Chapter 10

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Lyric in the MM

Lyric POV
  Today is the day I'm going to meet Hakeem's mom and I'm nervous as hell. I really want her to like me. So far I've tried on 8 outfits.

"What about this one" I said showing Hakeem another outfit. This time I had on a black dress with flowers on it.

"Baby, you look beautiful in every thing you tried on but can we please go or we are going to be late."

  I took one last look in the mirror then decided that this was the what one I wanted to wear. I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse then headed out the door. Hakeem opened my door and we got in. The longer we was in the car the car the more nervous I got. I guess Hakeem noticed because Hakeem looked at me and said "everything is going to be ok she is going to like you I promise".

15 minutes later we pulled up to the house. It was really nice. He held my hand as we walked up to the door then he rang the doorbell. A lady about my height opened the door, she was really pretty.

"Hey ma" Hakeem said giving her a hug.

"Hi son, oh and you must be lyric come give me a hug girl"she said

I smiled and gave her a hug. "You can just call me mama, are you hungry oh you must be come on and eat." She led me into the kitchen and I made a plate.

Hakeem POV
I followed them into the kitchen and I see my best friend/ brother Trey. I dapped him and introduced him to Lyric. He not my real brother but after his parents died my mom took him in and we real close. I made my plate and dug right in. This food was bomb. After we ate we talked for what seemed like forever then left. Lyric and my mom really got a long and all they did was talk and talk and talk.

Lyric POV
That went way better than expected. Keem mom is so funny. I'm so glad she likes me and I like her to. Hakeem was ready to go so we went to his place instead of mine. For a boy his house was really clean and big. Then I noticed he had endless video games in his bedroom.

"I bet I can beat you at 2k13" I said sitting on the couch.

"What do I get when I win" said Hakeem.

"Well when I win you have to make me something to eat" I said

"Ok when I win you have to make me a ice cream sundae and give me a back massage" he said putting the game in and giving me a controller.

I lost 😔. "So get started on that ice cream cause I got a sweet tooth." Hakeem said. I swear this nigga cheated, I gave him the middle finger and went to the kitchen and got out all the stuff for the ice cream. "I would love to" said Hakeem chuckling.

He sat on the island and watched me make the ice cream. This nigga wanted like 100 toppings. He pulled me on his lap and ate his ice cream. I tried to get some but he moved his bowl away and said "last time I checked you lost so this is for me". Ole stingy ass. I got off his lap and went upstairs to his bedroom and laid on his bed until he finished since his black ass ain't wanna share. I was about to fall asleep until I felt a hard slap on my ass.

"Wtf Hakeem" I yelled. "I know you ain't forget about the rest of the bet" he said. "Lay down then" I said going into the bathroom to find some lotion. I came back and he was laying on his stomach with his shirt off. I laid on his lower back and started rubbing lotion on him I did his neck to. He was so tense. After like 30 minutes I was done.

It was getting late so Hakeem took me home. Once I got inside I Harmony crying and a drunk Jay yelling into the phone. What is going on now? I picked up Harmony and calmed her down. Jay been doing stuff like this a lot lately. Always yelling and drinking. I put harmony to sleep and went to talk to Jay.

"What was all of that yelling for?" I asked. "None of your damn business!" Jay yelled. "Can you please tell me what's wrong you been getting mad a lot lately" I said. "Lyric I'm not in the fucking mood right now so I suggest you take your little ass upstairs and go to sleep."

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I rarely ever argue with Jay but when I do he gets mad quick and I don't feel like dealing with that right now. I stared walking upstairs then he grabbed my arm and i looked him. His grip was really tight and it was starting to hurt. "Don't roll your eyes at me I said I'm not in the fucking mood now go upstairs before I do something we will both regret" he said letting go of my arm. My eyes started to get watery.

Believe it or not this isn't the first time Jay got this angry but it doesn't happen often so I let it go. He only hit me once and that was months ago. As long as it doesn't get worse I'm good. I think it's some of dad's blood running through his veins and he can't help it. I went upstairs changed and went to sleep.






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