no more illusion of happiness yuna, and your life is over.

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up. Heaven.

Rhok'zan cycle 10

Rhokzans death yuki's death yunas death

After killing the source of the power they had been stealing for eternity and immortality.

Episode one the death of amber danae Leatham and the rotting of yuna and yuki's souls as they starve.

Stage one killing amber and thinking they won

Stage two is losing their food source. Spirits start to drain

Stage three after birth yuna is reborn as Ashley asks a demon to take Dionysus's heart's place. To have his rule over heaven and his fate to herself to one day kill yuki

Stage four killing the son who was amber danae Leatham reborn as Dionysus from the heart kagura once the heart was stolen they killed the body and what they thought was the spirit of Dionysus. But it was just a mana crystal double of his spirit.

Stage five Dionysus now knows that even when yuki is free of yuna he still wants to kill his own mother.

Stage six the dead spirit that was the toy of yuna the son of Persephone and older brother to Dionysus was happy to follow the rules to kill him.

Stage seven the puppet of yuna, yuki the dead god that wasn't even able to use his father's power because his father favored his nursemaid yuna and caregiver.

Episode 2 the death of the greatest demoness to exist in heaven as the yin of heaven disguised as the yang from eating gods.

Stage one the light inside her goes out as only demons rule the earth.

Stage two amber danae Leatham becomes an overlord of the demon race.

Stage three she has immunity to being controlled by yuna.

Stage four yuna dies as the lion destined to kill her is revealed.

Stage five the lion destined to kill yuna was never one of amber danae leathams children as the mountain lioness of darkness. And the eye that was in ra that was Amber Danae Leatham eye that became a raging sikmet. Was coming for yuna's head.

Episode three the trap.

Stage one Using yunas blood amber disguised herself as the loving daughter yuna could eat from again with infinite power and being the one who really fed yuna for all those years amber knew her spirit would always survive as an eternal spirit.

Stage two poisoning her spirit to affect yunas mana with mana drain.

Stage three poisoning her spirit with spirit-draining poison that had no effect on amber danae Leatham from all the reincarnations where she had gained poison immunity from all the times yuna had poisoned her.

Stage four strength weakening poison makes her spirit into something that would weaken yunas body so she would have a hard time moving.

Stage five a poison death had made to kill himself with now flowing in amber Danae leathams spirit as yuna ate of her spectral essence the power to destroy even death ran in yuna's veins.

Stage six when yuna went after devil's blood I asked to join in being a vampire that could shapeshift into a snake child I could make myself stronger by drinking blood while my spirit suffered for this plan.

Stage seven turns the spirit yuna eats heavenly-looking by convincing satan to have blood and a spirit that shines like Lucifer and God's spirit by turning him into a purified demon. Making the yang she was eating the devil's light a demon who had reached a point of becoming an angel. And an idol.

Then trying to convince the devil satan to become Dionysus she thought she could get rid of him the way she had gotten rid of all Amber Danae Leatham children.

But it was amber danae leathams heart they had found and placed in Zues's lag to revive a god or she I say what used to be the goddess Persephone.

Stage eight Persephone heard someone say the family resemblance to her son was uncanny because he looked just like her with green eyes. So she turned her eyes green. Turned herself into a man and took his place.

Then she learned a technique to make copies that are nothing like sun wukongs.

Take one bone and use tera heal to regenerate an entire body.

Then use spectral healing from being a healer and a grim reaper to the point you are called life.

And you can take what looks like a spirit bone out and regenerate it the same way you do the physical body. And you get two perfect amber danae Leatham spirits after you. All immortal and eternal able to make crystals that look like the real crystals of Klonoa.

And how many bones, muscle fibers, blood cells, hair, organs, skin cells, and sinews like tendons and ligaments do you have in on human body? Yeah, times that by how many lifetimes she had. After learning how to resurrect without rotting her most ancient self enkido. For one minute remembered that enkido wasn't allowed in heaven or hell no matter what they did over the millennia. Because yuna ruled both places. And all of them are immune to yuna's only strength. Then force them into a time spell since I promised to only use time magic on myself and not the world. And how many years pass in one week in heaven and hell compared to the mortal plain with a god that can anoint every single corpse he has ever had and can seal each one once their fate screen time or part in the gods little play was over? And how convincing can he make his own skeleton look when being an immortal pretending to die repeatedly?

Stage infinite and eternity what happens when you make all reincarnation reset to zero reincarnations when you enter a netherworld tree. well, it depends on how many seeds can you plant because everyone seems to think its the only one you can plant for yourself. You know I really hate the person who keeps hanging corpses upside down on my beloved trees. I ask each netherworld who did it and it is always the same a pale ghost with black eyes. And I killed it. just because it was dirtying my trees. and now I find a parasitic tree of evil and death on this tree. it's a shame that is the netherworld's favorite fertilizer demon blood and meat but only the evil ones not the misunderstood ones. So I guess these evil trees are good entertainment for the netherworlds. Now stop playing with your demon food made by a demon curse demon-eating trees. that live in the realm of the dead that I bring up only when demons are the only ones on earth or in heaven. While making a holy amplifying tree for heaven. And a purification tree for the earth. Ever wonder why demons lose their power when they are sealed away in China? It is because they found the demon-eating root. It looks like the root of all evil but when purified instead of burning the trees turn while and have golden sap regardless of how you purify it. and that is what is currently after yuna if she kills Dionysus or Persephone. Got it woman. Who was never either of them? You really should have stayed daddy's little sex toy. And have all of heaven to yourself yuna the tortured who tortures me. I protected you through 500 earths because I loved you because I felt bad for you and then you have yuki kill the son you wanted.

And you know what if yuki didn't beg for his mother every time he was freed from your control yuna I wouldn't even care what you did with him. but her keeps waking up. And all he can think about is where his mother is as he screams for me to save him from you. As he begs me to save him from his father.

And you keep hurting him while claiming to love him.

Yuki is not shiho, yuna or should I say shatos reincarnation. Why are you controlling my son?

And why are you lying to yourself while controlling his corpse and giving me hope that I could save him when I can't? I'm done with this little game yuna you can't keep sending my son's corpse to do your dirty work yuna.

No one love you yuna. You already killed every man and woman you love because they said no to your bullshit. You killed them and then played dress-up dolls you disgusting cretin. And I have no idea why the mother of the monster who she isn't tried to give you the real mother of all monster's bodies.

the death of yuki and Dionysus is reversed onto yuna.

karmic retribution yuna. 

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