Chapter 26

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Recap~ when i opened my eyes i saw....

Roxys pov-
I saw Aaron i tried to push him away but no he may be tiny but he's pretty strong and he was pushing my head towards his out of nowhere i heard steven yell"WHAT THE FUCK" with an angry look on his face aaron finally pulled away and walked away.

Stevens pov
I was wondering why roxy was taking so long so i went to go check up on her until i saw roxy makeing out with aaron it made me so mad i yelled"WHAT THE FUCK"they both stop and aaron walked away like nothing ill deal with him later."Steven he-"she said but i interrupted her "no.....see i thought u weren't like that but i guess i was wrong"i said mad as fuck "no let me explain"she said walking towards me but i backed up" tell me ,tell me what fucken happened "I said how can she do this wow "i came to get a caparison and all i felt was somebody kiss me and since ur my boyfriend i thought it was you but i open my eyes and saw it was Aaron i tries to pull away but he had his hand on the back and thats when you came in" she said i looked at her and said"i don't believe you from the looks of it u were enjoying it as much as he did" it did she looked like she wanted more i want to believe her but i don't she said "oh my fucken gosh r u serious u just said u saw everything did u not see me pulling away from him he had his hand on the back of my head so i couldn't move............*sighs* u know what believe wut you want to believe because at least i know the truth. Im not gonna sit here and feel bad and cry all day because you think other wise"she said i just looked at herand stayed quiet.

Roxys pov-
Fuck this im leaving I grabbed keke and rode home with her cause were going to the party together since me and steven are in this stupid argument.

Aarons pov-
I know wut i did was wrong iv liked roxy for so long i just never told her the only person that knows i like her is diddy i told him to invite keke so she would bring roxy but when i saw roxy with steven i dont know y but i got mad but i didnt want to fight so i left it at that but when she came over to hug me i just wanted to make out with right there but i didn't things got awkward because my hand was really close to her butt i didn't even say hi i just went for a hug. After a while of playing in the pool and watching rocxy and Steven have a mushy moment i got tired of it so i went to the living room to just go chill there. I saw someone go to the kitchen but i couldn't see there face until i saw it was roxy so ran up to her and kissed her i couldn't take it anymore her lips were so soft and plump i could kiss them all day but she kept trying to let go so i had no choice but to hold her head in place i kept kissing her until i heard steven yell "WHAT THE FUCK" i pulled away and just stared at roxy then left like nothing. The entire time i heard steven yell at roxy and roxy trying to defend herself but i didnt feel bad because iv been wanting to do that for so long but never did until today. Oh well

Roxys pov-
Once we got home she asked wut happened so i told her and she said"wow he fucken dumb and when i see aaron im finna kiss his ass" i laughed and told her i was i mean im not finna cry over something stupid like its not my fault. After about 20 min of talking shit we just chilled until it was finally 7 because we wanted to leave at 8 so i went to my shower while keke went to cams but while i was in there i heard keke scream so i jumped out i was done anyway and grabbed my towel and ran to cams room and saw ..... "Oh lord jesus my eyes" i said covering them i saw keke in the tub covering herself with her arms and cameron just standing there butt naked i guess he was gonna shower but when did this foo come home. He grabbed the nearest towel and covered himself while keke took that chance to cover herself with the shower curtain " i walked out and so did cameron " you could've told me she was in there"he said "well you didnt tell me u were here" i said "well hurry up cause i need to shower"he said "boiiiii you finna wait til she gets out then u can shower"
Camerons pov-
I was out with nash and some producers when i was walking i fell into a pile of shit literally shit so they said to go home and shower and that nash will tell me the details so i did. Minutes later i got home but i had to pee so i ran into my room but i was listening to music on my headphones so i didn't hear anything i busted through the doors and peed but i smelled like shit so i also got naked when i took of my earphones i heard the shower on so i slowly walked in there to see keke showing i have to admit she got body but now is not the time i covered my parts and she did too until roxy came in which made it even worse roxy walled out covering her eyes and keke closed the curtains and i went to go talk to roxy. After a couple minutes keke finished and walked out my room i dont know y but i couldnt help but stare at keke i never noticed how beautiful she was. Get that out of your head cameron shes your sisters bestfriend pratically ur other sister and shes three years younger than you (in the story hes barely 18)so no my conscious was telling me

Roxys pov-
I said walking into my room to find my outfit (outfit on top to the left) after awhile keke came with her outfit(also on top to the right) since her hair is curly she left it like that and i just straightened it we put our makeup on and shit and then we were off to the party.......

Author note-hey guys i know its been a long time but i said i didnt have any ideas but since its christmas i decided to update TWICE bc why not and ill update tomorrow so be patient


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