Chapter 1: Hogwarts

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ADDED 07.06.16

Warning! This story was written back in 2010! So yes I know a lot of these details aren't correct, and you don't need to tell me it every time! Back then there was no such thing as Pottermore, so none of these details was published!
I hope you enjoy this story! I hope I get to edit this story sometime, but it's not really something I have time for at the moment.


ADDED 25.01.15

Hello all! I have just re-read this entire story and found out it's extremely rushed, and horrible at some parts.. Not something I'm really proud of, therefore I'm doing a huge job, re-writing it, adding, and removing parts to make it more readable and better. I will rewrite some of the chapters and then reposting it as a new story! Hopefully I will continue this story after that! :)

Any suggestions? All help is appreciated! Someone that want's to edit please tell me!

Feel free to read this story, but I can't promise it's really good, and it will be alot of spelling errors!

- Carohd

I know there is MANY stories about Voldemort's Daughter, and here is another one. This story happends AFTER Lord Voldemort is killed by Harry Potter, and after the 7th book. So it may include SPOILERS!

I only read one of the Voldemort's Daughter stories, and thats a very good story but not quite how i would have the story. So this story is my own fantasy! I really hope you enjoy it!

The story will mostly be writen in Kathrines POV (point of view), but sometimes when the story say so, I will write in the persons POV.

AND, I do NOT own any Character in this story, except for Kathrine. Any other character is owned by J.K. Rowling! Even the last name to Kathrine is Rowling's work!


Chapter 1: Hogwarts

Kathrines POV

"I want to go to Hogwarts" I said, looking angry to Igor Karkaroff.

"Why? Isn't it easier to be a student at Durmstrang?" he said quietly. He looked scared at me, since I was in one of my "moods" as they called it. No, it's not that I'm PMSing, but I like to have contol, like my father allways had. Of course it would be "easier" to go my 5th year at Durmstrang but what's the point? My father had failed to kill Harry Potter, so why shouldn't I try?

"NO!" I yelled at him, "It wouldn't be easier, I have to KILL Harry Potter and is there any better way that take his family as prisoners?" Igor looked ashamed, like he hadn't thinked of that before.

"I see, mistress. I will personally send a letter to Professor McGonagall" he said, before he bowed deep and runned away. I looked around in the dirty and tiny room I was standing in, the living room. Everywhere it was pictures of my father, and some posters of Harry Potter, he had to be killed. Since the livingroom was so tiny it was just space for a sofa, fireplace, bookshelves and a small TV. I had personallly stolen the televison from the store, what can't you do when you can use magic?

I was sleeping in the sofa when Igor returned and he wasn't alone. My mother was with him. She went over to the sofa, and carefully waked me up.

"What?" I screamed in her face with my eyes closed, not knowing it was her. At the same time I had pulled my wand out of my pocket and pointed it towards her. I opened my eyes and saw it was her. She looked scared on my wand who was pointing directly on her nose. I put it down, and she looked a little relifed.

"Sorry, mom. I know you can't scare me like that" I said to her. She looked scared at me again, I saw over her and now i was looking at Igor.

"Was there something you wanted to tell me?" I said with my sweetiest voice. Igor looked confused and couldn't speak in secounds.

" Yes.. Um..... I sent that letter to Professor McGonagall" he said, not looking me in my eyes. I knew he didn't do that because he was to scared of me, and what I could do.

"And?..." I said, since he didn't continue his sentence.

"And, she said that you could go to Hogwarts. She felt sorry for you since you went to a full boy school untill now" Igor continued.

I went to the Diagon Alley with Igor, since he wouldn't let me be alone. I was furious, why couldn't I go alone? What if anybody saw me with Igor, I wouldn't be approved at the school. But when i asked him about it, he just said "So be it! I CAN'T let you go ALONE, and since your mother can't go outside without being recognise I have to go with you!"

We walked around a corner to a random shop, and suddenly I heard someone yell "HEY YOU! STOP!" Igor and I stopped and turned around. We both frose.


What will happen? Who was it who yelled? And was it to them?

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