Chapter 9: Defense against the dark arts

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I'm so SORRY it took so long time, but I've been sick, and I had birthday this week too, so hadn't this much time to write. But here it is! And i enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you love it too!

This so probably my longest chapter for now!



Albus POV

“This is the way into Slytherin, and to get in you have to knock at it and tell it a password. This week password is Gryffindor Sucks,” he said and laughed. “The new password will be hanged on the newsboard every Monday.” He knocked at the armor, and told it the password. Suddenly the wall to the right of the armor opened, and Drake McCoy entered. The first thing that struck me was the color, Green! And it totally looked like a dungeon! Not my style at all!

“So down the stairs to the left are the girl rooms, and down the stairs to the right are the boy rooms. Of you go now, jump in bed!” He said and motioned us to go to bed. I looked around myself again, and took at all in. When we walked into the room, there was a HUGE fireplace at the left. It had some leather sofas in front of it. There were also some tables leaned towards the walls everywhere, probably to study on. Some green and silver chairs were also placed around the room, often in group of two, four or five. Cool enough, but personally I liked Orange and gold better! I walked into the 1st graders room, and lay down on the bed. I was about to close my eyes, before I got attacked by…

Chapter 9: Defense against the dark arts

Kathrine’s POV

I woke up to a terrible noise, and I was about to send a curse towards it when I remembered I was at Hogwarts. So instead I’ll welcome the day. Until now I had my eyes closed, but I had to open them soon or I’ll fall asleep again. I opened them, and my eyes began to burn when the sun outside hit them through the window. I sat up in my bed, and I could see all the other girls in the room about to get up from bed, and get dressed. The other girls obviously knew what they should do the first day of school, but I actually felt like a first grader.

At Durmstrang I could sleep as long as I wanted, go to the classes I wanted to attend, and I had my own room. Here I felt lost, naked even. I jumped out of the bed, and walked around to the end of it, to my suitcase. At the top of my suitcase laid my clothes, exactly where I laid it the night before. I took on my white skirt, and a gray sweeter atop of it, and I then dragged my black skirt on. The skirt was small, but I’ve got some shorter skirts home. Then some gray socks and my black shoes. They were actually cute since I choose them out myself. I looked around the room, and I could see all the girls walk towards the door. I quickly ran a hairbrush, which laid inside my suitcase, though my hair. My black long hair, everyone loved it, although that’s what they said.

The last girl had left the room now, and I ran behind her. As I reached the common room, I could see James and that Frank guy wait for me, or I assume they wait for me. My thoughts where correct, since as I walked towards the two of them, they smiled. I went over to James, and hugged him, WHY DID I HUG HIM? GOD! SHIT! But he surprised me by hugging me back. I hid my face on his chest, and smelled in his sweet vanilla smell. God, he smelled good! OKAY, KATHRINE! STOP NOW! I let go of him, and smiled at him. He smiled back, and, with his most beautiful smile, he grabbed my hand and began to lead me down to the breakfast.

As we sat down by the table, I noticed for the first time that Frank seemed really uncomfortable. I let go of James’s hand, as I still held it, and began to take some food from the table. There was so much to choose between but I’ll get time to taste on everything, since I’ll be here for the whole year. There was toasted bread, omelet, eggs, sausages, bacon, jam, and a lot of other stuff I actually didn’t knew what was. I took some pumpkin juice to drink, but I could also choose milk, strawberry juice and bean liquid. This afternoon the Durmstrang students would arrive, but I had to warn them to NOT say to anybody who I’m. Mentally note to myself, Send a owl after the first class.

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