Chapter 10: Welcome Durmstrang

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So here's the next chapter! Hope you like it!! I hope you didn't wait to long for it!


Chapter 10: Welcome Durmstrang

Kathrine’s POV

I’d just finished lunch when this huge cannon loud slammed through the castle. Right before the lunch I’d Transfiguration, but I didn’t really pay attention. The teacher were the same old woman who’s headmaster at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, and all she’d talk about were the O.W.Ls. Not that I’d plan to be here until then. James had this class with me too, so when it was finished the two of us ran to the huge eating hall and throw ourselves over the lunch. Why? No idea, I just felt it were right to do it.

James dragged me out of the castle to see the Durmstrang students. We followed a stream of students, and we ended up by the lake. There it was a HUGE ship with a lot of boys, my boys, and they began to walk down a gate which had just been put at the top of the boat to the ground. They wore a huge fur coat which they took off when they walked down the gate. The boys lined up at the ground before us and waited, waited for Karkaroff. He walked down the gate, and stood in front of the boys with his body facing the group of Hogwarts student in front of in. I could see his eyes search through the crown looking for someone, me. He wanted to know if I were still here. HELLO?! I’d just been here in two days!! His eyes found mine, and he looked down immediately.

“Welcome!” a voice said, and Professor McGonagall walked towards him. She reached her hand to him as she walked towards him.
“Thanks, it’s a pleasure to be here,” he returned, and took her hand. I could see that he tried to smile, but failed.
“I thought the whole school came?” Professor McGonagall said, and looked over Karkaroff’s shoulder. She thought the whole school would come? HA! Then nobody would have control, the other students are wild. They’re children of deatheaters and ‘bad’ witches and wizards, so who wouldn’t take ALL of them with?
“No, the others didn’t want to leave, but these students wanted to. I’ve with me half of the 5th and 6th grade,” he said calmly, but still I could see he freaked out inside. Was it because I knew him too well?
“If it’s not a problem, Professor McGonagall?” he asked her, and I guess he tried to seem… nice?
“No, not at all!” she returned, and forced herself to smile.” So you can decide if the students sleep at the castle or at the boat yourself, but I just want you to know we can arrange some sleeping options at the castle,” she said to him, and her smile faded. I don’t think she want to share the castle with another school, especially Durmstrang.
“I think we’ll be fine with the boat,” he replied, and McGonagall seemed relieved. It’s almost like she got 50 pound lighter. She turned around, and realized most of the students were still there.
“Haven’t you classes to attend?” she said to us, and almost all of the students ran up to the castle and to their classes. They’ll be late anyway, so why bother run? I actually had class too, but I had to act like he’s my uncle or something.

I waited till the most of the students were gone, before I ran up to “uncle” Karkaroff and gave him a huge hug.
“Lay your arms around me,” I whispered into his ear, and he hesitated a second before ha “hugged” me back.
“I’ve missed you so much, Uncle,” I said to him, and smiled into his chest.
“Um.. I’ve .. Um.. Missed you.. Um.. too?” He said, but seemed unsure about what to say. He really can’t act..
“I think it’s so funny you’re here. I really could believe my ears when Professor McGonagall said you’ll be coming,” I giggled to him, and let him go, but I still stood close to him. I smiled, with a wide smile that was so fake that everyone believed it.
“Oh, and this is ..” I said and turned to introduce James, but he cut me off.
“James Potter, sir. Her boyfriend,” he said and smiled to me. He laid his hand around me, and pushed me closer to him. I could see the students from Durmstrang seemed shocked. None of them could treat me this way, not EVEN my REAL BOYFRIEND. Their eyes widen a little, but not noticeable if you didn’t look closely at them.
“Yeah uncle, my boyfriend. He’d been so nice to me! I don’t know what to do without him!” I smiled at Karkaroff, and he smiled a wicked smile back. I looked over his shoulder and saw my real boyfriend, Simon, there. I wrestled out of James hands, and ran over to him. I gave him a REAL and huge hug. I’d actually missed him, and his evilness, all of his plans. If I want to get a plan to kill Potter, I could probably just ask him, but I’d had to wait a little before doing so.
“Hey! Oh, I’ve MISSED you SO much! I yelled to him, still with my face buried into his chest. He gave me a REAL hug, and kissed me at the top of my head.
“I’ve missed you too,” he said in return, I could feel the love, and hate in his voice.
“HEY! Be nice! You’re still my boyfriend, but I have to get into the Potter family! Pretend you’re my best friend or something! We’ll talk later!” I got into his head, and yelled it to him. I swear he jumped a little, but he was so used to it so he wasn’t scared. I could see he gave me a little nod in return, because I wasn’t totally out of his head yet.
“So, are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?” He asked me. I nodded, and grabbed his hand and dragged him over to James. He stood still with Karkaroff, and smiled to me when I came.
“James, this is Simon. He’s my best friend at Durmstrang, and Simon, this is James Potter. My boyfriend,” I introduced them. I noticed that I held back the boyfriend part without willingly doing it. I were in a dilemma, I actually loved them both! SHIT!


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