Chapter 11: Confession

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So LONGEST chapter so far!! I wrote 5 pages on word, so I think I did a good job! Hope you like it though!


Chapter 11: Confession

Simons POV


Sight… First day of school.. Actually it’s only my second year here at Durmstrang and I’m SICK of it. NO girls… I walk through the high doors that lead into the school, and the black room hit me in the face. Not that it’s dark or something, no, every floor, wall and roof in the entire castle are black. Some places you can see green snakes, they looked so venomous that if you’d touched it you’ll die. You wouldn’t DIE, but it looked like it could kill. Oh, and I love the place where Grindelwalds mark are scratched into the wall, if I went up one the stairs to the left I could see it. It shines with gold and red, actually it seems like it’s alive, many fear it.

I walk into the hall, and continue into a hallway to a dining room. It’s tables all around the room, with a long table at the other end, where the teachers sits.

“SIMON!” someone yell at me and I turn towards the sound, it’s my friend Liam. He motioned for me to sit at his table. I walk towards it and as I reach the table I could see he’d hold of a spot for me. I sit down at the right of him at the round table.

“How was your break dude?” Liam asks me.

“Boring! I’d live with my MUGGLE family, it’s like my mother’s fathers brothers sons family, and guess what? They haven’t heard of magic! I wanted SO bad to torture them or sometimes, but ‘students below a set age, are not allowed to do magic at home’ sucks! I don’t want to be expelled for Durmstang, because I don’t have a place to go if I do. MUGGLE SCHOOL? NO way!” i reply him with a lot of anger in my voice. The others began to laugh, even Liam that try to keep serious, laughed. 

“Muggle school?... no magic?” He manages to say while he’s laughing.

“GOD, I can’t breathe!” he countinues, still laughing his guts out. I hadn’t noticed, but the doors had closed while I’d talked. Now they flew up, and creating this HUGE DUNK/SLAM sound. Through the doors Professor Karkaroff enters, and a lot of first graders behind him. The last one in the line has long hair, and looks like a girl. He has breasts, and he’s thin. The eyes are blue, and he has girly face, even use black make-up around the eyes.

Karkaroff stopps in front of the teachers table, and turns towards the students.

“Welcome all! The teachers and I wish you all good luck this year. We have new teachers in the Black Arts, so please welcome Alecto and Amycus Carrow. They are former death eaters and just been waken up from the dead. They will teach you what you need to know and what kind of spells you need to learn to survive.

I will also remind you that IT’S NOT ALLOWED to tell anybody about what we teach you here, because most of it is illegal. Many of your parents already knows what we teach and they won’t ask, but to those who don’t know, you’ll have to lie!

First graders! I’ll yell up your names, what you hear you name, go over to a round table here in the front, and sit down. You don’t have to sit there forever, you can change spots as much as you want.” Karkaroff said. I remember last year when it was my time, I was yelled up last so there were only one seat left. I sat down at the seat, and here I am. I never moved. It’s like the tables decide who your  friends is.

“Dolohov, Snake” Karkaroff yells, and Snake sits down at a table.

“Goyle, Krax”

“Jugson, Lax”

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