Chapter 15

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Author's Note-

Thank you all for the suggestions for the characters! I am going to use all of them since I am going to be making a group in this chapter and the upcoming chapters. I know that it may seem like I don't want to break anyone's hearts at not picking their character, and yes that is part of it. But not all of it. You see, I made 2 characters that I'm going to be using in the group and the 3 suggestions are perfect! I had no more brain power after I created my own characters. So thank you and for the people who didn't see the suggestions for the characters in time for the actual picking thing, then I will surely pick your characters for the next story and probably other books. :D So don't be disappointed. Also, I am going to be introducing 2 people that some people might know. They are from one of my favorite TV show series. Anyway, here is the chapter.


Audrey's POV

I was suddenly woken up from my short slumber by a groan. I instantly was on my feet when I heard a growl come from the outside of the cell. I looked on the outside and I saw the Lizard standing there. He smirked when I looked at him. I looked around and saw that I was the only person awake.

"Well, look who's the only one awake." He sneered. I looked at him, my confidence creeping in.

"What did you do to them?" I signed, aggressively.

"Nothing, really. Maybe the sedatives are more powerful than I thought." Curt admitted, still smirking.

I looked at him, debating on if he was telling the truth. I read his mind a little and he was. I just sneered and turned my back to him, making a plan to escape with the unconscious Avengers with me. I wasn't about to let them die because of a stupid girl who is so pathetic. I looked around for a chance to escape. I saw him smirk and pace back and forth.

"If you're trying to see a chance to escape, you can't, and if you even give me a glare, then this will happen." He grinned and pressed the button to my collar. I fell to my knees in pain. I clutched my head in pain. Again, every nerve in my body started to feel on fire. My throat constricted until it was in the point of suffocating me. I gasped for breath. I started to fall into unconsciousness until the pain and suffocation stopped. I finally was able to get breath in my lungs. I collapsed on the ground, and kept taking in air. I heard him laugh when he saw me on the ground.

"You act like a hero but when you find the weaknesses in people, there are nothing but a carcass of a person." He growled, then he walked away. I kept breathing until I finally was able to get some breath into my lungs. I felt something in my throat and I coughed. I looked on the ground and there was blood. My throat stung and I started to cough again. A cough from one of the cots.

Crap. Thor was awake. What am I going to tell him? That a sadistic scientist that created me has now kidnapped me.

Thor groaned and sat up slowly, looking around. I looked at the back of his head before pretending to be asleep. I heard him look around and the sheets fell to the floor. (He was fully clothed, don't worry)

"Steve? Clint!" He realized that his teammates were unconscious on the other cots, got up fast, and ran to them. He checked on them before noticing my bruised and battered body.

He ran to me, checking if I had a pulse. He then wrapped a blanket around my arms. I was cold to the touch but the blankets were for him! Gosh, flubbing heck.

He then banged on the iron bars.

"Release us!" He shouted. I mentally face-palmed myself. Really? You're gonna yell? In this place?! I heard some footsteps on the other side (Adele). Then a faint chuckle.

(BEING REWRITTEN)That One Girl (Spiderman Homecoming:Avengers+More)Where stories live. Discover now