Chapter 8: The dungeon

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This is a short chapter, but I thought it had to be with. So you could understand Albus feelings later in the story!

And thanks all for voting and comment!


Chapter 8: The dungeon

Albus POV

I was so excited, and as Professor McGonagall yelled up names after names, I got more and more excited, and a little worried. What if I get in Slytherin, I don’t want to go in Slytherin. I heard she yell a Malfoy name, and the hat yelled “Slytherin!” I wasn’t ready when she yelled up my name, “Albus Severus Potter.” I saw over to the teachers table, and I could see my dad there, he looked at me. My dad was here? He smiled at me, as I walked unsecure up to the podium where the bench stood and sat down. I felt the hat on my head, and a voice entered my head.

“Ahh, another Potter. Hmm, where shall I put you?” the voice talked inside my head, and I assumed it was the hat.

“Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin,” I thought back to the hat.

“Not Slytherin?” The hat said.

“No NOT Slytherin,” I thought, I couldn’t believe I had a discussion in my head with a hat!

“But, you’ll fit so good in there,” the voice said.

“You’d listen to my father when he sat here, so please listen to me!” I almost yelled it out loud.

“But you are different child, HE was the chosen one, you’re chosen for something else,” the hat said.

“No, I..” I managed to think before I got cut off.

“Slytherin!” yelled the hat out.

“No, but.. WHAT?” I managed to think, before Professor McGonagall took the hat of me. I sat there for some more seconds before I stood up. Almost the whole room was silent, except for some of the Slyhterins, were some of them clapped. I walked slowly towards the table and sat myself on the opposite side of the Malfoy boy.  I had my face towards the Gryffindor  table, and the teachers table, and I could see my father look at me, and smile. He tried to cheer me up, but failed without knowing. I could also see my brother and sister, they just stared at me. Probably they wondered why I got in this house, I wondered about the same thing myself.

Professor McGonagall yelled up the other names, before she went back to the teacher’s  table. Before she sat down, she said “Please Eat” and waved with her hands, and a lot of food appeared at the tables. It was a lot of meat, and vegetables, with pumpkin juice and skull water. I took some pumpkin juice and some chicken, it tasted delicious so I probably took 3 plates full of it. When everyone was finished eating, Professor McGonagall stood up, and began to talk.

“Welcome everyone, from those who’s here for the 1st time, to those who’s walking in these halls and classrooms for their last time. Everyone will probably remember this year, because we are getting visitors this year from Durmstrang. 

So to the rules this year. It’s not allowed to go into the forest, without having a teacher with you. You can’t walk outside your house after 11 o’clock, the teacher who caught you will decide the punishment. And the last thing for now, the room at 4 ½th floor are strictly FORBIDEN to walk into. The punishment will be expellsion for the student or students who walk into the room.

So to the new teachers, we have Professor Klaus Kanik as our new potion teacher, and Professor Harry Potter as our new Defense against Dark Magic teacher. Wish them welcome!” And everyone in the room started clapping.

“So the final thing I want to say to you before you all go to your houses, are: Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!” Everyone cheered and clapped again. As the silent fell over the room, everyone stood up and began to walk to their houses. I could see all the first graders wait since they had to me showed where to go to. I could also see Kathrine, she’s cool and kind of beautiful, but WAY too old for me!

“So welcome to Slytherin all of you,” the head boy in Slytehrin said.

 “I’m Drake McCoy, and if there’s something in your mind, just ask me!” He continued, “Please follow me to the house” He motioned to us to follow him as he began to walk towards the huge wooden doors. We walked to the front hall, and took to the left when we got down the stairs. He stopped at the top of more stairs, and turned around.

“Where we walk now, are strictly forbidden to show others from other houses. Are we clear?” He asked us all, and everyone nodded for answer.

“Good,” he said, and turned towards the stairs. He walked down them, and all of the Slytherins followed. At the end of the stairs, we were in the dungeon. I feel like I’m in the wrong place, and I don’t like it here. We walked to the end of the hall, before we stopped again. Right in front of us, there was an armor.

“This is the way into Slytherin, and to get in you have to knock at it and tell it a password. This week password is Gryffindor Sucks,” he said and laughed. “The new password will be hanged on the newsboard every Monday.” He knocked at the armor, and told it the password. Suddenly the wall to the right of the armor opened, and Drake McCoy entered. The first thing that struck me was the color, Green! And it totally looked like a dungeon! Not my style at all!

“So down the stairs to the left are the girl rooms, and down the stairs to the right are the boy rooms. Of you go now, jump in bed!” He said and motioned us to go to bed. I looked around myself again, and took it all in. When we walked into the room, there was a HUGE fireplace at the left. It had some leather sofas in front of it. There were also some tables leaned towards the walls everywhere, probably to study on. Some green and silver chairs were also placed around the room, often in group of two, four or five. Cool enough, but personally I liked Orange and gold better! I walked into the 1st graders room, and lay down on the bed. I was about to close my eyes, before I got attacked by…


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I know it's a short and a little boring chapter, but it was necessary!

Next chapter will be up when I get 5 votes and 5 comments!!



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