Chapter 17: Unfair battle

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So this took 4ever to write! Hope you'll enjoy the chapter! 


Chapter 17: Unfair battle

Albus POV

I could see my father enter the great hall before the doors closed themselves. He came about an hour after Kathrine walked out of the Gryffindor common room. The first thing he did was to run up to the Gryffindors, to make sure James and the others were alright, and then he came down to me. I felt a little left out of my family, no one down here even likes me, or wants to spend their time with me.

I was down in the Slytherin common room, doing some leftover homework. He ran through the door which opened for him without him even saying a word. The others in the common room, including me, jumped to their feet when he came in. It was quite funny to think of later, it almost seemed like this was practiced on beforehand.

“Albus are you alright?” my father asked me, and gave me a tight hug.

“I’m fine, but you are going to kill me if you don’t let me go,” I answered, barely hearable. My father hugged me so tight that I actually was afraid he’d chocked me.

“I’m so sorry Albus,”my father let go of me, and smiled.

“I have to go.. I have go talk to the teachers,” he said, and just as he was about to turn and leave, he hit my arm lightly with his fist.

“Take care, will you?” he asked, and turned to leave when I nodded.

The second the door closed behind my father, the other students in the common room began to shout things to me.

“Daddy Boy”

“You’re too weak to be that great wizards son”

“He doesn’t really care about you, you know? Since you’re in Slytherin and all”

I couldn’t hear it anymore, so before I began to cry I walked out of the common room. I began to run when the door closed behind me, as my tears began to fall. I ran after my father, I reached him just as the doors to the great hall closed. I was too late.

Kathrine POV

I had my entire group behind me as I walked towards Hogwarts. I could sense to defense spells the teachers casted, like they could hold me of? They were all pathetic, I hate when grown up’s think they are so much better than a kid. Suddenly I couldn’t move any longer towards the castle.

“We are being kept out, it’s too late,” I heard someone muttered behind me, I didn’t care to figure out who said that.

“I though you guys knew me? That nothing’s going to stop me,” I said back, and waved with my wand, the protection spell disappeared. This time there were someone else who talked, or rather he didn’t talk, he laughed quietly. I didn’t care about any of them, because I had this strange feeling that I had to know if James were somewhere safe. I can’t love him! It’s against my own rules!

As I reached the doors of the great hall, I blew them up. Everyone in the room jumped, including Potter and Igor. I laughed loud, and I could feel my boys spread out on my sides, just a step behind me.

“Riddle!” Potter screamed, and pointed his wand towards me.

“Yes, that’s me. You don’t need to yell,” I laughed back, he looked furious and it was one of the funniest looks I’ve ever seen on a human being. He looked like a cat when it was angry.

“It’s funny, don’t you think?” I said, teasing him a little. I He looked shocked, like he didn’t understand what I was talking about. Of cause he didn’t understand what he was talking about.

“What are you talking about?” he asked me, and I laughed even more.

“Just a question more before I’ll answer you,” I said, suddenly really curious about the answer.

“Where is James? Is he safe?” Harry looked shocked, and the furious.

“Of cause he’s safe! How you dare to say his name!” he yelled at me, and shoot a curse towards me, I simply waved it away with the hand I didn’t hold my wand in.

“Good, and DON’T SHOOT AT ME!” I yelled, and disarmed him easily with my wand.

“So I’ll tell you what I meant. But surely you feel it, or at least remember it. It was after all your doing! But I can’t thank you more about it though,” I said and smiled. Harry looked more confused, it was weird that he hasn’t thought about it yet. The other teachers except for Igor shoot at me, but my boys protected me. I disarmed them all, and with another hand wave I prisoned them all within ice.

“Haha, funny ice cubes!” I laughed, and began to walk towards Harry.

“The thing you should remember is that this is it,” I said, and understanding was shown in his face.

“This is the place where you killed my father,” I said with a calm face, and a sad smile appeared on my face knowingly.

Harry backed away from me as I walked towards him, without his wand he was nothing. I laughed out loud, and looked Harry right in his eyes. I could see some fear in them, and it was thrilling me.

“I know you have love and all, but so have I. This time you will not survive,” I said, with an evil grin on my face.

“I’m sorry, or not..” I said, as I lifted my wand towards Harry Potters heart. He was within a meter of me now, and pressed up against the teachers table.

“Bye bye, Harry,” I said, and this time I smiled, actually smiled happy.

“Avada Kedavra” I yelled, and before me I could see Potter fall to the ground.

A voice screamed behind me, I turned in time to see James run towards me. My boys held him back with some magic, I didn’t really care.

“You were supposed to be safe,” I said, and stumbled some steps towards him.

“Don’t come any closer to me! MURDERER!” He yelled, and I had to take a step back, could he really say something like that to me? I had to go, to make him forgive me, which I hope he will one day.

“Let’s go boys,” I said, and they began to leave Hogwarts, of cause they listened to me.

“I’m sorry, James,” A tear ran from my face, and down to the ground, before I teleported myself out of Hogwarts.


So what do you think? I'm to tired to write more.... TELL ME!

(Had to dedicate the story to the one who guessed what would happend next)

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