Chapter 59

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Sarah's POV

The doctors said that Alli was free to go home the next morning, just not to do a lot of physical activity and to rest that arm as much as possible, so here I was driving Alli and everybody home in Michael's Range Rover and an awkward silence between me and him since he was as far away as he possibly could be. He had re capped all his childhood memories and told the doctors he remembered so he was free to go as well, their was a barbeque back at his house to celebrate his memory returning. Matt was so good at managing that he had already set up a welcome back concert next week and tickets were selling like wild fire.

" Thank god for Big Red Buses." Alli said from the back.

" Why?" Luke asked.

" That's where I got blood from duh!" she said, flicking him on the shoulder.

" OW!" He cried.

" Oh be a man!" said ash. I forced out a giggle just so everybody wouldn't keep babying me and feeling bad because me and Michael were in a little fight. I pulled up into Michael's driveway and we all hopped out of the car. The smell of barbeque sauce engulfed the entire backyard as we made our way through the back gate.

" Sarahhhhhhh!" Tom cried, running over to me, to say he was 5 years old he acts like a 2 year old.

" Hey Tom!" I laughed, picking him up and spinning her around.

"Michael." He cried, holding her arms out to Michael when he saw him.

" Hey Dude" he smiled. Our fingers brushed when I gave tom to him and he looked angry. I sighed and looked down.

" Ok..awkward who wants chips!" Makayla said, dragging me away.

" Thanks." I whispered, a little choked up.

" No problem." she said, her hand rubbing across my back as she left me by the pool.

Michael's POV

I felt bad, looking at her sitting on a pool chair looking all sad and irresistible. Her hair was blowing to the side and she just had to be looking to the side with a sexy expression didn't she? She probably didn't even know she looked so good. If I wasn't mad at her I would go over there and claim her lips with mine, and I wanted to so bad.

"Michael why aren't you with Sarah?" Tom asked me. How am I supposed to explain this to him.

" Me and her are in a little fight."

" Why?" he asked, blinking at me.

" Well she said something not so nice." I replied.

" Oh...what did she say?" Jeez this boy asks to many questions.

" Tom stop asking so many questions."

" Fine. Put me down." He said. I put him down and he walked over to Sarah. Her eyes met mine for a second and she gave me a weary smile, I gave her one back. I wasn't going to sit here and mope. I got up and went to hang out with family I hadn't seen in ages.

Sarah's POV

I wasn't going to sit here and mope around looking all sad, ruining everybodys day. I decided to go check and see if the papers at the hospital were ready yet.

" ash I'ma go alright?" I said.

" You gonna tell Michael?" he asked.

" Nah, I doubt he cares." I replied sadly.

" Alright Sarah, Love ya."

" Love ya to ashy." I said, using my nickname for him. He smiled and shook his head.

The hospital wasn't very full today as I walked through the sliding doors. I sighed and walked up to the front desk.

" Hi are the papers for Michael Clifford or Alli Simpson ready yet?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

" Uh yes I believe so let me check." she said, going into a back room.

" Alright." I said, leaning up agaisnt the desk.

" Sarah!" I heard somebody call. It was Andrea. She was running down the hallway towards me. I sucked in my breath and clenched my fists. Sarah stay calm.

" Look Sarah, I had NO IDEA that Calum had a girlfriend and I feel terrible! I would have never done it if I had known. Let me make it up to you. I want you and the girls to sleep over my house this friday." she smiled. She didn't look like she was doing it out of spite or just to get on our good side, she looked genuinly sorry.

" Alright I'll run it by the girls and I'll call you." I smiled, handing her my phone. She gave me hers and we exchanged numbers.

" Hope to see you then." she smiled, walking away. I got their papers and headed back to my house.

I got home, changed and took out my guitar it seemed like a good time to play.

I drew out the last note and gently put my guitar down. This isn't how I felt one bit.. it was just a comforting song to me when I was sad.

Michael's POV

Where was Sarah? I hadn't seen her since she was sitting by the pool. I was looking everywhere for her.

" ashton do you know where Sarah is?" I asked.

" Yeah she went home. She said you wouldn't care." he said. She didn't know how wrong she was, I care about her more then I could ever show.

" Oh..." I trailed off, looking down at my now un appatizing food. I decided to text her.

" Hey Sarah." She replied.

" Hey :/"

" Why did you leave the barbeque :(" I asked.

" Because... you were having fun and I didn't want my sadness to ruin your day."

" Oh.. well are you alright?"

" No.. I won't be until were good again."

" Okay.... well bye :/"

" Bye :/ I still love you." I didn't text back after that I slipped my phone back into my pocket and sighed. I wanted to tell her I still loved her with all my heart to but if I caved now she wouldn't take me seriosuly. I didn't know what to do.

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