Chapter 14: Present Christmas

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Sorry, it took so long for me to upload! But I hope you like it! Finally some acton, i think!



“Merry Christmas Igor!” I said to him, and smiled. He smiled back, and gave me a hug.

“Merry Christmas to you too, Kathrine,” he said back, and gave me a present. As usual I got many presents, like the school uniform, since I’m going to start it Durmstrang after the summer, a lot of toys, books, games, and so on. The last present was the most exciting one, and my mom gave it to me. I looked at both of them, and they looked proud and curious on me. I saw that the present was a wand, and smiled to them with my widest smile before I opened it.

“Ahh,” was all I could say, and my mother and Igor looked a little afraid.

“It’s beautiful,” I continued.

“It was your fathers, and now it’s yours. Try it, hold it,” my mother said proud. I took it out from the gift paper, and hold it in my hand. It was then, I could feel my whole body change. It was like my whole body changed, and I began to burn inside. I could feel my rage build up, and my hatred for Potter build up more that it were before. I changed, and all they had done was to give me a wand, my father’s wand.

“Kathrine?” I could hear, but it sounded so far away.

“Are you awake?” the voice said again, and I opened my eyes. Wait? Was it just a dream? 


Chapter 14

Kathrine POV

“Today it’s Christmas” was the first thing I thought that day, when I woke. I opened my eyes, and with one glare at the clock, I saw it stood 11:03. Could it possibly be 11 in the morning? How could Albus wait to open his presents this long? I jumped out of the bed in the guestroom, and ran over to my suitcase. I grabbed some jeans, and a t-shirt, and threw it on. I was about to walk out when someone knocked on my door, and opened it. It’s Albus I thought, but to my surprise it wasn’t, it was James. He looked around in the room, when he figured out I wasn’t in bed.

“So you’re up?” he asked me when he spotted me. 

“Yes! It’s strange Albus hasn’t waked my up yet,” I said surprised, why was it James who wakes me up?

“Oh, Dad ordered us to wait until you woke up. I actually had to sneak over the hall, to check if you were alive! James said, with a laugh in the end. 

“Yeah, I was about to go out to check if all of you were alive,” I said and put a smile on my mouth. This was one of the smiles that weren’t fake, I actually wanted to smile to James. I went over to him, and grabbed his hand.

When we reached the living room, I could see the whole family sitting around the tree already. Albus jumped around the living room, just waiting for me to wake up. Harry sat in the couch with Ginny, and commanded to Albus to calm down, and Lily sat in a chair and watched some cartoon at the television.

“Good morning, Kathrine” said Ginny, who apparently saw me first. As a reaction to that comment, everyone else looked at me too.

“Good morning all! You should’ve waked me up before!” I said, after all I was a guest in their house, and therefore they could’ve waked me up!

“Oh darling, you looked so tired yesterday, so we though you could sleep a little,” Ginny said with a smile, and looked at Harry. Sometimes she was so childish, and discussing muggle lover, but other times she was very useful. She couldn’t block her mind, so I could easily walk in and out as I pleased.

“But now I’m awake, so let’s not keep Albus waiting anymore,” I said, and gave Albus a huge smile. He began to jump again, and ran over to the Christmas tree, and began to hand out presents. James and I sat down in some chairs that stood beside each other, and waited for presents. I didn’t care what everyone got, I had shopped presents with James, and let him pick out what he thought his family would like, I don’t even know what he bought for himself. I love him, but I can’t involve myself to much with him, or my plan would be destroyed.

I could see that all of them got a sweater from Mrs. Weasley in different colours, but all of the other stuff I could figure out who owned. All over the room I could hear “Thank you so much!” and “I really wanted this! Thanks!” but I didn’t know who said it or who it was said to, but then I heard Albus read from a new present “To Kathrine From Harry, Ginny, Albus, James and Lily” and gave me the present. I opened it, and found a picture of the family, and an envelope. At the envelope it stood “ I love you! – James”. I opened it too and drag out a necklace. It was a gold heart, with a text on it. It took me some second to figure out what stood on it, and when I figured out I gasped. It stood “You’ll always be in my heart”. I looked up at James, and he smiled at me. I yelled “Thank you,” and hugged him hard. I could hear the rest of the family laugh a little, and let James go.

“Oh, and thanks to you too,” I said, pretended I was a little embarrassed, but the truth was that I actually enjoyed it.

“This is the last present,” Albus announced, and held up a small present. He read the note out loud,” To Kathrine From Igor, and your Mom Bellatrix”. He looked up at me, and looked at me with a funny look.

“Your mom? You never talk about her?” he said, and looked over to his father. Harry looked a little alarmed, but tried to calm down.

“I don’t think my mother is even worth talking about,” I said, and hoped they hadn’t sent something that could blow my cover of. I had told them NOT to send me any presents, they should wait until I came home to them. I took the present Albus reached to me, and began to open it. I had a feeling in my stomach that this wasn’t good, but I was dumb enough to not listen to the feeling. I tore the paper off, and the dark mark reviled itself from the paper in my hand. It was made of gold, and shined so everyone could see it.

I lost control over the situation at that moment. I felt my eyes widen, and James eyes too. He dropped my hand, and stood up. Harry jumped up from the couch and dragged Lily and Albus behind him. Lily stood up too, and shielded the children with Harry. I still stared at the mark and said “Shit!” I stood up from the chair and looked up, I shouldn’t have done it. I could see Harry, Ginny and Jacob with raised wands, all pointing at me. I shouldn’t have said more, but I had lost control of myself, and I regretted my words as fast as I had said them.

“I’m going to kill Belltrix LeStrange when I come home!” I actually yelled them, with all the hate I could manage to find. Harry began to shoot some curses at me, but I twisted my body so the just flew by. I looked at James, and saw his eyes, they were confused.

“I’m sorry James,” I said to him, still looking in his eyes. “I love you, and I’ll explain later.” I could see he still didn’t understand, but I looked over at Harry, and he was angry, and scared. I couldn’t control anything in my body now, and my mouth just spit out words on its own.

“Potter! Are you afraid?” I said and every word were filled with poison. “Haha! I fooled you for SO long, but now it’s over! See you later, Potter!” I bowed, and turned on the spot. The place I was going to where my house, because I were going to kill my mother.


So what do you think? I don't know when I'll upload next time.. 



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