Chapter 5: Love in the air

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SO!! I uploaded before I got 5 votes, but I didn't want you to loose your interest in the story so here comes another chapter. The chapter is from James POV, which I found very funny to write. I hope you like it!!


Chapter 5: Love in the air  

James POV  

The second she entered I was blinded by her beauty. She was so beautiful! I had to look away, make myself invisible, and it worked. She didn’t even notice me, she didn’t even… Okey, that made me sad… She obviously doesn’t like me at all. Her long beautiful black hair that reached her waist, just made her. I can’t even think an excellent word for her beauty.   I heard the others introduce themselves, and, damn, I had to introduce myself last.

“I’m James Sirius, but just call me James,” I said, and she looked at me. I was scared she didn’t like me, but the second later she smiled from ear to ear. Her smile was beautiful, and her teeth sparkle even in the dull light in here.

“I’m Kathrine,” she said, and smiled a wide smile, I love that smile!

“So, which grade are you going to attend?” I asked, and she looked hypnotized, but she smiled, which made me happy.

“I’m going to attend my 5th year,” Kathrine said.Seriously? I was surprised, no one had attended Hogwarts at 5th grade before. Everybody started at the school in 1st grade, why did she start so late? I wonder which house she’ll be put in. I started to smile, a really wide smile. She’s at my age!

“The same grade as me!” I almost screamed at her, but I tried to smile. I was so happy, and she smiled back which made me even more happy!

“I’m sorry, but is it okey for you if I sleep for a while?” She asked us, and suddenly she looked tired, weird.

“Sure, just sleep you, we’ll wake you when we’re there,” Victoire smiled at her, Kathrine smiled back, I think she smiled at all of us. She closed her eyes, and I could hear she fell asleep at once.  

When the train stopped at the station, I reached towards Kathrine to wake her up, but I was too late. Albus already pushed at her side, he was so excited. She woke, and looked a little confused   “Hey,” I said tired at him.

“We’re here, there, we’re everywhere!” Albus screamed, sang, and whispered at the same time.

“Ahh, thanks!” she said, she looked out the window, and got this funny look. She looked shocked! Really shocked! I think she loved the castle, and by the look in her face, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. She looked at me, and she had this hateful face, but some seconds later she smiled.

“What is it?” she said, looking at me with a happy and confused face. She turned her face a little, and looked cuter than ever!

“A penny for your thoughts,” I said, smiling. She giggled back, and looked suddenly a little confused like she hadn’t done that before.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, and smiled a wide smile, SO BEAUTIFUL! She stood up from her seat, and walked out the door.

“See you later?” She asked over her shoulder, and looked back at me.

“Of cause!” I yelled after her, and I hoped she heard it. I also hope she meant it, because I think I love her. Omg.. I LOVE her, and I doesn’t even know her yet. She may not even go in Gryffindor, but I hope she don’t go in Slytherin.

I looked around me for the first time, and noticed that everyone had gone out, and I sat here alone. It didn’t take long time before I ran out myself, and saw Victoire waiting on me at the entrance to the school. I picked up my stuff and went over to Victoire.  

“You took your time?” Victoire said to me, she was bored. I could see it in her eyes, they were tired.

“Sorry, I talked to Kathrine, but let’s go!” I said, and pointed at an empty carriage. I helped Victoire in the carriage, and went over to the luggage place to drop of our baggages.

As I was about to jump into the carriage with Victoire, I heard a lovely voice behind me.

“Can I sit with you?” It said, and I turned around. Kathrine stood there.

“Of cause!” I said, and stepped out of her way. My dad told me to always let the women first enter rooms, carriages and things like that. She struggled with her baggage, was she going to take it with her in the carriage?

“Kathrine, the baggage are  over there.” And I pointed over to the pile of baggages. She flushed, and I smiled at her.

“Here, I’ll take it,” I said, taking the baggage away from her, and helped her into the carriage.

“Thanks,” she smiled.

“You’re welcome,” I said, and took with me her baggage over to the others. I ran back to the carriage and jumped into it. As I sat down, I looked at Kathrine and Victoire who sat on the other side of me. I smiled to Kathine, but I think Victoire thought I smiled to her, so she returned it, so did Kathrine. I looked at her chest or on her breast, there it was. Her house mark.


So what do you think?? Love it, Hate it? Comment and Vote please :D !!

Sorry for a short chapter, but I think I made my point here.

The song is how i think Kathrine think about James, so listen to it !! :D

I'll upload a new chapter when I get 4 votes, but I really want 5 Votes!!!

And Comment!! 

Love Caroline

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