Chapter 3

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I got in the short lunch line that was on the left. I waited patiently in the mass of organized people. I messed with my hands. I finally got to the front. I got a tray that was filled with a calzone and some mac and cheese. It had an apple and some grapes and some green beans. It also had a water bottle. I grabbed the tray and smiled at the lunch lady. She smiled back. I walked in the middle of the lunch room, looking for a place to sit, when I got shoved down to the ground. My lunch got thrown towards the ground, where I landed in it. I gasped. I heard a group laughing. I looked up and saw that Pepper and her group tripped me, and were now laughing. I was about to cry. I got up and looked her straight in the eye. She looked at me, smiled and glared.

"Hey, Audrey? Are you having a nice trip?" She laughed and cackled like a witch. I walked over to her and slapped the smirk off of her face. Right then and there. She gaped at me and tried to swing but I grabbed her hand and held it behind her.

"Don't try." I mouthed to her. She pulled her fist away and her friends close behind.

"This isn't over, bitch." She snapped and grabbed her lunch. She walked out of the cafertieria. You could see steam coming from out of her ears. I rolled my eyes and started to clean up my mess I made trying to protect myself and getting revenge on my one enemy I made in this hell hole. I went back into the lunch line, which was now empty due to how much time I spent on that slut. I quickly got another tray, this time I sat alone at a table that was in the back. I quietly ate my lunch. I heard whispers about me that were spoken from different table.

"She's brave! Going up to Pepper like that?! Remarkable."

I laughed silently to myself. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Peter. I looked at him, not expecting much from him. He smiled shyly.

"Uh, hey. I was uh, wondering if you." I couldn't hear the rest since he mumbled it under his breath. I gave him a questionable look. He looked over to a girl that was sitting with 3 other boys, that were looking at me. She was wearing a dark pink shirt with some white skinny jeans. She had green and blue tennis shoes. Her light brown skin shined in the light. Her darker brown covered her head. Her dark brown eyes dug holes in your soul. She put a hand on her hip and put a hand around Peter's neck.

"He was asking if you want to sit with us. He's shy." She said, looking at Peter and gesturing to the table with the 3 boys looking at me. I nodded hesitently. I got my lunch and took it to the table without the girl and Peter. I looked back at them. They were talking. I looked back at the table with the boys. They motioned me to the table. I smiled shyly. I sat in the middle. I put my lunch down. I kept looking down messing with my hands because I knew that the boys were staring at me.

"So, where did you come from? Like your state and city." The guy with the black hair asked. He was wearing a short sleeved beige shirt with a long sleeved white shirt underneath. He had dark blue jeans and black boots on. I looked at him, confused. Didn't he know I couldn't talk to him? I didn't see him in my class. But I signed my answer to him.

"I came from Dallas, Texas." I signed. He looked confused. I chuckled silently. The dark skinned guy looked like he didn't understand either. I knew he didn't. I looked at the blond haired guy. He wore a dark green, with a white shirt underneath. He wore light tan pants with black work boots. He had beautiful green eyes. I looked at him for help. He nodded. He nudged his 2 friends and motioned them to follow him. They did and looked back at me when they did. I looked down and played with my hands. A habbit that I've done ever since I got to this school. I heard the 2 boys gasp at what their partner had explained to them about me. I smiled a little to myself. How about they be in my shoes for a day? Huh? Wondering about what if the people here in my 'school' were going to accept me. Wondering if they would find out who I really am. The daughter of a phycopath. I saw Peter and the other girl join the group of the 3 boys. I looked at Peter, afraid what to think. Peter smiled at me reassuringly. Then turned his head to see the rest of the group were talking. I looked down and secretly turned on my super-hearing while brushing a piece of fallen hair out of my face.

"What do you think happened to her? You know, like she can't talk?" Nova said. I quickly pulled up a data feed about him. He was one of the people I needed to make friends with. I brushed his profile aside and quickly identified the rest of the people that were talking to. Power-Man, Iron-Fist, White Tiger, and last but not least... Spider-Man. I needed to be friends with these guys. But I thought they were nice. Ugh, so many thoughts! I suddenly got this major headache. I clutched my head. I closed my eyes and rocked myself. Then darkness.

I got images of a man. A handsome man. He looked a little bit older than me. Had blond hair, with black and white brimmed glasses. His eyes were mezmorizing. They were bright yellow, just like mine. He had a brown leather jacket with a dark green shirt beneath it. He had dark blue skinny jeans, and black work boots. I only saw him. He was crying. His hand carried a piece of paper, that was covered in a red substance. In the blink of an eye, I was right in front of him. I tried to run the other way, but I couldn't move. I looked at the note. He chocked and held out his palm, to reveal a very tan and ripped piece of paper, covered in blood. I slowly took it from him. I looked at him. I nodded as saying a sort of 'thank you'. He nodded and disappeared like the wind. I looked down at the note and began to read it.

Dear Bryan,

I'm so sorry. After Mom past away, and Dad left us, you were the only thing I had left. Well, other than Sparky, but Mom took him. I wanted this to never happen. But the voices in my head, the visions of Mom, Dad and you dead?! I...I couldn't take it anymore. I had to end it. Right then and there. I didn't want to leave you. I had to keep you safe. I didn't want to hurt you. You were the most awesome brother a 16 year old could have. You were supportive and trustworthy. I told you things that should've never been told in front of our parents. I wanted to write you this note to tell you, that I'm sorry for the way I've treated you and your friends when they came over. I wanted to tell you that it's not your fault. And I love you.

P.S. If you commit suicide, I swear I will beat your a** in heaven. I want you to live on for me.

Your sister,


My eyes watered at the sight of my own handwriting and my own SIGNATURE on a SUICIDE note?! I held the paper to my heart,  screamed (silently) until my chest started to sting and I blacked out, the paper still held close to my chest.

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