Chapter 16: Busted

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Finally a new chapter!! Thanks to my fantastic new readers, I have uploaded quickier! It's AMAZING what you can do!!!


Chapter 16: Busted

James POV

The holiday ended with a smile in our family, it’s almost like we all had forgotten what happened, but I knew everyone thought of it. All of us succeeded in hiding the feelings towards Kathrine, but I still couldn’t believe that my love was his daughter.

The train arrived at Hogwarts at noon, and I jumped of the train with the rest of my family. They all knew of cause, dad had told Ron and Hermione the second Kathrine had left our house. I really wished it was a dream, but it wasn’t. As I walked towards the path up to the school, I saw a black familiar hair. It had to be a dream, she couldn’t be here.

I turned around, and there she was. I had to blink a couple of times, before I realized she was actually standing there. She looked around as if she looked for someone, and then she spotted me. I looked over to my family, to see if they had seen the same as me, and they had. I looked at Kathrine again as she walked towards me. She smiled as she reached us, and gave me a big hug. I pushed her away, and drew my wand. She looked surprised and sad at me, it looked like she was about to cry.

“What is it?” she asked me with a sad voice, I began to feel pity for her before I realized what she was doing. She was manipulating me, I had to resist even if I wanted to forgive her. I wanted to say it was okey, that it wasn’t her fault, and give her a big hug, or kiss her, or both. I had to resist my one and only love!

“You know what!” I said back at her, almost yelling. Everyone looked at us for some seconds before they were uninterested again.

“What are you talking about?” She asked me, without losing her face.  I couldn’t imagine how she could keep that face? She was a good actor.

“You know what I am talking about! You’re Voldemorts daughter!” I said, and she froze for a second, before she began to cry.

“If you didn’t want to be with me anymore you could just tell me, instead of calling me something like that!” she yelled at me, and ran away crying.

I looked after her there she ran up to the castle. I looked over to the others, and they stared after her too. The rest of the students looked at me, and began to gossip. I took up a parchment from my pocket and gave it to Victoire. She wrote a quick letter, and gave it back.

Kathrine is here!” it stood. I open the cage to my owl, Samala, and gave the letter to her.

“It’s for my father, take it to him fast,” I said to her, and she flew instantly. I turned around to the others, and I didn’t need to say anything before everyone hurried up to the school.

Kathrines POV

I ran up to the castle, and I cried the whole time. I’m a good actress, because everyone thought James had broken up with me. Somebody asked me if I was okey, or said I would be fine after a while. I ran the whole way to the Gryffindor room, and up to my bed. I laid there crying in it a couple of hours, before I figured it out to be a reasonable time to stop. What am I going to do now, they didn’t believe the whole “pretend it didn’t happen” thing I was trying, I could see it in their eyes. Maybe I should go down to the Durmstrang boat? I had to tell them what happened in case I needed backup, and I think I need it.

I walked downstairs, where I could see James and Victoire sitting in the couch. They turned around and glared at me, as I walked by them. I didn’t look at them except for that one time, but I could feel their eyes on my back.

I walked down to the boat without meeting anyone else. The boat looked like it was empty, but I knew better. As I began to walk up the stair to the top of the boat, a voice screamed “You are NOT welcome here! Leave before I KILL you!” Hadn’t I already known that the voice was there, and it couldn’t bring any harm to me, I would have ran away long time ago.

“Whatever,” I didn’t care about the voice, and as I reached the top of the stairs I could see a person coming out from the shadows.  

“Igor,” I said smiling at him.

“I didn’t see you coming, I thought it were someone else. Forgive me!” he said as he bowed.

“Raise. I’m not going to kill you Igor,” I said to him. I wouldn’t kill him, he was way too valuable.

“I need to talk to them,” with a special pressure on the word “them”.

“Of cause, right away,” he said and made a bow before he left me to find them, my old group.

I walked into a meeting room on the boat, it was all in wood. The floor, the walls and the roof, even the furniture. The boys, my group, sat around a big oval table. When they saw me, they raised from the chairs.

“Kathrine?” my other boyfriend, Simon, said to me.

“Yes, it’s me. Now please sit,” I said to them all. They all sat down, and I walked to one open seat at the end of the table. I sat down, and felt on the tense motions around the table.

“I know you’ve seen another side of me here at Hogwarts, but it was only an act,” I said looking at everyone. There were at least 20 boys from my old group there, the rest were probably back at Durmstrang.

“Is it true? You killed you own mother? One of the boys, Trevor a 5th grader, asked me. I stared at him for some seconds, and I could see him begin to sweat. The other boys felt the tenseness in the room, and one of the other boys, Halicx, stood up.

“We all wonder if it’s true, my lady,” he confirmed, and I looked at the other boys who nodded. Simon was the only one who didn’t.

“Yes, boys. It’s true, I killed that traitor. I can’t even call her my mother anymore! She was the one who revealed me!” I yelled at the ending, and the boys looked really scared. They probably thought I would kill them too, but I can’t do that. Not yet anyway.

“One more thing,” I said, and the boys looked at me, all with wonder in their eyes.

“Potter knows who I am, and I think we will have to fight tonight. Fight against the ministry,” I continued, and the boys got serious.

“So, are you guys ready?” I asked, and all the boys raised fast from their chair and a loud “YES” come from all around the table.


So what do you think? What do you think will happen next? Always funny to know what you think!

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