Chapter 8

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*{All mistakes are my own}*

Audrey's POV

I closed my eyes and just fell. I just fell. I didn't care what was going to happen to me since I had failed the mission and whatever was coming to me from Lizardm is going to be a lot worse than a 10,000 foot drop. I sighed as my instincts kicked in and I was hovering above an abandoned apartment complex. A sad smiled curled on my lips when I went into one of the rooms. It was a little girls room with a lime green wallpaper and a nice wood flooring. I looked at the bed, a nicely made, yellow blanket and blue pillowed bed, and saw a small doll. It had shoulder length, red stringy hair, black button, eyes and a sewn in smile that couldn't be removed. The doll wore a small black dress, and cute white dress shoes. I sat on the bed slowly, it squeaking as the springs adjusted the weight it was introduced to. I looked around and stroked the bedding, thinking how it would be so easy to just be a normal loving family with a normal father and a loving mother, who don't beat you every time you make a mistake. I felt something wet in my eyes and my cheeks.

Great. I was crying over a little girls room. I am so dramatic.

I rolled my eyes at myself for my emotions getting in the middle of a failed mission. When I rolled my black eyes, however, I caught sight of a framed photo that sat on the left bedside table, or the one I was right next to. I reached out and lifted it out of the place that it was for like, 7 months, collecting dust and whatever. I stared at the family photo.

It was a little girl and her big brother, smiling. The brother was about 14 and the girl was about 8. She had shoulder length, straight brown hair, with beautiful blue eyes. She had a short sleeve, striped red and white t-shirt. She was right beside her brother, which he had an arm around her neck. He was a little bit musculer, since his age. He had brown, spiky hair. His eyes were the same as hers. He had a jean jacket and a cyan t-shirt. I was about to smile when I got a major headache, dropped the picture and gripped my aching head. I scowled as another vision appeared in my head. I closed my eyes. Let's just get this over with.

The same boy that was in my first vision, I think his name was Bryan, was in this one. He was staring behind my very confused and annoyed figure. Only his head peaked out of a supposed to be closed door, I slowly looked behind me to see a woman and a man, fighting about something. The man was taller, I could tell by the shadows. I saw it begin to be heated arguement. My eyes widened when the man grabbed something from the side of him and whack it against the womans head. She fell, I'm guessing she was unconscious, or...dead. I turned around to see Bryan, tears in his eyes, carefully shut the door. I blinked and I was in front of the crime that was just commited. The woman was on the floor, blood gushing from her head. She had dark brown hair, a white long sleeved shirt, that was stained with blood now. She had long baggy, dark blue pants. Her shoes were off and her socks where black. I looked at the man, horrified at what I just saw him do. He looked like he hadn't regretted a thing. He spat on her unconscious body and opened the window. He looked back at the door that was just closed by Bryan, and jumped. I'm pretty sure he was hurt since I heard fast-paced footsteps moving away from the complex. I looked at the woman, who was still unconscious. Or so I thought.

I watched her chest rise and fall, when it stopped. I heard a door open and Bryan ran to his deceased mother, burying his head into her stomach and grabbing the phone, calling 911. I didn't hear his conversation, but I could see another head pop out from the door that Bryan had just come from. A little girl, who had clearly just woken up, was rubbing her eye with one hand, and holding the doll I saw on the bed in another. I blinked again and saw that the police came, and a body bag was just zipped up and was being carried away. I saw the little girl was crying and had her head buried in the crook of Bryans neck, as he was holding her close. Another girl I hadn't seen before, hugged Bryan. She was about the same age as Bryan, since her height was about the same. She had black hair, a orange t-shirt, and knee, length shorts. She didn't have any shoes on. The new girl and Bryan released from the embrace when a cop came and ushered them toward a cop car. They were probably headed to a nursing home or an orphanage. I blinked again and I was in the normal world, me still clutching my head as the headache passed. I frowned as myself, seeing the picture of the boy and the little girl was in pieces. I reached down and picked up the photo, putting it in my pocket, not caring if my hand was bleeding now since the glass that cut it. I stood up from the bed and opened the window. I looked back and jumped out of it. I flew and broke into every orphanage I could find, and looked for the records of any brother and sister that had lived here. I was about to give up, when I saw another abandoned building.

It was an abandoned orphanage. I flew in front of the closed door and read the little news article that was plastered on the wooden door.

"Orphanage turns into horror for the children that were staying here when one of the staff confessed to beating one of the little girls named Audrey Line. The staff member was put for a death sentence for murder when police found the body of Audrey, hanging in her room. Sadly, Audrey was dead before the police got there. They ruled it as a murder when they found a suicide note stuffed into the mouth of the girl. It read:

Dear Bryan,

I'm so sorry. After Mom past away, and Dad left us, you were the only thing I had left. Well, other than Sparky, but Mom took him. I wanted this to never happen. But the voices in my head, the visions of Mom, Dad and you dead?! I...I couldn't take it anymore. I had to end it. Right then and there. I didn't want to leave you. I had to keep you safe. I didn't want to hurt you. You were the most awesome brother a 16 year old could have. You were supportive and trustworthy. I told you things that should've never been told in front of our parents. You escaped from Ms. Kiger and I didn't. I wanted to tell you that it's not your fault. And I love you.

P.S. If you commit suicide, I swear I will beat your a** in heaven. I want you to live on for me.

Your sister,


It was written to the girls older brother, Bryan Line, who had escaped the facility months prior." My eyes pouring tears. I took the news article and put it into my pocket. I busted down to door and walked to the back of the orphanage. I fumbled through a lot of the papers in it when I found what I was looking for. A paper that had the pictures of a sad looking older brother and little girl in a photo, with a smaller photo of the same girl I saw in my vision. I couldn't find anything. I couldn't find her name, her looks or her adress. But I found what I was looking for. I madde a plan in my head to comfirm my theories on who was the girl on my vision and why isn't there any record of her death. But after another couple of minutes of snooping around, I found another news article.

"Audrey Line's body, stolen from local morgue. 'We suspect its the scientist named Curt Connors but we couldn't find him or enough evidence to rule it.' Cops say." I didn't read the rest of the article since I already confirmed my theory. And you people are starting to yell, WHAT IS YOUR GOSH DANG THEORY?

Well, here goes nothing.

{Ok, just a heads up, Curt Connors is the Lizards real name.}

Curt Connors was having an affair with my dad, or Bryan's dad. And my mother wanted to stop but she was killed by Curt because she confronted him. After I commited suicide, he stole my body from the morgue after he turned into the Lizard, and wanted me to be the perfect weapon. Phew. I was about to lose my breath.

I stuffed all of the articles and papers into my pocket and flew off, happy I had figured it out. I was going to apoligize to the Avengers.

I was going to turn good.

I wasn't afraid anymore.

I was going to confront Curt.


Author's Note~

Hey my ghosts and awesome people! Ally here! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! One thing I need to mention...

I need your help! :D

I need you awesome people to create a character for my book. The winning persons' character will be featured in Chapter 9 and the chapters after that.

But before you start, your characters need a couple of requirements.

#1- Needs to be evil.
#2- Needs to be a girl.
#3- Needs to have awesome super powers.
#4. No backstory.
#5. Can't be invincible.

Okay, now you may start!

I will pick the most interesting to me. Good luck! Peace out ma ghosts! 😝👻✌

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