Chapter 20: The beginning of an end

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So this is the loooooong awaiting end of this book! I'm sorry it literally took me years to finish this, but I was just so tired of writing this book. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter! And please don't kill me!



Draco looked at me, and gave me a small smile. I could see he was scared of me, and he know what I can do but still the smile was reassuring. He truly forgave me for what I did to him and his family, I just hope I don’t destroy his life completely like my father did to his father.

“Draco, I need to get everyone here. I need to call to a meeting, tell everyone what we’re going to do next,” I said firmly again. He nodded, stood up from the chair, and went towards the door. As he reached it he took forward his wand, waved with it and the mess disappeared, and then he walked out. I took another sip of the soup, which had now gotten colder. I stared out in the air, and my thoughts were far far away.


Chapter 20: The beginning of an end

Kathrines POV

I looked at all the men and women that was in the dinning room. Some where talking to each other, some was deep in thoughts, and some was starring at me. The whole mansion was full, people had kept coming and coming all day, but I hadn't gone out to greet them, all I did was sit in the dinning room and think. Think about how I was gonna present the next plan to them, how we where going to do it, and about James. How was I supposed to make it up to him? I killed his father, James should come after me in revenge. He wouldn't do that tho, I know he's not that kind of person. Still I know he want me punished, as in Azkaban.

Draco Malfoy sat down on the chair to my right, and sighed loudly. He looked really tired, and his usually perfect white/blonde hair was messy.

"They are all here, and everyone can hear you now," Draco leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, darling" I said smiling to him, before I stood up. The whole house went silent, it was a strange feeling. You don't know how much sound it is around you until everything becomes utterly silent. I think you could hear a needle drop from my room upstairs, not that anyone was inside my room.

"As you all know, Harry Potter was killed yesterday, by my hand. I finished what my father began, years after his death. The fate had plans for my father, he was supposed to rule this world, both wizards and the muggles. Tonight I'm going to make sure his fate is happening!" My voice was strong, and it affected all of the people in the house, I could taste their excitement. Everyone in the dinning room, had a spark in their eye. I knew they wanted to go out there to revenge my father. My boyfriend and my friends was standing on the front row, everyone of them was wiling to die for me.

"Tonight I'm going to make a portal to Hogwarts, we all are going to go through it, and make a stand where my father was so brutally murdered!" I said to them, and everyone was cheering at me, some screamed too. 

"We're leaving in 2 hours so get ready!" I yelled, before I walked out of the dinning room. I made my way upstairs, and into my room where I changed into a fighting robe I've had for years. Tonight the world would see what true power is, and what a great mistake it was to kill my father. 

2 hours later I walked into the dinning room again, and the chatter died down instantly. They all gave me a small bow, and looked at me with awe in their eyes. I was their leader, their savior, their master. My eyes roamed over all the people in this room, and I could feel presences in the rest of the house as well telling me that other people had joined us the last 2 hours. 

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