Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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FIRST OF ALL! I just want to say thanks to everybody who read my story! I hope you like it!

I know there is MANY stories about Voldemort's Daughter, and here is another one. This story happends AFTER Lord Voldemort is killed by Harry Potter, and after the 7th book. So it may include SPOILERS!

I only read one of the Voldemort's Daughter stories, and thats a very good story but now quite how i would have the story. So this story is my own fantasy! I really hope you enjoy it!

The story will mostly be writen in Kathrines POV (point of view), but sometimes when the story say so, I will write in the persons POV.

AND, I do NOT own any Character in this story, except for Kathrine. Any other character is owned by J.K. Rowling! Even the last name to Kathrine is Rowling's work!

In this part there is also some new spells, never been used before. A explanation will come later in the story!


Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

Kathrines POV

"HEY YOU! STOP!" Igor and I stopped and turned around. We both froze. It was Harry Potter who screamed.

"No, No, No, this is not my plan! I can't be seen by Harry Potter!" I thought, so I took a step back, so I faded into the shadows.

"Klasu onima" I whispered, and I got invisible.

Harry Potter had now reached Igor, and Harry had turned red by the sight him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? HAVEN'T I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY, DEATHEATER!" he screamed to Igor. I barely noticed that the people around them backed away, and now stood in a circle around them about 20 feet away.

"Mr. Potter, please. I..." said Igor, before Harry cut him off "Oh, spear me Igor. Okey, you have changed, I've heard that several times, but I still want let you in here! Not into the Diagon Alley, WHERE THE SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE SHOOPING!" He screamed the last part, but I could see his temper got down a bit.

"Harry! Come here!" I heard someone scream. I looked in that direction the voice came from, and saw a red headed woman, with three small children.

"Just wait a second, Ginny" Harry replied.

"So, that is Ginny," I thought, when I studied Ginny, I could see the connection to the Weasley family I've seen on some photos my father showed me.

When I looked closer at her, I could see that she held hands with some kids, her children?

I whispered "Eklamonto," and got into her brain.

"We need to get away with the children, what if something bad will happen?" she thought, before she screamed "HARRY, NOW!" Her thoughts yelled so loud, that I jumped on my spot and ran out of her mind.

"God, I need to train on that stuff" I thought. Ginny turned round, and walked away. Harry noticed, and saw after her.

"Ginny, please wait?" he whispered, before he turned to Igor again. "What ARE you HERE for?" He half talked, half screamed.

"I'm taking my cousin's daughter out for shopping," Igor tried to smile at Harry, but the smile failed and looked like a grimace.

"And where is she?" Harry asked, with a laugh in his voice.

"She's right here," he pointed, over his shoulder, at me, but I had faded into the shadows a long time ago so there stood nobody there.

"Where? Is she a ghost?" Harry laughed now. Igor turned and that "smile" of his faded. His eyes searched through the shadows. I could tell he didn't see me since his face looked terrified because I was gone, or he thought I was gone.

He slowly turned back at Harry Potter and said, "She was here a minute ago, when you yelled at me. I have to find her, or I'll be killed! I'm serious! Mr. Potter, please help me." Harry laughed at Igor, and went towards him, when he was close enough to Igor, Harry laid his hand on Igor's shoulder and turned. They disappeared. I was alone in the Diagon Alley.

I was ALONE!


Harry's POV

"Why was he here? Igor? He promised me, he'll never set his foot in The Diagon Alley ever again," I thought. "And what was it about this girl?"


I saw Ginny turn round and walk away from me, I felt heartbroken.

"Ginny, please wait?" I whispered, she didn't listen to me, just walked away with the children. How I wished I could read her mind, tell her exactly what she wanted to hear.

I turned so I faced Igor again, "What ARE you HERE for?" I couldn't help it, I half said and half screamed the sentence. Igor looked scared, was there something happening at this very moment?

"I'm taking my cousin's daughter out for shopping" he said, still scared. He gave me a grimace, that looked like he's going to blow the hole street up, I had to remove him and his "cousin's daughter". He looked so funny, when he was scared.

"And where is she?" I asked, almost laughing. I couldn't see any girl around that doesn't belong to anyone else.

"She's right here," Igor pointed over his shoulder, into the dark behind him. Was he kidding with me? There's nobody there.

"Where? Is she a ghost?" I laughed at him know. Igor turned around, and suddenly his whole body dropped some inches. He turned back at me, looking really terrified.

"She was here a minute ago, when you yelled at me. I have to find her, or I'll be killed! I'm serious! Mr. Potter, please help me," he said. I started to laugh at him, before I went towards him. When I stood just in front of Igor, I laid my hand on his shoulder and turned.

I could feel the darkness push on me, trying to get inside my body. I couldn't breathe, why did it have to be so hard? Suddenly I felt the ground under my feet, and I started to breathe again. Igor hadn't expected this, so he was a little confused, and I had to hold him so he wouldn't fall.

"Now, you're home, and stay there until the school begins. If you ever show yourself again in the Digon Alley without any good reason, I will send you to Azkaban," I said to him slowly, since he was still a little dizzy. Then I turned around on the spot, and disappeared.

-------------End of Flashback ---------------

What did he mean about the girl? Could he actually be right? That he was here with someone? He looked really scared, like he had lost someone important. I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I went back to the exact spot I'd meet Igor at the beginning.

The Diagon Alley was almost empty, everybody who stood and watched some minutes ago had left. I turned against the shadows, and... Hey... Was there anybody there? I could almost swear it was someone there.

I started to walk into the shadows, and suddenly I fell. I had walked right into something or someone. I could see someone there, but it was so dark so I couldn't see who.

"Hey, are you okey?" I asked the person. I got no answer, all I could see before everything went black, was a green light.


What just happend with Harry? Did you like his POV? Shall i write in more persons POV?

Komment, fan, or vote? :D I would love it ^^ Please tell me what you think about the story!

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