Chapter 18

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Audrey's POV

I walked to my room in the Avengers tower. I wanted to collapse on my bed, but I needed to get on my comfortable pajamas before I could do that. I put my hair up and brushed my teeth. I changed into a baggy shirt and shorts, even though it was winter. I took off all of my jewelry and was about to jump into bed when I heard a knock at my door. Inside my head, I groaned. Did someone have to do this now?! I walked to the door and opened it, revealing a tired looking Kaz. I tilted my head in confusion, it was like, 12:44 at night. I actually had an excuse. What did Kaz want? I mean, I probably already ruined our friendship by kissing him. Did he was to blow off some steam on me?

"Hey, um... can I talk to you? In... your room?" Kaz asked. In my mind, my head was screaming, "WTF DOES HE WANT?! DON'T LET HIM IN?", while the other side was screaming, "Hear him out, he probably just wants to talk. Let him in." I nodded, stepping to the side to let him in my room. I closed the door, understanding that if he wanted to talk to me in the hallway, he wouldn't have wanted privacy. 

"What's on your mind Kaz?" I signed, sitting down next to him on my bed. He sighs and holds his breath for a couple seconds. 

"A lot of things are on my mind, Audrey." Kaz breathed out. I nodded. 

"Want to talk about them? Get them off your chest?" I signed. 

"Of course he wants to talk to you, you idiot, that's why he came to you." My thoughts scolded me. 

Thanks brain.

"Yeah." Kaz said. Then we just sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. After about 2 minutes of silence, I decided enough was enough. If I was going to be his therapist, then it's going to start now. 

"Okay, then." I signed, moving so I was facing him. "What's first?" 

"Well, first thing is that my brother is going to be visiting soon, and he's a HUGE fan of the Avengers. And now that we are apart of the Avengers, I don't know how to tell him that without freaking him out. I already have enough problems with him since he sort of hates me." He rubbed his head with his hand. I was shocked. I mean, yeah I knew he had family, but he didn't tell me about a sibling, and certainly not about one that hates him!

"Why does he hate you?" I signed to him. He shrugged. 

"I guess I 'stole his fame' in elementary school and he wants to get me back for it? I don't remember, it's been so long since I've seen him. Kyle always has been dramatic but I haven't talked to him since.... my mom left my dad...which was 5 or 6 years ago. " He explained. I felt bad for him. I mean, I don't remember my parents so I don't know what it feels like, but having loving parents and an actual family doesn't sound that bad. I looked at him, then his lonesome hand. What if I....held it? Would that bring some comfort to him? I probably shouldn't.... I mean.... I don't even know if he liked the kiss or he hated me for it. So I just sat there, listening. 

"And you gave me." He rubbed the back of his head. I mentally groaned. Speak of the flubbing hamster on a stick. (I didn't want to say D-#-v-i-l because... I don't know, I just didn't want to.) 

"Of course he's going to ask you about that, you imbecile. Don't you ever think?" My thoughts mentally scolded me. Well... look at that. My evil parenting side has some vocabulary. FOCUS!

"What about it?" I was going to sign, but he interrupted me with a kiss on the cheek. My white eyes widened and I just looked at him. He just smiled at me and rubbed the back of his head again. 

"What? You think I was just going to let that go? Without getting you back?" He chuckled. I just stared at him for a moment, then slowly started to smile. I did the closest thing to a silent laugh as I possibly could since...obvious reasons. 

"Why are you so awkward?" My thoughts scowled. I just rolled my imaginary eyes in my head and looked at him. Should I really ask this? Well, here goes nothing...

"Is this really something you should be doing to a disabled girl, who made you dinner, and gave you a kiss at 12:59? (Yes I made it that exact)" I teased. He chuckled, laying his head against my pillows. My weird side kicked in again. HE WANTS TO SLEEP WITH YOU! OMG! My thoughts wouldn't shut up. Wait...This is my head! I should have control of what happens in it. I tried to block out my weird side, but she just stayed put and started to annoy me more with her freaking out again. Then my calm side stepped in. About time.

"Calm down. He's not going to try anything. I mean for gosh sake he's in your bedroom with a girl who can't talk and who's maybe his GIRLFRIEND!" My calm side emphasized on the words 'maybe' and 'girlfriend'. My weird side finally got the hint. I just climbed in next to him, laying my head and arm on his chest. I pulled the covers over us. He sighed. 

"Why does life have to be so confusing, Audrey?" He asked me. I couldn't honestly answer him since I was asking the same question myself. I just shrugged. I didn't know what to do for it. Over a couple of minutes, I heard his heartbeat and his breathing slowed, indicating that he was sleeping. I smiled. I wondered if this is what he wanted all along. I just snuggled into his chest and quickly fell asleep. 


Curt's POV

"I got your shipment from Hydra. Your gauntlet. It's finished." I sickly grinned. He didn't do anything in the darkness. 

"Good. You're poison is finished. You just need to get me my gauntlet and you will have your poison to kill this...Audrey of yours. Why do you want to kill her anyway?" He asked, his deep voice echoing throughout his chamber I was doing this trade with. 

"She betrayed me and went with the stupid Avengers. She and her 'new team' are trying to track me down and put me in prison. Again." I growled. "She was my best creation and I was going to rule the world with her by my side, but the Avengers ruined that. I want to use her to destroy her only family she ever had." My trader nodded. 

"Just get me the gauntlet and you shall have your poison." He nodded toward the door. I bowed, being kind to this person who was going to help me destroy the only bad creation I created. 

"Until we meet again, Thanos." I grinned and walked to the door. 


Shiz got real....

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