Chapter 21

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Kennedy in the mm

Raven POV
"Everybody understand what to do" I asked and they all nodded. "And everything is done Jay's baby momma" I asked. "Yep the moms gone and I'll drop her off today" Ty said. "Perfect with his daughter it'll be even harder to find Lyric and Harmony" I said.

I was downstairs watching Empire re-runs with Lyric and Harmony when all of somebody somebody wanna knock on my door. I went to go open it and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my daughter, Kennedy, with a suitcase crying. "Baby girl what are you doing here" I asked her while picking her up and carrying her inside. "Mommy dead" she said and cried some more. Lyric and Harmony walked to where we were. "What do mean she dead and how did you get here" I asked her. "Somebody shot her and then this man named Ty brought me here" she said. "Ok calm down your safe with daddy this your aunt Lyric and this is my other sister harmony", I said,"harmony can you and Kennedy go play In your room". Harmony nodded and showed Kennedy her room. I was happy that my daughter was here but sad that these were the circumstances.

Lyric POV
I don't even know what to say. I feel so bad for this little girl because I know what it's like to loose your mom. She's probably scared she barely knows her dad and now she's living with him. "Are you ok" I asked Jay. I can't imagine how he feels right now. "Yea I'm good" he said. "Ok Ima see if the girls wanna go out" I said going upstairs.

I went inside harmony's room and they had on little costume prices and were acting like models. They looked so cute. I took some pictures of them on my phone. "If I'm Jay sister and she Jay daughter what am I to her" harmony asked me. "Well technically that's makes you kennedy's aunt" I told them. "But I'm older than her" Kennedy said. "I know to make it easier y'all can think of each other like sisters" I said. They looked at each other and then said "yea" in unison. I giggled. "So I was thinking we could go hang out and get to know each other better all three of us." I said. They nodded. We went downstairs and got some money from Jay. Every time he looked at Kennedy he started smiling I think he's glad he got his daughter with him.

  We went to the mall and bought clothes and shoes for all of us. We went to the movies. We went to chicly cheese and then we went back home. That whole day I felt like I was being watched but I shrugged it off. The girls fell asleep in the car and Jay carried them to harmony room. I guess that's were Kennedy gonna stay until we get her room ready. "Are you happy you have your daughter with you" I asked Jay. "Yea I know I definitely need to step it up as a father I've been raising you and harmony now it's just a third girl." He said. "Well get some sleep you look tired". "I've been stressing" he said then walked upstairs. I checked my phone and saw I had a missed call from Hakeem. I called him back.

Phone convo
Bae❤️💍-hey baby my momma miss you and want you to come to dinner Sunday
Me-I miss her too tell I'm coming Sunday and can you come over or can I come to your place
Bae❤️💍-I'm on my way I'll come to you.
Me-see you soon
Bae❤️💍-love you
Me-love you too
Convo over

I texted Skye and Keisha in the group convo we had with each other.

Text convo
Me-I gotta tell y'all something
Skye💓-what gurll
Me- Jay daughter her and she is so sweet
Keke💜-you serious
Me-yep I'll tell y'all the details tomorrow
Convo over

  I sat down and watched tv while I waited for Hakeem to come to the door. 5 minutes later he came in. "Hey baby what you wanna talk about" he asked. "Remember when I told you Jay had a daughter" I asked him and he nodded. "Well she her now" I told him. "How she get here" he asked. "Her mom died and she said some guy dropped her off here" I said. He nodded and asked "are you ok". "Yea she a really sweet girl and I'm glad she here I thought I'd be feelin some type of way when I met her but I don't" I told him. "Where is she" asked. "She in harmony room sleep they got along real well" I told him. "That's good" he said.

Hakeem POV
I think Ima wait until tomorrow to tell her what Trey found out. Raven is up to something. She working with Ty, he used to work for us but he left to do something else. He the same nigga that robbed android think this nigga came asking me for help and I practically gave him his start. (A/N he is mentioned in chapter 5 at the part with the waitress) He paid the nigga that shot Jay to shoot him. He been after us for some time now and we just found out this nigga wanna be at the top but he will ever take Jay place. Right now we was laying down in Lyric room and she fell asleep I rolled out of bed Carefull not to wake her and went back to my place. All I'm worried about now is protecting my girl.

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