Chapter 6

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Audrey's POV

I woke up to the sound of people talking. I suddenly remembered what happened. I was getting new powers and the pain. I was going on a new mission and I was getting powers for the new mission. I looked around, noticing I was on a gurney, and in a pitch black room with a single light shining down on me. And an obvious sighting, I wasn't in the tube. I lifted my head up and saw that I wasn't wearing the clothes I wore when I got on the tube. I was wearing what was on the computer when I looked at it. A black 3-finger thick tank top, some black leggings that fit very nicely, the black, fingerless gloves, the combat boots, I looked at the corner of my eye and saw the weapons on a long, white, glass table. I turned my head to see what was on the table, and to see if it matched what I saw on the computer screen. My eyes gleamed when they saw that all of my weapons were there. I saw a mirror appear from the darkness and I got up from the now uncomfortable gurney. I gasped when I saw my figure staring back at me.

I had the wings that were amazing. I flapped them a couple of times just to see how they were. I saw that the leather strap that was just supposed to be a line was now braided down my arm. I saw that my nails were much larger and sharper now. My eyes were pitch black, and my hair was the same as before. I looked amazing. I twirled around like a child. I was so amazed by this. I suddenly heard talking and looked behind me. I saw Red Skull talking to Lizard. I decided to listen to their converstation.

"Are you sure she's ready?" Red Skull asked, his hands folded behind his back.

"Yes, Subject 44 is ready." Wait. Did he just refer me to a subject? Really? He gives me powers and then I'm a subject? No. No. No. NO. He did not just do that. Before I could protest, a wide metal door opened and I was faced with the outside. It was nightime in the city and the view was amazing. I wanted to watch the city for a while but I never got the chance as the wall behind me started to work it's way toward me. I started to panic as the door pushed me off the platform and I fell towards the city below. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the hard concrete below but it never came. I opened my eyes and stupidly rememebered that I had wings. I rolled my eyes at myself for not thinking that before. I flapped my wings and floated above the city. I was about to crash into Stark Towers. Oh no. I continued to flap my wings until I carefully landed on the top of the massive tower. I suddenly heard the faint noise of the motion detectors that were planted and installed around the tower.

"Crap." I thought to myself as I made my way to one of Stark's warehouses. The one where Lizard wanted me to go. I put on my mask that was around my neck. I landed in front of the building. It was huge. With no windows, it looked pretty professional. I grinned underneath my mask. My grin vanished when I got one of my headaches and clutched my head. I slowly kneeled down. Then I closed my eyes to see another one of my visions. It was the same man from my last one. Was his name Bryan?

"Ugh! Focus, Audrey!" I screamed inside my head and pushed the vision out of my eyes. I opened them and noticed a secruity camera capturing every moment that I was having in front of the facinity. I glared at it and threw a knife directly at it. It stuck itself in the middle of the lenses. I smirked when I saw sparks fly from the broken device. I walked forward and grabbed the handles of the door. Then, just as I was about to bust down the door, I heard someone speak through the little speaker that was on the door.

"Stark Towers, do you have an appointment?" I heard a snotty sounding woman say. I growled and without even taking my hands off the metal door, I heard the little speaker thingy shatter into a million pieces. My arms felt like they were about to burst when I ripped both of the doors in half. I looked in shock that I, a weak girl who couldn't talk, did that. I again stupidly remembered that I had super strength. I faced palmed and walked inside, admiring all of the things that I saw. I saw all of the crates filled with important tech that one of them had something that the Lizard wanted. Then I noticed something about the crates. They were all encased by something that looked like urianium. I scoffed and looked around for the crate that I was looking for. After about 10 minutes of walking and looking around, I finally found the crate that I was looking for. It was different than the other ones that were aimlessly placed around the facinity. It had lasers and cameras guarding it and making sure that no one would be able to get to it or get to whatever's inside of it. I rolled my eyes and put one of my hands in the air in front of me, opened. Then I made it into a fist and every camera had been shattered. I smirked eviliy. I then reached into my utility belt and gripped my throwing knives. I aimed for my targets and threw my knives at every one of them. I smiled in pride as each of the knives I had thrown had hit their targets, dead on. I kept my smile on my face as I made my way through the defenseless crate. Once I had reached the crate, I took out my hacking devices and started to get off the uranium casing it had, or the one last thing that was guarding it. My pitch black eyes gleamed when the casing had fell off. I took a good look at what was in the crate and had been so important to get for Lizard. It was a cyan gem that was about 4 inches in diameter and 6 inches in height. It had sharp sides that would slice your finger like butter if you touched it. I reached into the crate and held the gem. It was so light! I threw it up and caught it. Good thing I had gloves. I wondered what was so important about this gem. I put the 'precious' gem into my satchel and started to head out. As I did however, I heard something flying towards me. Without even looking, I put my arm around my back and held the big green fist that was heading toward my skull. I turned around and met an angry and curious pair of green eyes.


Ooooooo! Cliff hanger! I'm so evil! >:D

Okay, so I'm sorry that I haven't updating in a while and I know some people have been wanting answers. So you'll get them.

My mom has made up this rule and its that me and my other two siblings can be on our devices (iPhone, iPod, laptop, computer, etc.) every other day. So that means I only get to update every other day. So that's part of why I couldn't update that often.

Here's the other part.

I haven't been too interested in Wattpad as usual lately. Like, I didn't feel like I wanted to update anything. But I realized that some people have liked my stories and wanted another chapter or part. So I'll be trying to update more frequently. And I'll be trying to update my stories even though I might be feeling lazy and don't want to update them.

Also, I have an annoying problem. The numbers on my laptop, like the ones on the top of my keyboard? Yeah, they won't work so I have to use my on-screen keyboard to type things like this --> !. And it's really getting on my nerves. >:(

Anyway, other than my weird problems, I hope you guys enjoy this book so far! Thanks for reading! Peace out ma ghosts!✌😄👻

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