Chapter 5

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Hakeem POV
I woke up with lyric sleep right next to me. She looked so beautiful when she sleeps. I left a note saying I'll be back at 10:00 and we are going to IHOP so make sure you and Harmony are ready to go.

It was 7:00 now I went home and started to get ready. I wore my red shirt and my true religion jeans and my black and red Jordan's it was 9 so I played GTA until 10. Then I got in the car and went to pick up lyric. I knocked on the door and she answered. Then I realized we was matching she had on a red Minnie Mouse shirt and a black skirt with red converse and harmony had on a red Minnie Mouse dress.

"So I see you tried to copy my style I mean I can dress but damn." I said.

Lyric POV
"First off me and Harmony planned to match and you copied us second we barely matching" she said. "Yea whatever" he said and before I could say anything I was once again interrupted by Harmony bossy ass. "Come on let's go I'm hungry" She headed straight for the car. Me and Hakeem started following behind her and I was walking with a limp because my ankle was hurting and i guess Hakeem noticed cause he stopped for a second and said "you good ma". "Yea I'm fine I just hurt my ankle" he looked at me some then got down low enough for me to get on his back. I got on and kissed he cheeck. He started running all the way to the car. "Slow down" I screamed getting a tighter grip on his neck. We finally got to the car and headed to IHOP. We got are table and the waitress came to take our order and her and Hakeem kept mugging each other.

"Hakeem what's going on with you and the waitress" I asked eating some pancakes.

"nothing don't worry bout it baby" he told me. But u was determined to find out what happened. "If you don't wanna tell me then I'll go ask her then" I said standing up. "Ok lyric damn". Haha. I sat back down. "She thinks I like forced her brother to start selling drugs when he came to me saying he wanted in". I nodded my head and said "ohh ok" Then harmony had to open her big mouth "wait what your a drug dealer" she said all loud luckily nobody paid us any attention. "Yes he is he works for jay who is a drug dealer too and what do you know about drug dealers" I asked her. "That they sell drugs duh" she said taking a sip of her juice. Smart ass.

We left and got in the car. "Can we go see jay now" Harmony asked. Hakeem looked back and nodded then we began driving to the hospital. I was starting to get scared all over again. I guess Hakeem noticed cause he put his hand on my thigh and said "everything is gonna be ok". 15 minutes later we pulled up to the hospital and walked to jay room. He still was not awake. Harmony sat in the chair next to him and held his hand. "Jay I need you to wake up I miss you so much. I'm gonna be brave while your gone, I love you" she kissed kiss forehead.  The whole time I was crying in Hakeem's chest I really need Jay to Wake up I can't keep taking care of Harmony by myself. We started walking out of the room then my ankle started hurting again. I stopped walking and Hakeem looked at me and said "it hurts" I nodded and jumped on his back as we walked to the car.

"Hakeem can you sleep over please" I asked. "Yea but I ain't sleeping on that couch that's for sure" he said. "Ugh you can stay in my room". "Eww ya'll gonna sleep in the same bed" harmony said. So damn mosey. We got in the car and stopped by Hakeem house so he can get some clothes. Once we got to home Harm was tired so she went to her room and was out like a light so it was just me and Hakeem I decided to makes ice cream sundaes. I was almost done and Hakeem came came and wrapped his arms around my waist so I put ice cream on his nose and started running. He caught up to me in like 5 seconds. Then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. "Stop put me down hakeeeeeem" I yelled "ok then" he said throwing me on the couch. Then he started tickling me and I was laughing my ass off until he finally stopped. We were looking into each others eyes and I felt our lips crash. His lips were so soft he tugged my bottom lip and I allowed his tongue to enter. He pulled away and we bother smiled then started eating our ice cream and talking about dumb stuff. We decided to watch while chicks in my room. That movie funny as hell.  After it was over I put on my pajamas and Hakeem put on basketball shorts with no shirt. I guess I was staring cause he said "see something you like" he got in the bed and I laid my head on his chest and he started playing with my hair. "I'm gonna drive you and Harmony to school tomorrow" he said. "Ok" I said softly. He lifted my chin with his index finger and said "what I tell you about that look at me when I'm talking to you" I nodded my head and started to fall asleep.
"I love you" I whispered to Hakeem not even realizing I just said it. "I love you too" he said kissing my forehead I smiled and went to sleep.




I know this chapter was kinda boring but next one will hopefully have more drama & and thank you you to those that are reading and supporting this book.





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