Chapter 25

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Lyric POV
I fought for you the hardest
It made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you

We laughed at the darkness so scared that we lost it
We stood on the ceilings
You showed me love was all you needed

Heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on go home
(A/N sorry I don't know all the words)

  Right now we were at harmony's funeral. It's been a week since God called her home. It's been hard but I've trying to get through. I know she would have wanted me to be strong so that's what I've doing.

   I made sure they sang heaven by Beyoncé. Almost all the words in this song describe our relationship. I really did fight for her and she made me the strongest. Heaven truly couldn't wait for her. She really did show me love was all I needed.  And I can't stand to see her leaving but now she can go home. Maybe now she can rest in peace. After the funeral we went back to my house. Most of my family and friends were gonna be there too. I went to my room once we got there. When I got in there all the memories of her started to come back. I looked at a picture of us on my dresser and I couldn't hold it in anymore. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it" I asked. "It's us" Kiesha's voice said. "One second" I said. I tried to wipe my tears and get myself together. "Come in" I said. They all came in. It was Skye, Kiesha, Trey, Jacob, and Hakeem. "Baby you don't have to stop crying for us" Hakeem said. That's all I needed to hear. I burst out into tears. Hakeem came and sat next to my I laid my head on his lap. "Aww it's okay big head" Jacob said and sat on the other side of me. I punched his shoulder "My head is not that big" I said. Eventually we were all laying on my bed. Watching spongebob. I'm so glad I have friends like them. They are always there for me.

Like 10 minutes later Kennedy came in. "Umm can I come in here with you guys" she asked. "Of course you can" I said. She came and laid down next to Hakeem. "Wassup KenBen" he said and they did a little handshake. I don't know why kids like him so much. "You give the worst nicknames to children" Jacob said. "Yea first lil money now KenBen" Trey said. I laughed, they a mess. "Mane whatever KenBen like it, don't you" he asked. She nodded.  "Beat her ass sponge bob" Skye said out of now where. "Sandy bout to tear him up you tripping" Keisha said. "Nope watch" Skye said. They was really into this show. "BOOM what I say pay up bitch" Skye said jumping up and down. Keisha handed her 3 dollars. "You crazy" I said to Skye. "I know and you love my crazy ass" she said then jumped on me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and she got off. "You never hug me like that" Jacob said and pouted. "Niglet yes I do but okay" she said then gave Jacob a hug and a kiss. He smiled. "What tf is a niglet" I asked. "It's a word I made up" she said. "I wish my girl would give me a hug right now" Hakeem said. I gave him one. "I want one from my baby too" Trey said. And Keisha gave him a hug. "Haha non of y'all got kisses though"  Jacob said. "Shut up before I take it back" Skye said. "You can't take kisses back baby i got it its on my lips now" he said. Skye gave him the finger. "When I would love to any time any place" Jacob said back to her. "You nasty" I said. "And you ugly" he said. "Hoe" I said. "Bitch" he said. "Your mother" I said. "You lucky I do not hit girls" he said. We just talked and laughed and joked around until it was Time for them to leave.

I couldn't sleep tonight. Kennedy came into my room. "Can I sleep with you auntie" she said. I nodded and moved over so she could lay down. "I miss Harmony" she said. "I do too" I said. "I miss my mommy" she said. "I miss my mommy too, but there all watching over us and i know they wouldn't want us to be sad so when you think of them just remember there in a much better place" I said. And after that we both fell asleep.




The book is almost over. Most likely 5 or less chapters left. It's been a long journey and it's almost over. If I do decide to do a sequel it probably will not be that long. But thanks for reading and supporting this book. It really does mean a lot me. I can't believe it's almost over.

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