Chapter 2

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Hakeem POV
Hey It's ya boy Hakeem. Im 17 and I'm brown skinned with a fade. The teacher told this girl to show me around or some shit. She really pretty like gorgeous and I wanted to get to know her a little. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around. "Your name Lyric right" I said. "Yea" she said all soft and quiet, then looked down. I guess she shy. The speaker went off talking about an early dismissal for somebody then the girl sitting next to Lyric left. The rest of the class I was on my phone there was a meeting at the trap later today that I had to go to. After class was over I went to go find Lyric so she can show me to my next class.

"Aye ma I thought you were supposed to be showing me around" I said jogging behind her. Once I caught up to her I gave her my scedule. "Ohh my bad I'm sorry we have our next class together come on" I followed behind staring at her ass the whole time. That's gonna be mine one day.

After school

Lyric POV
Jay texted me and told me he can't pick and that he had somewhere to be, and Keisha is at the doctor so I guess i'm walking. Then this BMW stops right in front of me and I see Hakeem roll down the window. "Need a ride" he asked. "No thanks I'll walk" I said then it started pouring rain. "Come on am get in the car" he told me. I got in and thanked him. We rode in silence while I looked out the window.

Hakeem POV
It was raining so I decided to give shawdy a ride. She was looking out the window the whole time. I almost forgot about the meeting at the trap. "Lyric we gotta make a quick stop before you get home". "Ok" she said still looking out the window. We got to a red light and I lifted her chin up with my finger and made her face me. "Stop putting your head down when I'm talking to you ok" she nodded her head yes. Then the light turned green and we pulled up to the trap. I went to lyric's side and opened her door which I'm not used to doing. I held her hand as we walked inside and I could tell she was scared. "If anyone making you uncomfortable let me know and I'll handle it." She said ok with fear in her eyes.

I put my arm around her pulling her closer to me. I went into jay's office. "Hey this is" he interrupted me. "Lyric". "Jay" she said. Hold up how they know each other.

Lyric POV
What the hell is he doing here. "Sis how you get here". "Hakeem brought me here on his way to taking me home since you couldn't come get me".

"We'll I guess now is time you find out, i sell drugs".

"How could you not tell me all this time, I mean I don't have a problem but you could have let me know."

"I'm sorry I just didn't know how to tell you and Hakeem I'll talk to you later, now get my sister home safely or your ass is dead."

"Yea boss" Hakeem said as he walked me back to his car. The car ride was silent until I finally got home. I was about to get out the car, but then Hakeem grabbed my arm.

"Can I at least get your number ma". I gave him my phone and he put his number in as future bae💍💕. I was blushing hard until I got inside. Harmony was at a friends house so I'm guessing Jay will pick her up on his way back. I changed my clothes and slid under the covers then went to sleep. Today was a long day.

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