Chapter 18: Tears

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So it didn't take me that long to write another chapter! So be happy! xD I hope you really enjoy the chapter!


James POV

I yelled at the top of my lungs, barely able to breathe now and then. She pointed her wand at him, and unaffected killed my father in front of me. I was unable to move, her guys had powerful magic holding me back. She was an enemy of the magic society, and had to be dealt with before more people died. I had a vague memory of a word coming from Kathrines mouth, before she disappeared with most of the Durmstrang students. I didn’t caught the word when I ran over to my fathers body, the tears running fast down my cheeks, and dripping down on his body. I tried to resurrect my father, but he wouldn’t respond. I knew he would never wake up again, but my heart said something else.

Someone tried to drag me away from my father body, I don’t know who did it, but I cast a curse in that direction, and it became silent. Nobody tried to touch me in a long time. It passed 1 hour or maybe 2, I didn’t count, before someone cast a sleeping spell on me. I knew it at once, since my parents had done it on me before when I wouldn’t go to bed, and now my eyes got heavier. I my dreams I saw the moment over and over again. It was nothing but cold blood in that woman. I can’t believe I love her even a minute, look how easily she killed one of my family members. But something cursed around in my head, something didn’t seem right, and why did the word “Sorry” swim around in it.

I could see a single tear drop from the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen, and onto someones lap. Who was this woman? She looked up, and straight into my eyes, as if she could see me. She smiled the second she saw me, and stood up. I didn’t notice before, but the both of us stood in a garden in front of a big beautiful mansion. It looked like it originated from the 1800th century, but I could feel the magic in the air. The woman ran over to me, and hugged me tightly, I could barely breathe where I stood in the arms.

“Sometimes I miss him so much, but then I think about you, and my day enlightens!” the woman said into my ear, and let go of me. That voice seemed quite familiar, I don’t know where I have it from, but her eyes and hair looked familiar too. I couldn’t figure out the color of them, because somehow her hair changed color from blonde to black to brunette, and her eyes from blue to black to green. The woman grabs my hand, and begins to drag me towards the house.

“Come!” She says smiling and laughing at the same time, I couldn’t do anything else than follow that beautiful smile.

Kathrines POV

I teleported to the Malfoy mansion, the rest of my group followed. We couldn’t expect the others to come before a few days, but they would when I called on them. But not yet, I would let the wizard world get over most of the loss of Harry Potter before I called them. A strange feeling built up inside of me, I’ve only felt it once before, but still it was strange. I was about to turn and walk upstairs to find a private room, when a person burst into the room from the other end. My group or followers, as they truly was, lifted their wand at the man that walked in. He stoped, and with a pale face he asked the nearest a question. I couldn’t hear the question, but I knew the man. He’s a coward, as the rest of the Malfoys.

“Speak higher,” one of followers yelled to him, and the man looked at that direction.

“What are you…u..uu. doing inn…n..n. my house?” His voice was shaking in fear.  I began to walk forward, and my followers spilt up so I could pass them in the middle.

“Draco Malfoy,” I said with my most confident voice, but in the background I could hear my voice be filled with tears. I refuse to let him or any of the others see me cry. Draco looked right in my eyes, and I saw his eyes widen in fear.  I smiled one of my evil smiles, and he had to breaks the eye contact. He wouldn’t dare to challenge me in front of others.

“Kathrine,” he said, barely loud enough for me to hear, I could actually smell the fear coming from him. An ability I inherited from my father, and my ancestors.

“How dare you talk to her like that?” my followers where pitchy today, I smiled a reassuring smile to them.

“It’s okey, guys. Hey Malfoy, I need a room to rest, I quite tired. Where can I rest?” I asked him, knowing he couldn’t deny me anything. Even if he joined the “good side” after the last battle, he was still mine, my prisoner. He swore his loyalty to my father, and he’s not one to let go of followers easily. So when Malfoy swore to my father, he will be under a Riddles command as long as he lives. Malfoy looked at me, and began to walk towards me.

“Follow me please, Miss Riddle,” he addressed me properly this time, probably that coward didn’t dare to do anything else.  We walk out of the living room, I apparently transported to, and up a stair to the second floor. We walked down a long hall, and then he stopped in front of a door. Draco took forward a key, and unlocked the door. I walked in and looked at a beautiful room, especially made for me.

The Malfoy mansion always had to room made for the Riddle family, one for the lords, and one for the misses. I knew my room was the most spectacular room in the entire house, but the feeling inside me quickly took over my stunning mind. I had to be alone NOW.

“Thank you, Draco. I’ll call on you if there’s anything,” I said to him and closed the door in his face. I could hear him walk away, a little stunned, before I walk over to my bed and collapsed on the top of it. The tears that I’ve managed to hold back for some time now, created a large river under my eyes. Why did I cry?


So what do you think?? Want comments, and votes! :D 

I know it was an unnessesary chapter, without anything happening in it, but I think it was nessecary!!

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