Chapter 22

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       {I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS SINCE SEPTEMBER?? Um... I'll save the Author's note for the end of this chapter}

~Audrey's POV~

"He... WHAT?" I signed to him. I looked at him, my heart shattering into at least a million pieces. Wait... hold up. I... What? I'm just really confused.

"Why?" I just signed to him, too confused to sign anything else. He looked around the room to avoid my confused and slightly heart-broken gaze I held upon him. 

"He... ugh. I can't ever tell you a joke." Peter sulked. My eyes widened. So he wasn't hooked up with my enemy from school?

"Well, technically he IS dating her, but for a completely different reason and once you hear the reason you'll completely understand." He defended. I looked at him. Now I was really confused. Peter sighed while Steve just stood there with his arms crossed over across his chest. 

"Okay, so S.H.I.E.L.D, thinks that Lizard is actually not lying when he said that someone brainwashed him, and they may have a lead on who actually did it." Peter explained. 

"Really? I just thought he was lying to get out of the blame like any other person would do." Steve put in. Peter shook his head. 

"Nope. Her name is Linda Young. She was fired from S.H.I.E.L.D. after she was caught trying to download some of their information. Then she completely disappeared off the grid." Peter explained.

"So basically, a woman who's mad that she got caught and was stopped from stealing information on God who knows what, and now she's kidnapped a villain and brainwashed him?" Steve asked, looking down, trying to make sense of this, like I was.

"Basically." Peter confirmed. "When she as caught she left some of her hacking tech and some of her information behind."

"How much?" Steve asked.

"Enough to make a profile about her." Fury suddenly burst through the door, with Loki, Thor and Iron Man behind him. I jumped slightly since I wasn't expecting Fury to come and see me. I put a hand to my heart and sighed.

"Miss Evil goes by the name of Teufel, which translates to "Devil in German." Tony explained. (Don't hate me if the translation is wrong, BLAME GOOGLE!)

"Wait, so that means that we're hunting the Devil?" Peter asked. When he got looks from everyone in the room, he apologized. I held back a silent snicker.

"What does she look like?" Steve asked, trying to change the subject. Tony turned to his laptop and started to type something, then an image of a horrifying creature popped up on a hologram. My eyes widened when I looked at it. The woman was horrifying. The human part of her seemed normal, but the part that she was attached to was inhuman. The other part of her was like of that of a spider, but sticking out of it were jars of a dark green liquid, and wires leading to anonymous places that varied on her body. Where the spider's head would be, there was a sideways claw that held the human woman to control the spider's body. There also was what looked like a bunch of buttons on the side of the control panel. But I noticed something on the bottom of one of the eight terrifying legs of the creature. There was a switch. I only could wonder what it did. I couldn't take my eyes off of the woman, who's eyes were completely black, and skin was as white as snow. One side of her head was completely shaved, and the other left to grow like ivy on the side of an abandoned building. There were also brackets on the side of her shaved part of the head too, that was connecting to the spider-robot part. I could only take my eyes off of the woman when Tony turned off the hologram. Peter had his jaw opened, like I did, only mine wasn't as open as his. 

"Um... Well... uh..." He couldn't manage a word. 

"Exactly. She is considered lethal and she will take any chance to kill you." Fury warned. I knew the woman would be looking dangerous, but not this dangerous. I just thought she would be wearing a Hydra uniform or something related to that. 

"What exactly did she take from S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Thor asked. 

"Personal information on some of the soldiers, medical staff, and scientists in S.H.I.E.L.D. Most likely to black mail them or something along the lines of that. 

"What do you think this woman is planning on doing?" I signed to Fury, but it was Loki who answered me. 

"That's what we're trying to find out." Loki said. Kidnapping and brainwashing a villain, stealing classified information regarding several people in S.H.I.E.L.D, and who knows what else. I just wish I knew her plan. 

"Do you think it had something to do with me?" I whispered. Thor and Loki looked surprised on hearing me whisper, and I had to fight away the urge for a victorious smile that was about to go on my lips, knowing that it wouldn't really be the time.  

"We don't know. We think that it might be possible for you to be a science experiment for the perfect soldier..." Tony didn't want to finish, as he saw the look that Steve had, even though he was looking down, you could still see the pain in his eyes. I looked down when I saw Steve's concealed pain. He noticed me and put a hand on my shoulder but that didn't make me look up.

"Well, other than brainwash another villain, what else has she done?" Natasha asked. Tony started to type and another hologram popped up with a couple dead bodies on them. My eyes widened, and I put my hand to my mouth. She... she legit ripped them apart. The flesh, just dangling from the bodies arms, legs, torso, and etc., just so... gruesome.

"Oh my god." Loki whispered.

"That's what she's done." Fury emotionlessly said. Of course.

"We're guessing that she's done this to people that would leave her sick team that she's put together. Most of them, missing agents." I couldn't stop looking at the sick images. Just this is what she's done to innocent people. One thing kept pounding in my mind after I shed a tear for the bodies.

This bitch needed to be stopped.

     {Author's Note~} 

Heh.... Yeah you all probably hate me.... uh. 

School, laziness, and family problems. But the blame is all on me. I should have taken responsibility for my story that I put in the effort to actually make. I know I probably can't win all of your apologies, but just know, that I am far from perfect and far farrrr from the perfect writer. Writing isn't even my career choice. Plus I am currently in a bad situation due to stress. I am being a substitute mother for my siblings doing motherly things, like cleaning the house, cooking dinner, and looking after my siblings. My dog, Sugar, is currently sick, partially paralyzed in her front paws. We are taking her to the vet today. So YEAH.  Anyway onto updates. 

First things first, guess who turned fourteen :D that's right... ME

Yas, I turned fourteen on the thirteenth.

Merry Late Christmas :D

Other than my birthday, there's something else I've been wanting to announce. 

I am going to be making a Teen Wolf book. :D

That's all for now :] 

Love you all and have a great day :D

Peace out ma ghosts :D

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