Chapter 13

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Lyric POV
I woke up and got in the shower and washed my hair. then did my hygiene then I put on a pink tank top and my gray sweatpants with "PINK" in pink letters. I decided to wear my hair curly I ain't feel like doing it. Then my phone started ringing. It was Jay.

FaceTime convo

Me-hey Brodie

Jay-hey sissy you miss me

Me- yesss

Jay- it's only been two days and where baby girl

Me- I think harmony downstairs

Jay- well let me talk to her I know she miss me

I went downstairs and heard harmony and Hakeem talking. And I motioned for Jay to be quiet.

"Do like my sister" Harmony asked.

"I don't like her I love her" Hakeem answered.

"She loves you too"

"She told you that"

Harmony nodded. A big smile came across Hakeem face. I walked into the room.

"Hey guys what y'all talking about" I asked.

"Get your fake ass on somewhere you know you was listening" Jay said through the phone. Next thing I know harmony snatched my phone out my hand.

"Hi Jay" she said

"Hey baby girl gimme a kiss" Jay said, and she blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it.

"Are you having fun"  he asked.

"Yea" she said

"Imma call you again in like 4 hours"

"Bye" we both said at the same time. Then he hung up. Hakeem hugged me and whispered "so you were spying on me".

"I wasn't spying I was standing by the door while you guys were talking and listening" I said. "That's what spying means" he said. "Well I'm sorry"I said.

"Oooh can we watch frozen" harmony asked hopefully. "Sure we can" Hakeem answered. He started walking toward the couch and I jumped on his back. "What are you doing" he said. "Can you carry me please" I said holding his neck tighter. He carried me to the couch and I kissed him on the cheek.

Hakeem sat down and pulled me on his lap. "Why do you always sit on Hakeem lap" harmony asked. "Ask him since he the one always pulling me on his lap" I said. "Lil money there are certain things boyfriend and girlfriend do with each other to make them feel ..... Some type of way." Hakeem said. "Like have sex" harmony asked. My jaw dropped to the floor. "Yea but me and lyric don't have sex you need to wait a long a long time before you do and make sure you have it with the right person" Hakeem said. Harmony nodded. Me and harmony sang all the songs. Our vocals was on point.

After the movie was over harmony got ready for bed then fell asleep so it was just me and Hakeem. He got in bed with just boxers and I got in with a blue shirt and boy shorts. "How do you think Jay feel about us sleeping in the same bed" I asked. He shrugged and I laughed. "Do you wanna go to the mall tomorrow" Hakeem asked. I nodded.

I laid in his chest while he played with my hair. "I like your hair curly" Hakeem said to me. "Why" I asked sitting up. "Because you actually look like you have some type of black in and it falls perfectly around your face" he said while combing it through with his hands. "Thanks" I said kissing him and the kiss got heated real fast. "I want you" he whispered against my lips. "Not yet" I said.

"When will it be then"

"Soon" I said then I laid back back on his chest and We watched tv then I yawned. "You sleepy" he asked. "No I'm just kinda bored" I said. "Well what you wanna do then" he asked

Hakeem POV
We was making out and I was really wanting to get some. I don't want to put to much pressure cause I might loose her but a nigga got needs. She was getting bored so I asked her what she wanted to do and she said "well you know how I want my own makeup hair and nail salon right," I nodded and she continued, "well I normally practice on harmony and Jay stubborn ass won't let me do him so I rarely ever give guys makeovers and I was wondering if I could-" I cut her off. "No nope no way not me find someone else you are not bout to do my hair makeup or nails I am not your guinne pig" I said. She pouted her lip and did that little puppy dog eye thing. "Not gonna work I love you and all but this is not happening" I said. "Please Hakeem all I'm gonna do is shape your nails and do your face ok" she said kissing my cheek. "Go ahead" I said finally giving in. "Yay I'm gonna go get my supplies." She said leaving the room.

2 minutes later she came back with a big ass pink sparkly suitcase and sat across from me. She opened and looked like a whole beauty supply store in there. "Wtf you need all this for" I asked. "Please" she wined. I just closed my eyes and let her get to work. It took her like two days to finish. Once she was finally done I must say I looked pretty good my girl got talent. We took a couple pictures then I washed it all off and went to sleep.

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