Chapter 15: Death in the family

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Sorry! It's a really short chapter! But I actually read the other chapter, and just wanted to know more! xD I hope you like the chapter though! But it's only going to be 20 chapters in this story, so if you what to know more then TELL ME!! 

And I'm SO sorry for the spelling mistakes!



“This is the last present,” Albus announced, and held up a small present. He read the note out loud,” To Kathrine From Igor, and your Mom Bellatrix”. He looked up at me, and looked at me with a funny look.

“Your mom? You never talk about her?” he said, and looked over to his father. Harry looked a little alarmed, but tried to calm down.

“I don’t think my mother is even worth talking about,” I said, and hoped they hadn’t sent something that could blow my cover of. I had told them NOT to send me any presents, they should wait until I came home to them. I took the present Albus reached to me, and began to open it. I had a feeling in my stomach that this wasn’t good, but I was dumb enough to not listen to the feeling. I tore the paper off, and the dark mark reviled itself from the paper in my hand. It was made of gold, and shined so everyone could see it.

I lost control over the situation at that moment. I felt my eyes widen, and James eyes too. He dropped my hand, and stood up. Harry jumped up from the couch and dragged Lily and Albus behind him. Lily stood up too, and shielded the children with Harry. I still stared at the mark and said “Shit!” I stood up from the chair and looked up, I shouldn’t have done it. I could see Harry, Ginny and Jacob with raised wands, all pointing at me. I shouldn’t have said more, but I had lost control of myself, and I regretted my words as fast as I had said them.

“I’m going to kill Belltrix LeStrange when I come home!” I actually yelled them, with all the hate I could manage to find. Harry began to shoot some curses at me, but I twisted my body so the just flew by. I looked at James, and saw his eyes, they were confused.

“I’m sorry James,” I said to him, still looking in his eyes. “I love you, and I’ll explain later.” I could see he still didn’t understand, but I looked over at Harry, and he was angry, and scared. I couldn’t control anything in my body now, and my mouth just spit out words on its own.

“Potter! Are you afraid?” I said and every word were filled with poison. “Haha! I fooled you for SO long, but now it’s over! See you later, Potter!” I bowed, and turned on the spot. The place I was going to where my house, because I were going to kill my mother.


Chapter 15: Death in the family

Kathrine POV

I landed in front of the front door, and immediately slammed the door open. I could hear noise from the living room as people ran towards the front door. Two wands pointed at me as the people, who owned them, reached the hall. When they saw it was me, they quickly took their wands down. I stared at the two of them, Bellatrix and Igor.

“What were you thinking? I yelled at Bellatrix.

“I though you listened to me! Do you know what you have done? You destroyed everything! They know what I am now, do you think Potter will let me live now?!”

“Honey, I’m sorry. I thought …” Bellatrix began, but I cut her off.

“That’s the point! You don’t think!” I yelled back at her. She looked terrified at me, before her eyes went to look at the floor.

“I’m sorry mother, but this time I’ve had enough! You’ve crossed the line too far this time!” I stretched my hand towards her, and my hand pointed at her. I could see the fear in her eyes, when I think about it, it was the first time my mother has shown real fear. A tear sprang from her eye, before she closed them. She knew what was going to happen now.

“I’m sorry mother,” I said to her. I closed my eyes so I could prevent a tear to drop.

“Avada Kadavra,” I whispered the words, and as soon as I had whispered them, Bellatrix dropped to the floor. She was dead.

James POV

What had just happened? I tried to understand what had happened, but it was impossible. I could hear my father search the house to find her, but she was gone. I knew it form the feeling inside of me. My father came in to the living room again, and went over to my mother.

“She’s gone, but it’s impossible. The spell makes sure that none people can leave this house if they use magic,” I looked at my parents scared faces, and opened my mouth.

“She’s powerful dad.. Did she mean she was going to murder someone?” I whispered. My father’s eyes looked deeply into mine.

“I think so,” was all he managed to say, before a bright light blinded us all. Some seconds later we saw what the source was. It was the mark Kathrine got from her mother. It shined, and began to twist and bend.

“What’s happening?” My mother yelled. She looked at the mark, before her eyes made their way to dads. Suddenly he screamed, and his hand flew up to his lightning scar. Then, before anyone could react, he fainted.

“She killed Bellatrix LeStrange,” my father said to us. He had waked, and he had explained, that he saw what Kathrine had done. I couldn’t believe him.  I didn’t want to, but I knew who my father was. He was Harry Potter, the boy who lived.


So what do you think? Tell me!!


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