Chapter 26

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Lyric POV
"Ladies and gentlemen I now present to you the graduating class of 2016" our teacher said. Everyone cheered. It felt so good to be graduating. All the hard work I put in finally paid and now I'm a high school graduate at 16 years old. It's been a long and hard journey but we all made it.

  I was walking out of the building. We took a lot of pictures. When we got back to the house there were decorations everywhere and people screaming congratulations. Jay threw me a graduation party. "Come to the backyard" Hakeem said. "Why" I asked. "Just listen to him and go" Jay said. I went to the backyard and there a BMW with a pink bow on top of it. "OMG baby thank you so much I love you" I said and gave him a huge hug and a kiss. "Love you too baby take it for a ride" he gave me the keys and we both jumped in.

  He gave me directions to go somewhere but wouldn't tell me. He said it was a surprise. When we got there Jay, Kennedy, and Keisha, Trey, Skye, Jacob, and my grandparents, were there. I wonder they got her before us. "What's are we doing here" I asked. We were in front of a building called Harmony hair. "Surprise sissy" Jay said. "Why are saying surprise" I asked. "Dumbly this your salon" Jacob said. "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU YOUR THE BEST BROTHER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE" I screamed and jumped on Jay giving him like a thousand kisses on the cheek. I got of of him and he handed me the keys to the store. I went inside and it was so pretty, it was painted pink with a picture of harmony in the back. "We dedicated it to her" Jay said. I know she would have liked it. "Gurll guess what" Skye said. "What" I asked. "We bouda work together" Keisha said. We all screamed and hugged each other. Today couldn't get any better. I'm bouda work with my girls in my salon and I got a car.

  We went back to the party and had a whole lot of fun. A lot people from our school came and we turnt up.

After everyone left it was like really late but for whatever reason I wasn't tired. I guess Jay wasn't either. We were just sitting on the couch. He looked over at me and said "I'm really proud of you, you know, after all you been through especially this year you made it and I know your gonna be a great role model for Kennedy and you were an amazing one for Harmony". I gave him a hug, "I wouldn't have gotten here with out you" after I said that we talked for a little bit and then we both fell asleep on the couch.

  The next day at night

"Gurll idk what these boys planning but I like it" skye said. Me, her, and Keisha were at my house and we went to my room and there were three different dresses on my bed with a card and our names on it. (A/N dresses in the MM) We put on the dresses and we looked amazing. I plugged up the curling irons and we curled our hair then put on light makeup. We took some pictures. We went downstairs and the guys were standing outside in suites. Their jaws dropped to the floor when they saw us. "Awe baby you clean up nice" Keisha said to trey. "You look amazing" Hakeem said. "You do too" I said. We walked outside and there was a long limo waiting out there. We got inside and the gut started driving. "Okay so where are we going Jacob" Skye asked. "It's a surprise baby hold on" he said to her. We pulled up to Dontrells. Its this really fancy restaurant on a beach. It cost a ton of money just to get a reservation.

Hakeem POV
"We're eating at Dontrells" all of the girls asked in unison. "Nah we got y'all a job here what y'all think we doing here" Jacob said. "Don't just stand out her go outside" I said. We all walked inside and we're taking directly to our table I made sure that there was no wait. We sat our table and just talked and laughed the entire dinner. Then we went to go dancing. We didn't go to a club or anything tonight everything was gonna be umm classy. We took them to one of those slow dancing spots. "Must be nice" was playing started playing and that's Skye favorite love song well at least that's what Jacob told me. I looked over at Jacob and whispered "if your gonna do it do it now". "Nigga I know" he said. "Jacob this is really sweet of you thanks again this might be our best date ever" Skye said. "Hopefully this will make it even better" jacob said then got down on one knee, "Skye when we first started dating we were both in really bad places in our lives but that made our relationship stronger you were a true ride or die no matter how hard things were for you cause of me you got through you the only girlfriend I have ever loved your my everything and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together so will you please do me the honor of being my wife". Skye was crying "yes yes yes" she said. I've never seen a nigga smile so wide. They started kissing and the rest of the room cheered. "That's gonna be us soon" I said to lyric. "And I can't wait." She said.





Just one or two mores chapters left. If I do the sequel I might be working on another book while I do the sequel.

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