Chapter 3

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4 days later

Lyric POV
It's finally Saturday. I was watching tv with Harmony and Jay. I got a text from Hakeem.

Text convo

Future bae💕💍- wyd today


Future bae💕💍- can we hang out today

I was about to text back but then Jay decided he wanna be all nosey. He snatched my phone and started going through my messages. "Who the fuck is future bae"he said.

"Nobody" I said taking my phone back. "You can't see him today I need to go somewhere and I need you to watch Harmony I'm leaving in like 30 minutes". I hate when this happens.

Text convo again

Me- sorry I have to watch my little sister maybe another time.

Future bae💕💍- she can come to I'll be there in one hour.

I went to go get in the shower. Then I put on my ripped jeans, my pink shirt, and my Jordan's, then I curled my hair.

20 minutes after Jay left I heard the doorbell ring. I got up to answer it but Harmony beat me to it. He got down on her level and said "hey I'm Hakeem and what's your name". "I'm Harmony".

"We'll that's a very pretty name" he said. She said thank you and went back to her show. I was sitting on the couch, then Hakeem came and sat next next to me.

"Hey ma" he said. "Hey" I said not realizing I was looking down until he life's my face up. "What I tell you about looking down when I'm talking to you".

"Sorry" I said with a little anoyed, but he didn't seem to notice. "I was thinking maybe we could go to the carnival or something"

I was about to respond but then Harmony started jumping up and down screaming carnival. "Carnival it is then" Hakeem said getting up. We all left and I locked the door.

On the way there all eyes on you was playing. Hakeem was rapping to Meek part and I was doing Nicki Manaj and Chris Brown. Once the song was over all I hear was Harmony in the back clapping. Yep ya girl got vocals.

"We sounded good" I said. "Yeah we did I ain't know you had pipes".

Hakeem POV
I did not know she could sing like that. I've been catching feelings for her. I think she the girl that could you down. We pulled up to the carnival and it was way less crowded then I thought. I got out and opened Lyric and Harmony door. I might get used to this gentlemen shit one day.

Lyric POV
Harmony saw one of her friends their and left us to go play with her. It was just me and Hakeem. We was walking and I saw this minion doll. It was so cute. I guess Hakeem saw me looking at it cause he paused and asked did I want one. I nodded my head and Hakeem paid the man and started and started playing the game.

He won and I reached for my minion but he raised it over his head. "Give me Steve" I whined. "First you have to rename it keem then you gotta be my girl".

"Are you serious Hakeem"

"Yes I am, I know I've only known you for one week but I've been catching feelings, you not like these hoes, your special and I want you to be my girl, I think you the one that's gonna hold me down."

"Of course Hakeem I will be your girlfriend." I really like Hakeem I just hope he not playing games with me.

We started looking for Harmony with our fingers intertwined.

Hakeem POV
She got a nigga all soft and shit. It something about her that I caught feelings for. We found Harmony that little girl is so cute. Almost as beautiful as Lyric. We got in the car and I drove them home.

"Damn Jay still not back" Lyric said to herself but I heard.

"You want me to come in until he home." I said

"That's fine I don't wanna keep you to long"

"It's fine" I said

We got out and started walking towards the door. Harmony was sleep so I carried her inside.

"What room is hers" I asked.

"Second door to the right"

I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead. Once I got back to the living room Lyric had turned on A Haunted House. This movie was halarious.

Lyric POV
The movie was over by the time Jay walked in.

"Where have been" I asked. "None of your damn buisness" he responded. Then he dapped Hakeem.
"So y'all together now or something" he asked laughing. "Yep" I said. He turned and looked at Hakeem "just know if you hurt her I hurt you but it's late so get out."

He went upstairs and Hakeem left giving me a peck on the lips. I went upstairs and changed my clothes then got on my phone. I hope me and Hakeem work out.

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