Tags, tags, and more tags

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So I know you guys hate me for not updating in a while so let me explain.

I went to one of the only water parks in Ohio called Wild Water Kingdom, aka my favorite water park. Annnnddd it didn't end so well. The bottom of my big toe got scraped up when I went into the lazy river, I only got sunburn on my cheekbones. Plus I reaallllyyyyy need to clean my room...

And I got tagged in two things while I was writing the book. So I wanted to put this out

in my book before anyone thought I was dead. Soooooo, here's the things I was tagged in by @pain_of_the_past and @Ashley_Writez . So thanks to those two :>

Here's the one that @pain_of_the_past tagged me in.


- Snuck out: No

- Broken a bone: No

- Cried myself to sleep: Yes

- Been arrested: No

- Felt lonely: Yes

- Been depressed: Yes


- Birthday: December Friday The 13th

- Biggest Fear: Being tortured and my family rejecting me.

- Dream Job: Right now, a pet store owner{I know, pretty huge dream, I know.}

- Dream Car: Idk...

- Dream House: The house I'm living in now, or my grandmother's house.


- Like someone: Yes

- Love someone: Boy wise, no

- Have tattoos: Temporary ones

- Have piercings: Yes

- Party: All day, every day (Lol, no, only if I'm invited to one.)


- Artist: Don't have one

- Movie: The Boy, and The Avengers

- Song: We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth and Emotional - Flux Pavilion & Matthew Koma

- Netflix Series: Flashpoint

- Book: Lockwood & Co. Series and Dork Diaries series

- Color: Navy Blue or/and black


- Twitter or Facebook: Facebook

- Twitter or Instagram: Instagram (don't have a twitter)

- Facebook or Instagram: Instagram

- Coke or Pepsi: I honestly don't care but Coke


- Winter or Summer: Winter


- Get Married: Undecided

- Have kids: MAYBE adopting when older

- Swim with Sharks: People die more from bees so yes

- Eat Rotten Food: Only if my life depended on it.

I nominate these people-

AmberandKillerheart OtakuGamer101 TwilightWolf1214 and delicious_apples

Annndd here's the on that @Ashley_Writez tagged me in :>

Favorite Song

Galantis - No Money {Three Dots Remix}

Favorite Show

Flashpoint {it ended a couple years ago}

Favorite Youtuber

Aphmau, no doubt

Top 5 Fears

1. Deep Ocean

2. My family hating me

3. Giant insects {like spiders and wasps}

4. I guess.... evil spirits

5. Ummmmmmm a certain political canidate winning {I'm not saying who, because people will get into arguements and hate and crap that I don't want to deal with}

Top 5 Favorite Things

1. My family {cliche af}

2. Friends

3. My dogs

4. Winter


Favorite Celebrity

The whole Avengers cast :>

Favorite Color

Mint Green

Interesting Fact About YOU

I'm so obsessed with the Avengers that I have a poster, a Happy Birthday sign with the Avengers, a Hulk and Captain America little paintings, about nine shirts about them, a pair of Captain America joggers, a Loki pop up paper thing, two Avengers bracelets, and Iron Man necklace, an Avengers strap backpack, and A Spider Man and Avengers poster that my teachers made... yeah.

And I have to tag five other people sooooo :P

@Jazzy18182 @GreenDayNation_4444 @Safe_Place @Avengers1918 @wonderwoman2013 :P

And Chapter 21 is going to be out soon so please be patient.

That's all for now.

Peace out ma ghosts :D

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