Chapter 8

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Friday morning

Lyric POV

I gotta keep it real with ya baby, cause this shit I used to do is what made me. And I'm hoping I don't gotta go back to the trap cause we really know that we don't want that.

If I don't make it home tonight tell my momma that I love her leave some flowers for my brother, and if I don't make it home tonight leave some money tell my sister I don't ever want her chasing after niggas

Cause where I'm from niggas out here dying every day and they ain't no bad they just trying to make a way and I ain't no different so if go missing these are my last wishes

I woke up to make it home by August Alsina. I got in the shower and did my hygiene. I decided to wear ripped skinny jeans, my I woke up like this shirt, and my Jordan's. I went down stairs and Jay was their waiting for me. "Come on slow poke" he said. We got in the car and started driving we went to pick up harmony then to drop her off then he dropped me off. Keisha wasn't at school today. Her mom is battling cancer and just got home after surgery so I guess she stayed to be with her her. It was the end of the day and Jay wasn't picking me up so I was gonna ride with Hakeem until I saw the school hoe, raven, walk out of the janitor closet she smiled and winked at me. I think she want me to beat her ass again. I wasn't gonna stress over it until I saw Hakeem come out the janitor closet with a hickey on his neck. I can't believe this son of a bitch cheated on me.

I looked at him and walked away. "Lyric I can explain" he said following me. I walked outside of school and he grabbed my wrist "LET GO OF ME HAKEEM I CANT BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" i felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Baby-" I cut him off, "DON'T START HAKEEM LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" after he said that I let go he looked hurt but at this point I didn't care.

Hakeem POV
I didn't cheat. That bitch pulled me into the closet and started sucking on my neck. I pushed her of me but it was too late. I let her go so she can calm down then hopefully she'll let me explain. I just can't loose her she is the best thing I ever had.

Lyric POV
I ran away from him and started walking home. I was walking for 15 minutes until I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hakeem you got 3 seconds to back away or I'm kicking your ass" I said. "Guess again baby girl" I remember that voice but it can't be who I think it is fear rushed through my body. "Shaun" I said looking behind me "in the flesh" he said I started running and screaming right after that. He caught up to me and his hand around my mouth and a gun to my stomach. "What's wrong sweetie didn't you miss your dad" I can't believe this bastard found me he threw me in the back of a van and put tape on my mouth and tied me up. He got in the back with me and the van started moving. At this point I just started crying. He slapped me and it hurt really bad. "Damn lyric I thought you would have over this crying shit by now" after that I blacked out. I felt cold water hit my body then woke up and realized I was tied to a chair in the basement of our old house. How did you find me" I asked. "That hoe you fought told me where you were to get you away from some nigga." I can't believe that bitch. "What do want from me" I asked "I want revenge I went to jail cause of your ass". "You deserved to go jail you disgusting son of a bitch" after I said that I knew what was coming he punched me twice in my face then said "say something else smart worthless bitch" then he kicked my stomach and I coughed up blood. Where is Jay and Hakeem when I need them.

Hakeem POV
I was at home about to go to sleep then Jay called me.

Phone convo

Boss- is Lyric with you

Me- no why

Boss- she not home yet and I'm really worried about her we need to find her.

Me-I'm on my way

I got in my car and drove to Jay house. This is all my fault I should have never let her go. When I got there we talked for about 30 minutes trying to figure out where she is, then Jay got a phone call. "Who is this .......... Why the fuck are you calling me " after that he put it on speaker and put one finger on his mouth motioning for me to be quiet.

Phone convo

Sean- I want 7,000 dollars then I'll think about if you can have MY daughter

Jay- where is she

Sean- don't worry she right here and if she keep talking she gonna be the death of me

Jay- you better not touch her

Sean- *chuckles* to late for that *backround* Jay I'm at the old house hurry *slap* SHUT THE FUCK UP

After that he hung up. Jay's face showed nothing but pure anger. "Come on" he said walking to his car I followed right behind him. 45 minutes later we pulled up to this old ass hold. Jay handed me a gun and kicked the door in. We went to the basement and saw a man standing in front of lyric who I'm guessing was Sean. Lyric had bruises on her face and it look like she had been crying. "Why did you hit her" Jay said holding up his gun. "She had a smart ass mouth" after that Jay didn't hesitate to shoot.

I can't believe I let this happen to her again. I Untied Lyric and carried her to the car. " Ly I am so sorry I let this happen to you again I promise he won't hurt you anymore". "Jay you said that the time" she said. "I know but he is dead now". "I just wanna go home now and what is he doing here" she said referring to Hakeem. Wtf did I miss. "Baby I didn't cheat raven pulled me into the closet and started sucking on my neck I pushed her of but it was to late, I really need you to believe me"

Lyric POV
I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was sincere. "I believe you Hakeem"





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