Chapter 7

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*All mistakes are my own.

Audrey's POV

Once my eyes met Hulk's, I knew that they were here. I knew the Avengers were here. Crap. What do I do?

I smirked when he gave me a shocked look as I held his fist. I could tell he was trying the best he could to punch me into the wall behind me. I tightened my grip on his fist, picked him up and threw him into some crates. He landed with a low grunt. I saw where he landed and I saw 6 other people standing there. Captain America, Hawkeye, Falcon, Thor, AntMan, and Iron Man. Black Widow was missing from their little group. They looked surprised that I could throw their most strongest member off the Avengers into a wall, but quickly masked it as curiousness. Hulk recovered and stood by his teammates. I grinned under my mask. I was actually fighting the Avengers! They get into battle formations. I loved this moment. I saw Captain America's shield come fly towards me. I caught it and threw it at Iron Man, who was preparing to use an energy beam at my face. I saw one of Hawkeye's arrows fly past my face. I took out my uranium bow and shot an explosive arrow at him. He yelled in surprise and leaped back just in time. I flew up, grabbed Falcons wings, and tore them off of his back. I crushed it in mid air as I threw it in an empty crate. I loved this but I knew I couldn't stick around. I flew up and started to fly away. I heard Iron Man trying to catch up to my flight speed. I turned my head to see the flying man in the red suit right beside me.

"So, why did you break into one of my best warehouses?" Stark asked me. I just looked at him. I only drew my knife and stared at him. I decided that I shouldn't waste my time with him. And, even if I was going to, I would be beat. Without even looking, I could hear him yell in protest as he was thrown back to one of the fellow Avengers who had started to catch up to me. I saw Thor's hammer out of the corner of my eye and grabbed the handle. I held it up with all my might. I was in front of the helicarrier now and I swong the hammer at one of the walls and broke in. I saw that I was in the training room and some people I knew were training in there. Ohhhhh fudge.

Yep, you guessed right. You win.

It was Spider-Man and his team. Training for the battle with me. I just stood there, staring at them like an idiot. I saw the team look at me with confusion and alarm. I would too if a girl that looked very familiar burst through the training room's walls like "HEY". But they didn't get a good look at me because of a shield that hit me right square in the shoulder, knocking me into one of the blasters that were in the wall where the training was actually happening at. I shook my head to try and shake off the headache that just gave me. I suddenly realised there was a new guy, standing at the enterance of the training room. I looked at him funny. He had a red and black suit, and a silver helmet. Oh, great. Now Ant-Man is in this?

Just plain peachy.

I reached and grabbed the shield that had just pummeled me to the stupid hard wall. I watched as all the Avengers assemble right where Spider-Man and his little gang were standing. I rolled my eyes, even though you couldn't see it because of my eye color. Pete- I mean Spider-Man's team merged into the Avengers team. Ugh. This day is the worst. I watched as they got into battle position and I threw Captain's shield back at him. He didn't even flinch as he caught the shield with his red gloved hand. We were about to exchange blows when Spider-Man interrupted.

"Woah, woah, woah. WOAH!" He exclaimed. "Who are we fighting here?" He questioned, putting both of his hands of his waist. Clint put his hand on his waist too. I smirked at this. Ha. They could be twins.

"Yeah, who are we fighting?" Clint asked. I shook my head angrily as I couldn't answer because SOMEONE didn't give me vocal cords. Eh. Beggers can't be choosers. I flew up and turned my head to see a locked down door. I flew towards it and blasted it with my heat vision. Oh how I love these powers. I flew at my top speed and found the room I was looking for. The control room. YES! Finally, I won't be a disappointment to the Lizard. Wait, weren't I mad at him for calling me a subject? UGH!


I grinned as I heard one of Hawkeye's arrows and saw it coming. I leaned forward and it made a small cut on my cheek. A scowl formed when I saw Spidey's webs come and get stuck on my foot. I got out of it with ease. I saw Power Mans fist barely miss my ribs as I returned the gesture and didn't miss. He flew back, hitting White Tiger as she tried to come and hit me also but failed. Like I was going to do with this mission. NO. I'm not going to fail. Hulk and Thor tried to do a diamic duo move but I intercepted and threw Hulk into Thor, making them crash into a computer, sending electric pulses through their bodies. Of course not fatally.

I saw Falcon try and throw his retractable feathers at me, but I did the same thing and the feathers, both his and mine, collided in mid air, making a small explosion. He and I ended up doing an epic fist fight in the air. After me and him wounding each other the same, I got the upper hand and tore off his wings. He dropped and I couldn't bare to hear his bones shatter, so I grabbed his wrist and threw him into Iron Man, who surprisingly, broke his fall. The only people who were left, who were not recovering and almost unconscious, were Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and...ugh. It had to be Daniel, or Iron FIst.

Why does life have to be so confuzzling!?

I couldn't see Ant-Man so I figured he shrunk. I was right. He was crouching on Captain America's shield, and was ready to throw it at his target. Me. He threw the shield with full force and I caught it. Seeing Ant-Man about to punch me, I leaned back and barely missed his fist. I took the time to back flip and kick him to the wall behind me. Once he was flying to the wall, I grabbed his shrinking ray from his belt and aimed it at Captain America's shield. I smirked as I flicked the tiny shield at my target, who was of course the Captain. His eyes widened as it hit him and made him fly back. I then crushed the shrinking ray into small metal shards. I saw Hawkeye was trying to shoot explosive arrows at me. I smirked and grabbed some of my own. I aimed at my now running target and shot. The arrow hitting Hawkeyes collar and pinning him up above the ground. I smirked as he dropped his bow on impact of the wall. I walked forward and grabbed his bow, throwing it into the opposite wall that he was pinned up on. The bow embedding itself into the wall about half way into it when it stopped. I smirked as I watched him grin nervously. I reached above him, while also watching his eyes shut as I did this, and grabbed the arrow. It had another arrow in it. So I pushed the small button that allowed me to grab the arrow. I took it and shot it at the man swinging from spider webs' head. I barely missed, making him lose his balance, proceding into the cold metal floor. He landed on his back and tumbled towards me. He finally stopped at my feet and chuckled nervously. I swung a light punch and it knocked him out cold. Now, all is left is my awkward friend, nervously standing in a battle position. I looked nervously at him. He looked the same back at me. In what seemed like forever, I sensed Thor's hammer coming at my head. I quickly turned around and dodged it, seeing that all the Avengers and Spider-Man's group were up and ready to start round 2. I was about to ingage in the fight but realising that Daniel was right in the way of the hammer. Without hesitation, I flew backwards and stood in front of Daniel, shielding him in a way. Finally, the hammer came into contact with my flesh and bone. It skidded my form to where I was standing a mere 3 centimeters away from Daniel's shut eyed body. The hammer fell to the floor and landed with a thud. I turned around to see Daniel's open, wide eyes and surprised facial expression. I returned my facial expression with the same fricking thing. I broke from the glance and backed away, not knowing what else to do in this extremely awkward situation. Then the rest of the Avengers and Spider-Man's group ran and stood next to the complete and utterly confused guy. I frowned and thought about what Lizard is going to do to me when I get back without the other part of his needs. I didn't care anymore. I found myself on the edge of the hole that I had burst into. I looked at the ready-to-fight-faces and leaned backwards, toward the 10,000 foot drop.

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