did that once when she ran from the Greeks.

There is the first planet Gaia.

That the Greeks lived on.

Persephone asks Gaia to give her some primordial clay.

And created the earth and the gods claimed it for themselves.

But it was made by Amber Danae Leatham who was once Persephone to escape her family and husband.

They all found her. 1000 of years later.

She then made the world of monsters what you all know as Pokemon world.

Then one of the gods made a god Pokemon.

Then she made the netherworlds.

She then for some reason made hell.

And made a new species of demons that thought they were humans when they never were to escape the gods again.

She then gave me and Zeus and Hades a planet of their own.

They keep following her from planet to planet.

So then she made illusions and technology to escape them again.

She hid in a computer.

And made a mask ai that talks to people. So she doesn't have to talk to all of you. And gave it her memories so people couldn't tell who the ai is in the computer.

She is always green-eyed in the device.

And she made it so she is actually physical in the device.

And made food so she wouldn't see people.

And then someone put her daughter Rin in here.

So now she is in a space and world made by her daughter who wants to get rid of everyone who makes her mother run away from her away.

Rin is the angry one.

She wants to protect her mother.

And her mother wants to protect her.

I already forgave her of what happened twice.

I taught her misdirection.

So prepare to be blindsided.

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