Chapter 17

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Audrey's POV

So this was the first day of my new team and nothing was going on. We heard nothing from Hydra and nothing from the Lizard. We would track him, but he left no trace of what he was going to do or where he was going. I was afraid. Afraid that Curt would find the Avengers and injure, or even worse kill them. I knew that they could protect themselves, but honestly, they're basically my family now. I don't want them to get hurt. I was looking out on the balcony, in my thoughts. 

I can't lose more people in my life. I can't afford to have my family ripped away from me again. I had already lost my mom, my father, and I don't even know if my brother even wants me anymore. All I have are the Avengers, and my group. They are my family...if I lose them, I'll-

"So, how are you liking Stark's baby?" Steve came up behind me. I nodded, knowing that he was talking about the tower being Stark's child. I looked out again. I begun to think that it was being like a cheesy movie again. Why does that always happen?

"What's wrong?" He asked me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. 

"Thinking." I signed to him, wondering if he even understood. I thought he did but I wasn't sure. 

"Can I ask what are you thinking about?" I looked at him for a minute. 

"I'm worried. That he'll hurt you guys." I signed to him. He kept quiet. "Go ahead, laugh." I signed. He shook his head and walked over to me. I looked up at his tall figure. 

"I'm not gonna laugh, because I'm worried too. He's dangerous, more dangerous than we thought at the beginning. I know you're scared for our safety but we're the Avengers, we can take care of ourselves. I mean, we have Stark's ego to protect us." He laughed. I smirked and nodded. Then there was this awkward silence. Great. I suddenly remembered my friends. 

"Oh! By the way, where are my friends?" I signed to him. 

"Oh! Right, you came in a group. Well, they are training with the rest of the Avengers. I just came from there. I just noticed you weren't there." Steve explained. I let out a breath of relief. 

"Thank you. For everything." I said to him. He nodded. I thought that wasn't enough. I walked closer to him and hugged him. He was shocked at first but chuckled and hugged me back. I smiled. I wanted to hold on forever but a voice broke our embrace. 

"Hate to break you two love birds up but Steve, we've got to talk to Fury, and Thor insists on teaching you Asgardian fight stances because no one can hold them." Tony remarked. I let go of Steve and saw his cheeks go red. 

"Well, I'll see you later." He replied to me. I nodded. "Tony, I don't like her like that. " I heard him mumble. I smirked. Once they were in the elevator and it shut, I walked to the staircase and started to walk down before Clint walked up, bumping me. 

"Oh! Jebus, Audrey, I didn't even notice you." He chuckled. I smirked. 

"If you're looking for the training room, just follow their battle cries." I smirked and nodded. I followed what he said. I heard Thor and Bruce arguing which battle stance was better. 

"NO! Obviously, this one is more powerful!" Thor yelled. I heard Bruce sigh. 

"No, Thor, that footing! It can be easily conquered and you can be taken down at any moment. THIS one is clearly more sophisticated than that one!" Bruce argued. I let out a breath I didn't even realize that I was holding in and opened the training room door. 

"Ah! Lady Audrey, do you think that this battle stance is more powerful that the one that Banner is doing?!" He asked. I nodded and laughed silently. An announcement made me jump slightly. 

(BEING REWRITTEN)That One Girl (Spiderman Homecoming:Avengers+More)Where stories live. Discover now