Chapter 7: Slytherin

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The story was high on the What's Hot list! But we can make it reach higher on it? Thanks to everyone that reads the story!

And, sorry for a short chapther!


Chapter 7: Slytherin

Kathrines POV

The carriage ride was amazing, I could be able to look at James the whole time! He’s cute, and I’d love to be his girlfriend, but I can’t. After all, I had to kill his father. Harry Potter… He’d destroyed my life, and to fix it I had to kill him.

We reached the entrance of the castle as the last carriage. As the gentleman James was, he jumped out of the carriage and reached out a hand to me and Victoire as we walked out of the carriage. The three of us walked in the doors, and entered A HUGE HALL! Right in front of us, there was a huge staircase that lead up to some hallways. At the sides of the stairs there were four HUGE hourglass two on each side. As we walked closer to them, I understood they counted to house points because it was plates with number on them, and the house names. We stopped before we walked up the overcrowded staircase, I used that time to look around. There were some stairs that went down, and each side of the walls. Stairs to the dungeon.

We walked to the left when we came up the stairs, as we walked down the hall, we reached some stairs that went down to some HUGE doors, the doors where on our left. Everybody walked inside, and we couldn’t do anything but follow the crowd. We walked inside, and there it was. The house tables, I had to go to the Gryffindor table, and it wasn’t hard to find out which table that was.

“Kathrine!” I heard someone yell, WHO? I looked around and figured it was James, he tried to walk towards me, but got pushed away. For some second there, I thought it was someone who knew who I was.

“Yes?” I yelled back, trying to go towards him to, it wasn’t easy.

“Here take my hand, and I’ll help you over to the Gryffindor table” We were closer to each other now, so we could talk normal to the other. He reached his hand to me, and I grabbed it. I held it hard, actually afraid to lose it! I loved the warm feeling I got from his hand. We walked to the Gryffindor table, and sat down with the other 5th graders, or I assume they were 5th graders.

“So… Who is this?” A boy asked James. I could see that James was about to answer, but I cut him of even before he began to talk.

“I can perfectly talk for myself, thanks!” I said, in a bitchy voice.

“Hey,” His hands flew up, as If we were going to protect himself. “I just assumed you were his, since you held hands when you walked over here. Which you, by the way, still do.” I look down at my hand, and I saw we still held hands. I had forgotten about that, and a second later a released his hand. I looked up at him, and I saw he look at me. He were smiling, and I smiled back before I looked at the boy.

“And to answer your question, I’m Kathrine Ri.. Um.. Kathrine Karkaroff,” I said to him. Shit?! I almost said my real name, it would have been a disaster. I could almost walk up to the podium instead, and screamed “I’m Kathrine Riddle, and I’m here to kill Harry Potter because I want revenge on my father, LORD VOLDEMORT!” But luckily for me, I’d stopped right in time. I didn’t say my name.

“Nice to meet you! I’m Frank Longbottom,” the boy said and reached me his hand. I shake it to act friendly, but to be true I actually wanted to do to him, what happened to his grandparents. Torture!

Now the doors opened and I could see the 1st graders walk through it, with Prof.  McGonagall in the lead. They walked up to the podium, where it now stood a bench with a hat on it. She stepped up to the podium, and gestured to the 1st graders that they should stand on the ground, one step down. The hat began to talk or sing, but I wasn’t sure since I didn’t listen. I looked over to the teachers table, there were one person there I could let my eyes off… Harry Potter…

The hat where finished talking or singing or whatever, and Prof. McGonagall began to yell up names. They sat themselves in the bench, got the hat on their head, the hat yelled a house, and the 1st grader ran to their table. I noticed only one name, before Albus sat on the bench, Malfoy. A Malfoy at Hogwarts with me here, not wise… Of cause he got in Slytherin.

“Albus Severus Potter,” McGonagall said, and Harry Potter began to stare at his son as he walked up to the bench, and sat. I followed his eyes, and at the end looked at Albus too.

“Slytherin” The hat yells, after what seemed like hours. Slytherin?  Haha, funny!!


So what do you think? I hope you like it! 

I'm almost finished with the next chapter too, but WON'T upload untill i get 5 VOTES and 3 COMMENTS!!!

AND, there you got your Slytherin, ImaginaryKrystal ! You'll also hear from Albus POV ;)


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