Chapter 24

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Lyric POV
  "Ty stop please" I pleaded. "Nope" he said and continued to rape me. He a new type of crazy. He love me one second then hurting me the next. I need to get out of here.

Hakeem POV
"Everybody know the plan" Jay asked all of us. We were finally about to get the girls back. We said a quick prayer then started our mission. Jacob shot down both body guards. We went inside and killed everybody in the first room. Then we went upstairs. And killed almost everyone up there. One guy was still breathing, Jay went over to him and asked "where are they". "Two of them are up here ones in the basement please don't kill me" the guy said. Jay shot him the head then mumbled "pussy ass nigga". Jacob, Trey, and some other guys went to the rooms upstairs. Me, Jay, and some other guys went to the basement. When we got down there we saw Ty, some nigga that used to work for us, raping Lyric. Jay shot him right in the head". We immediately went to go get lyric. I picked her up bridal style and she was crying hysterically. "Hakeem I love you" she said. "I love you more" I said back to her. We got to the car and I sat her down in it and got next to her and Jay got on the other side. "Don't cry sis they not gonna hurt you no more" Jay said to her. She hugged him "I missed you so much" she said. "I missed you too"he said and held her tighter.

Lyric POV
They saved me. Finally. Now all we need is for everybody else to come out. 10 minutes later Trey and Jacob came out with Skye,Keisha, Kennedy, and harmony. I was so happy to see them. They all hugged me when the got in the van while somebody else set the place on fire. "We need to get to a hospital harmony sick" Trey said.

When we got to the hospital Jay ran Harmony to a nurse and they took her to the back. "I think you should go see a doctor too I mean you got beaten up and raped I wanna make sure everything's okay" Hakeem said. I nodded and went to see the doctor.

I was back there for about a hour and a half and the doctor told me everything was fine and my family could come get me. Very came in my room but they all looked depressed. Especially Jay he was Kennedy who was crying really hard. "Why do all of you look so sad and where is harmony" I asked. They all looked down or away and a tear fell from Jay's eye which almost never happens. "Your scaring me what's wrong" I asked. Hakeem looked at me. "They umm they gave her food poisoning and umm when we found it was to late and she umm Harmony she died" he told me. I started breathing heavy. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. How could she be dead. She can't be dead. "NO SHES NOT YOUR LYING WHERE IS SHE SHES NOT I WANNA SEE HER SHES NOT DEAD SHE CANT BE" I yelled. Nobody said anything. "WHERE IS SHE I WANNA SEE HERE" I yelled again. "Next door" Keisha told me. I got up and went next door. She had a machine next to her and she wasn't breathing. I went nest to her and started shaking her. "WAKE UP DAMMIT WAKE THE FUCK UP YOUR NOT DEAD GET UP HARMONY I DID TOO FUCKING MUCH TOO KEEP YOU ALIVE NOW WAKE THE FUCK UP" I screamed and cried at the same time. I sank to the floor and felt someone lift me up. It was Jay. "Let's go home" he said. "She gone shes dead" I said and cried in his chest. "I know" he said. He picked up Kennedy and we walked to the car together. I looked back at Hakeem. "Can you come too please" I asked him. He nodded and jogged to where I was. We held hands and got in the car.

When we got back me and Hakeem sat in silence. Jay went upstairs to talk to Kennedy. Why did all of this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve any of this? After all I did to protect Harmony after my mom died I practically raised her until Jay took us in. I loved her so much. She didn't deserve this. She was so sweet maybe she had seen and knew a little to much for her age but that wasn't her fault. She was so kind and good why did she die like this. I didn't realize I was crying until Hakeem wiped my tears. "This is all happening to fast , why did I have to get kidnaped and why did she have to die out of all people why did God picked her" I asked. "Baby it was her time to go I know you might not wanna hear this but it's the truth God just called her home I know this may sound cleshay but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I know something good is gonna come out of all of this. I am truly sorry I wasn't there to protect you from this but we're together know and I love you I mean that, I promise I will always love no matter what you truly changed me for the better and I thank you for that and I know your hurting and no matter what I say or do I can't stop that but I can and will be here for you through it all if you wanna cry I'll be here for you if you wanna scream I'll be here for you if you wanna just sit and think I'll sit with you wanna if you wanna be alone I'll leave and think about you the entire time were apart I'm in love with you I've never said that to anybody in my life" Hakeem said to me.

Nobody has ever said something like that to me before. He said the right as always. I kissed him. This was the best kiss we've ever shared. I think I found my soulmate. The kiss deepened. I felt a connection to him that words can't even describe. Every time we pulled apart to breathe we started again. In sync. We could do this forever. I want this moment to last forever. And for the first time in a long time nothing else mattered. Just this moment with the person I love. Right here right now. I found someone that will hold me down.




Don't hate me guys. It was her time to go. The book is almost over I'm trying to decide if I should do a sequel or start a new book. Comment which one you want me to do please.

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