Chapter 3: Pain Part 2

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Chapter 3: Pain Part 2

Kathrines POV

I had disappeared into the shadows again, before I ran away from Mr. Potter.

The time wasn't right yet, not that I could kill him here.

I quickly got the rest of the stuff I needed for school, and when I was about to transport myself home, I was stopped.

"Hey," an old, maybe not VERY old but a little old, lady said to me. "Is it you who's going to my school this year? From Durmstrang?"

So this is Professor McGonagall, interesting...

"Yes, I am," I said as sweet and innocent as I could manage, good for me that my father learned me useful stuff.

"And you are..?" like I didn't know already?

"I'm Prof. McGonagall, your new headmistress," she said sweetly.

"Ahh, Nice to meet you," I smiled widely. Fake of cause.

"But I'm so sorry, I have to go home now."

"Sure, see you in some days" she smiled to me.

"Bye" I waved as I turned around and went down the streets.

I turned around the corner of some random shop, and stopped. Did that stupid professor follow me?

I turned, but she hadn't. Why should she? I turned at the spot, and went home.

"Kathrine, you're finally home!" Bellatrix said to me, the minute I stepped inside.

She almost ran up to me and gave me a hug. She didn't do it, since she knew I would kill her if she did.

"Yes, I am," I said in response and walked by her, and into the living room where Igor laid on the floor.

"What do you do to him?" I yelled at her, and she actually fell to the floor. It was nice to know that she was SO afraid of me!

"Nothing," Bellatrix whispered low, I could barely hear her.

"You tortured him, didn't you?" I said as sweet as I could.

I loved all the times I could confuse people by my suddenly change of emotions.

Bellatrix was completely confused, and wasn't sure if she should be scared or not.

"Malles Kamon" I thought, and pointed my hand towards Igor, and he wakes up.

"Now, mother, I'll go to bed. AND remember I start at school tomorrow," I said, and walked by Bellatrix out to the hall, and up the stairs.

"Good Night!" I yelled downstairs. And both of them answered me by yelling "Good night" back. I slammed my bedroom door again, as I entered my room.

Why can't she behave? I'm so sick of her, but tomorrow I'll start at Hogwarts and I'll start my revenge on Harry Potter.

He killed my father on cold blood, so as revenge I will kill someone he love, or maybe kill Harry Potter myself?

These was my thoughts as I went to bed, and I fell asleep really fast.


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And sorry for a short chapter... Next chapter will be more fun, since she's begins at Hogwarts!!

I WON'T upload a new chapter before i get one comment and vote!! :D So please do that!!

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