chapter 8

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She brought me into a hug and heard her crying. I looked down and she looked up. I didnt know wut was happening .

Roxys pov-
i was woken up by aaron telling me to help him get everybody out of his house. I groaned bc my head was pounding. Hayes woke people that were downstairs and i went upstairs. Every room was empty except one i opened it and wish i didnt it was .....keke and steven in bed together. Keke looked at me and said"aww shit roxy i can explain"i shook my head ran straight home.

Keke's pov-
I woke up and saw roxy staring at me i looked around and saw steven . " aww shit roxy i can explain" she shook her head and ran. I ran after her but hayes stopped me and asked wut happened i looked at him and just left i guess he was running after us bc i heard footsteps behind me. I got to the house really quick bc it wasnt as far. We walked in the house.......

Roxys pov-
I got home and thought wait y the fuck am i crying when i didnt do shit plus im not even dating steven so...but wut i am feeling is anger bc she is supposed to be my bestfriend but a bestfriend wouldnt do that when she knows i have mixed feelings about steven. I decided i wasnt going to cry all day so i got ready and texted my not back stabbing two faced bitchy best friend heidy and told her we should chill cause we havent seen eachother in forever. So were going to meet up.

I told cam were i was going but before i left he asked me ' y i was crying' i just ignored him and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen to get a granola bar but i heard the door open which revealed a back stabbing two faced bitch and hayes. Keke came and said "rox im so sorry i didnt kno-i cut her off and said"one its roxanne two you didnt know u were having sex with steven. Wow wut he do blind fold u no im pretty sure u were awake."i said with attitude and a duh tone .after i said all that mathew came to the kitchen yelling"U HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE WTF KEKE"i said"oops was i not supposed to say anything *sighed*oh well"shrugging and walking out. I met heidy at the frozen yogurt shop and we just chilled i told her about keke and steven and she was like 'damn thats savage asf' i told her" yea but i dont give a rats ass for her anymore sooo.." the whole day me and heidy hung out and stuff i got home and saw everyone sitting there and keke crying

Kekes pov-
After roxy left matthew looked at me disappointed and mad. He kept yelling at me i told him" i didnt know wut was going on it just happened"OH IT JUST"HAPPENED"LIKE I JUST HAPPENED TO KISS YOU A DAY BEFORE" i just cried until cam came down he told me to calm down and tell him wut we were talking about bc he didnt know wut was going on, i told him wut happened and cried into his shoulder and said"i dont know wut im going to do cameron i think i just lost my bestfriend and i dont think i can ever get her back."he said"no u guys fight all the time she'll get over it"i said"yea but this fight is different i dont think she can forgive me this time" he comforted me while i just cried into his shoulder.

We heard the door open and saw roxy in the door way....

Roxys pov-
I saw keke was crying but she should feel bad like on the inside i wanted to go hug her but im mad at her so... everybody was staring at me so i just said"can yall stop staring at me "and walked upstairs i was sitting down when my door opened and cameron came in and sat down next to me"you know she feels bad"i looked up and said"you dont think i feel bad she knew i had mixed feelings about him and she still did it"raising my voice a little he nodded and left i was so sick and tired of this shit

i went on twitter and saw steven tweet' i lost her'i retweeted saying"i lost respect for u dont ever talk to me again go talk to your bestfriend i bet she misses u"i got a shit load of retweets saying 'wut did i',ur making steven feel bad','ur a stupid bitch'and more but i really dont give a shit bc they dont know the real story. I got a text from steven saying

S-Hey im really sorry it just happened

R-Wow same excuse wut else...
It didnt mean anything
We were hurting
It just happened
I dont think of her that way


R-exactly thats wut i thought

I knew there was no excuse they did wut they did and now they cant take it back i didnt want to go downstairs bc i knew the boys were gonna make me feel sorry for keke so i texted hayes.

R -hey can u bring me food im too lazy

H-wuts the real reason y u dont want to come downstairs????

R-bc im fucken hungry wut else

H-maybe..........bc you dont want to see keke???

R-y is she still here

H-be nice and is that y u dont want to come down

R-the boys are gonna make me feel sorry for her and tbh theres no reason to feel sorry for her she acts like shes the one that got hurt like no shes the reason y im hurt but im not gonna show it bc im not that kind of person.


R-yea now go get my stinkin pizza

After a while he came up and we just talked until he tried grabing my pizza i slapped it away and said"dont touch my food"he chuckled and sat back. We watched movies until i felt sleepy he turned the tv off and was about to leave until i grabbed his wrist and said"can u sleep here tonight" he said sure and got in bed with me he felt like a big teddy bear so i just hugged him and sleep took over.

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