Chapter 18

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Raven POV (A/N Raven was the girl that tried to get with Hakeem and the one lyric fought who helped lyric's dad find her in chapter 6 and 8)
"I want him to suffer first before he dies and then I wanna take his place" Ty said to me. Long story short Ty is this guy I met and basically we both want the same thing. We both want lyric and Jay and Hakeem dead. "You can't directly torture Jay he can handle almost anything the only way to really hurt him is to hurt the two people he loves the most". "How do we do that" Ty asked I started unbuckling his shirt and said "he has two sisters I want the older one, lyric, to die slowly and plus she goes out with one of his best guys her dying will make his whole team fall, and the little one , Hillary or harmony whatever her name is, her death will be the icing on top of the cake." I took Ty's shirt off then his pants. " I want you to find everyone close to his whole team and I want them all dead" he said. "You got it baby" We started making out and then we had sex. He fell asleep and I started looking for more info on Jay, lyric, and Hakeem. I waited so long for this now I can finally take this bitch down.

Lyric POV
I woke up in Jay's room and started to remember what happened last night. After he told me about his long lost daughter we went to his room and he let me pick a movie, which almost never happens. He was still sleep and I was bored so I decided to m a little fun. His mouth was wide open so I put on lipstick then I put a paper ball on his mouth. Next I got some whoop cream a put it all over his face. I took a picture then punched his stomach to wake him up. He gagged on the paper and took it out of his mouth. Then he touched his face and whoop cream got on his hand. I laughed and he looked at me. "So you think this funny" he asked me. I nodded and he got up and picked up the whoop cream. I ran out of the room and tried to get to my room but he caught me and threw me over his shoulder. He took the whoop cream then sprayed it on my hair then put me down. I mugged him and he laughed.

Then the doorbell rang and I went to go open it it was Keisha, harmony, and Skye. "What happened" Skye asked. "Jay is what happened. "We gonna get him" sake said. "Yep" Kiesha said. We got water guns but we ain't fill them with water. Mines had Sprite, harmony's had lemonade, Kiesha's had fruit punch, and Skye crazy ass filled hers with liqueur. We went into Jay room and started spraying him. Once he realized it wasn't water he got really mad his face started turning red and shit and we left the room he just stood there.

So they think this shit is fucking funny. I can them giggling and shit now but it's all good cause I got something for they asses. I got my phone and texted Jacob, Trey, and Hakeem. These girls want war I got they little boyfriends on my side. Let's see what's fucking funny now and I still don't what they squirted me with cause it sure as hell ain't water. I heard the doorbell ring and laughed to myself. I heard the girls scream and the guys laugh and I walked downstairs. "I think somebody owes me an apology" I said. "Sorry" lyric said. And the girls went upstairs.

  I rolled up a blunt and started smoking it. The boys were still standing there like they were waiting for something. "What" I asked. "Aren't you gonna pay us" trey asked. I looked at him like he was crazy "y'all ain't do shit but play with water". He sucked his teeth and they started walking upstairs. "Where the hell yall going" I asked. "Up fucking stairs" Jacob said. "Stop cussing so much I'll still shoot you lil nigga" I said.

  People be forgetting this still my house.

Lyric POV
Jay always be doin to fucking much. Anyways I got in the shower and true religion shirt and denim jeans. Me and the girls were gonna go get our nails done. I came out the bathroom and Hakeem, Trey and Jacob was trying to talk to Skye, Keisha, and harmony they was just ignoring them. Hakeem walked over to me and said "I know my girl gonna talk to me" I looked at him and walked away. "Y'all some traders we leaving" Skye said. We got up and left.

I got pink nails and my ring fingers were glittery. Skye got blue nails and with the glitter on her ring fingers. Kiesha got green nails with the sparkly middle fingers. And harmony got purple.

I dropped Kiesha at her house and Skye at hers. I got back and it the boys had left so it was just Jay. He was on the phone so I went to my room and did one hair tutorial and one makeup tutorial. Then I edited them and posted it on YouTube. After I washed the makeup of I started watching tv then went to sleep.





Hope you guys like the book so far and thanks for getting me to 3k reads.

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