Chapter 12

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Harmony in the MM

Hakeem POV
Today is the day my girl and lil money coming to stay with me. Lil money is my nick name for Harmony. Lyric slept over before but this Harm first time. Me and lil money gotten real close lately she like my niece.

I heard a knock on my door and knew it was Jay dropping them off. I opened the door and daped  Jay then let them in. "Yall know the rules and I will FaceTime you everyday, and I am late for my flight" Jay said giving lyric and harmony a hug," by sissy and by shortie"he said walking out the door.

Lyric POV
"Hey baby" I said giving Hakeem a peck on the lips. "I don't what that was ma but it was not a kiss" he said giving me a kiss then it got heated real quick. I heard Harmony do a fake cough, I forgot she was even in the room. "Hey lil money" Hakeem said picking her up. "Hi Hakeem"  she said. "You wanna see your room lil money" she nodded. We went upstairs to what used to be his guest room now has pink blankets and toys everywhere. "Is all for me" harmony asked hopefully. "Of course it is." Hakeem replied. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" harmony said hugging Hakeem, then she started playing with her toys.

Me and Hakeem went downstairs leaving harmony in her room. "The best part is since I gave that room to harmony you'd have to stay with me" Hakeem said. "I should have known but anyway what do you want to do" I asked. "How bout we order pizza and watch a movie".

"Can we get wings too and the little dessert thingies".

"Of course we can"

"Yay I'll pick the movie"

"We watching a scary movie this time"

"You know I don't like scary movies please don't make me watch one and plus harmony can't watch it"

"Number one harmony can watch tv in her room tonight, number 2 I gotchu you don't gotta be scared when you around me Oma protect you." Hakeem said giving me a hug. I went upstairs to take a shower and change into my pajamas then I went to get harmony ready for bed. 10 minutes later our food came. They was late as hell. Hakeem was trying it for free, but he got 75% off. It was good though. After we ate harmony went to her room and me and Hakeem got on the couch and got comfortable. He put in insidious and I know that shot bouda be scary. "Hakeem do we really have to watch this i don't like scary movies" I whined. "You need to face your fears I said I gotchu don't worry" he said. He started the movie and came and sat next to me. I didn't want to watch it but I he was right I needed to face my fears. I jumped like every 10 minutes and Hakeem held me tighter then asked "are you good" every time.

For Some reason I felt safe around him. The movie was finally over. "You good ma you did better then I expected" Hakeem asked. "Yea I'm fine" I said.

"Ok come on baby lets go to bed"Hakeem said.

"Can you carry me please" I said pouting and raising my arms.

"You better get up and walk."

"Please Hakeem I just saw some horrific things and I'm tired, I'll make breakfast in the morning" I said.

"Or I could eat now" Hakeem said i looked at him.

"I understand if you ain't ready" he said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Now get on my back this the last time I'm carrying your ass somewhere." I gave him a kiss on the cheek then he carried me upstairs. We talked for like a hour then I went to sleep.




I know it's boring next chapter will hopefully be better.






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