Chapter 6: The truth

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Okey, this was actually a funny chapter to write. So I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for all the votes, and comments!


Chapter 6: The truth

Kathrines POV

As I walked out of the train, I looked around myself. I couldn’t imagine this, it’s more special than my father had told me. I looked around me, and there were hundreds of students around me.

They were walking towards a gate to some carriages with some weird horses attached to it or following a HUGE man who yelled “1st graders after me!” or “1st graders come here!” I just stood there, on the platform, until it was almost empty.

The only persons left where the 1st graders and the huge man. They walked towards me, and when the group reached me, the giant man stopped and so did the others.

“Are you Kathrine Karkaroff?” He asked me. Why did he call me Karkaroff? Oh, cover name I totally forgot.

“Yes, that’s me” I smiled at him.

“Hey! I’m Rubeus Hagrid, but everyone calls me Hagrid. Oh, and ‘ere is a note from Professor McGonagall,” he said, as he took a letter from his pocket and gave it to me.

“Thanks Hagrid! I smiled at him.

“You’re welcome, but got to go. 1stgrades waiting y’ll know,” he said to me, and began to walk towards a little lake in front of the castle or shall I call it school? Not sure really. I looked down at the letter I got, and turned it around. It was a normal envelope so I opened it.

“Dear Ms. Karkaroff.

I am happy to tell you that you are accepted to Hogwarts School

for Witches and Wizards. Since you are a transfer from Durmstrang,

I asked your old headmaster for information about you, to decide

which house I am going to put you in. We are not going to ask the

hat, since you’re not a 1st grader and since you have gone to a

whole boy school until now.

Therefore we, the ghosts, teachers and the hat, decided to put

you in Gryffindor. Hope you enjoy there, and good luck this school


Professor McGonagall”

Gryffindor?? I have to thank Igor for this, he followed my plan for revenge on Mr. Potter.

---------------------- Flashback -----------------------------

“WHERE AM I?” A voice yelled and hissed at the same time. The room was white, in the matter of fact, I didn’t know where we were either. The man that hissed at me flew towards me, and stopped right in front of me.

“WHO ARE YOU, AND HOW DID YOU GET ME HERE?” he hissed again, every single word hit he hard in the face.

“I’m Kathrine Riddle!” I yelled back. I felt the anger boil up inside me, and it was about to explode. I could see that the man felt the same thing.

“You are WHO?” he said again, a little more soft.

“I’M KATHRINE RIDDLE, BUT THE QUESTION IS: WHO ARE YOU?”  I exploded, and yelled back at him.

“I’m Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Lord Voldemort. You’re a Riddle?” He asked me. OMG? He’s my father? What’s he doing in my dream? And he looks weird, this nose is funny.

“Yes, you’re my father” I said shocked. He’s eyes got wide and he looked more shocked than me.

“But how? What?” He was extremely confused.

“You put a spell on my mother, and she got pregnant, with you,” I said to him, and I looked down on the floor, if I could call it a floor.

“But that’s impossible,” he answered me and I looked up and into his eyes. I figured out that he studied me all the time.

“You casted Poxlind Mervando on her and she got pregnant. You did it after you woke up, when you killed Harry Potter,” I said.

“I just did kill him,” He said wondered.

“You did?” I was so shocked, I almost fell. My father saw that, and reached over to catch me.

The thing that shocked me the most now was that he was very gentle, he tried to protect me.  Everyone always said that he was the most terrible and mean man that ever lived, even those who followed him said so. But to me he was so gentle. I think I like him.

“We’re in some universe that makes us talk together. AND I’m going to cast that spell on your mother when I wakes,” He said, did he knew who’s my mother? I didn’t dear to ask him, he may be pissed. After all he still held me up so I didn’t fell.

“Are you special?” He continued.

“Of cause I’m special, you’re my father remember?” I said to him, as I began to walk a little away from him, and he let me go.

I started to cast spells with my hands, creating bunnies, and torture them, killing them. Did all of the forbidden curses, and a lot of dark magic. I even did some new spells I created myself, they were terrible.  

“I’m so proud of you,” was the only thing he could say.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Kathrine? I think it’s time for me to go. But remember I’ll always love you. See you later?” He said to me, he smiled?! The DARK LORD smiled to me?!

“Bye!” I said to him, and smiled back.

--------------------- End of Flashback -------------------------

This all happened the day my father died, but the strangest thing was that I was 10 years old when it happened to me.  It confused me a lot, but I loved that time. It was the only time I’d seen my father.

I went over to the carriages, when I saw James about to jump into a carriage and I ran towards him.

“Can I sit with you?” I said, and James turned around.

“Of cause!” He said, and stepped out of my way, he’s such a gentleman, and SO CUTE!! KATHRINE, STOP IT!! I lifted up my baggage, but it was too heavy to lift up.

“Kathrine, the baggage is over there.” He said and pointed over to a pile of baggages. I flushed, and it showed him I was weak. I really had to stop, because I need to be strong. He smiled to me, it was a beautiful smile.

“Here, I’ll take it,” He said, and took the baggage away from me. He reached out his hand and helped me into the carriage.

“Thanks,” I smiled to him.

“You’re welcome,” He said, and walked away with my baggages.

Inside the carriage sat Victoire, she smiled at me. I smiled back at her, and sat myself next to her. James jumped into the carriage ans sat himself in the opposite as me and Victoire, he smiled at me and I smiled back. I could see that he was looking at my breast, perv. I looked down to, and I could see the Gryffindor mark. How did it appear there? I smiled, magic.


Sorry ImaginaryKrystal, for not letting he go in Slytherin. But it would have destoyed the story.

But I hope you all, like the chapter! I want to know what you think! So tell me!! And vote!

I can't upload tomorrow, but if you vote and comment alot, I will upload sooner!



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